Flowerhorn grading and types.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I see. Yeah, I also like the full pearls. This fish is not mine. I just want to compare it with mine previously. Haha. What is gred S means bro? Erm, it's hard to enter a competition here at my place. Lol.
With the letters comes a grading system for flowerhorns and other fish species. When it comes to flowerhorn the grades go as follows, F. D. C. B. A. AA. AAA. S. The plus or minus just gives a more accurate grading amongst the grades themselves. A minus being closer to the previous grade or a plus being closer to the next grade. When it comes to competitions in America ya atleast want to be in A rank on up. In Land, China and Japan ya want to be atleast AAA on up as they are for more strict on their competitions. A S rank FH is one that is perfect in every regards for it's specie while the further down the list ya go the less perfect the fish is. Here's a couple of pics to show what I mean.
The top one is 2 FH's that would be considered D grade if not lower due to them having more of the trimac Gene's showing and virtually no kok/pearls. The bottom pic it one that would be considered a A+ if not AA- due it having near perfect traits but still some minor flaws when it comes to a "perfect" red dragon.


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Wow what a details explanation bro. Love it. I see. So, ermm what size FH usually ready for the competition bro? and do you have the example of S grade picture? Tqvm.
Wow what a details explanation bro. Love it. I see. So, ermm what size FH usually ready for the competition bro? and do you have the example of S grade picture? Tqvm.
Once they are near max size is when they are ready, they don't like seeing small guys lol. And I couldn't find a true S rank but this was the closest one I could find, I'd grade him at a AA rank atleast for how good looking he is. With red dragons pearling isn't too important for grading but that's where this guy is lacking otherwise he is near perfect, that and he's got the slight upwards curve to his flowerline. This guy would be a champion around here.

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Wow, thanks bro. Appreciate it a lot. Will ask more questions from the expert like you later on. Have a wonderful day ?
Lol wouldn't call myself an expert but thanks for the compliment anyways. If anything I'd consider myself an aficionado. I just really love FH's and hope to enter into a competition myself at some point. But anyways you have a wonderful day as well.
I picked him up on Saturday. Thought and still think it's a classic Kamfa. But maybe it's a Jin Kang... either way I like him a lot. Pictures are mine not breeders, no filter used.




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