Parachromis project (RTM)


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Confirmed count at 7, with 5 doing very well with eating and coming out and 2 that like to hide and not the best feeders. Expect to lose those two but maybe they will come around.

This was not really a planned project but more of a fill an empty tank for a few months kind of deal. Will be fun none the less.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Looking at the 75 with these tiny fish, it looks empty, lol
I noticed a few of these little guys are very susceptible to bloat. Saw one with a very over inflated looking belly and then it died the next day. So down to 6 of the RTM. Out of these 2 also look bloated. Bulging bellies and they are just sitting on the bottom. The other 4 are much more active, eat well but not bloating out. I have been using the Hikari Micro Pellets on them and it is the perfect sized food for them. They really are not overeating but a few seem sensitive to bloat.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Well the body count rises to the bloat and I lost a couple more. These ones get big bellies like they are going to pop and then get lethargic and just sit at the bottom breathing heavy and then they are dead soon after. I have 4 RTM left and of those one more looks to be one of the bloat prone. The healthy ones that look to be growing and acting normal are a little trio. Im sure aggression will eventually bring the number down to just one... very weird with the bloating deaths. I didn’t even see these fish eat, let alone to a popping looking stage.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Damn this sucks
Yeah, they are dropping like flies. It really bothers me because they are not a difficult fish to raise. The goal is to at least get a nice male out of it and so far the dominant fish is likely that. If it all fails my buddy still has a breeding pair that just laid again. But I dont want to have to start all over.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Looks like its down to 3 RTM’s now. These eat well and appear healthy. Cant believe I lost 6 with bloated tummies.

My buddy just had his pair lay again so more will be available soon... hopefully wont need them.
He sent a pic of Momma with fry. The females are so colorful, Like I’ve said, its going to be a tough choice to keep a male or female.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
update on the RTM’s

Three survivors and they are all doing well and growing at different rates. I will assume at this point the one that is twice as big as the others is a dominant male developing but I could be wrong. lol

With fishroom changes I temporarily moved the fish in my community tank with tetras and angels. They are just starting to get enough size on them that they are becoming trouble so they are getting moved tomorrow... into new home. Decided to change out their 75 to a 90 like I did for the Trimac.

Tank is filled, heater set and getting cycle going with SeaChem stability. I have to add a bit more gravel to the tank and then move the little RTM back to their own tank.