The black sharks attack and kill catfish by biting their backs. If you look closely into the photo of all 3 catfish in the 100 gallon tank, you can see their backs are heavily damaged. With 2 fish attacking Miss Pac-Man, she did not survive the move. This was a real loss to me, she was full of eggs and I am certain I now only have 2 males.
The catfish had to stay in the 100 gallon tank inside my trailer for nearly 24 hours while I had issues with the larger tank. I had to drop the pump and heater along with the inline cannister filters about 36 inches to make them work. A pressure issue with the heater it turns out.
To do this I had 2 FX6 filters running on the 100 gallon tank. I transfered the other 2 FX6 filters to the new setup, along with all the wet rocks, pots, bio balls... brought both tanks to the same temp (one was falling in temp, one was rising) then transfered them over without a glitch.
The black shark was moved at the same time. He is approximately 12 to 13 inches long... I placed him into the 100 gallon filter tank above the 1000 gallon tank below.
On the second morning I woke up to that shark being in the lower tank attacking Pac-Man AGAIN!
I stripped down to my birthday suit and netted the black shark out of the tank and once again placed him back into the 100 gallon. But... the damage has been done. Not sure if Pac-Man is going to make it now...
I have used 2x the amount of Stress Coat and I have plenty of air being mixed into the tank.
We will see... as of today, both catfish have eaten and are just hanging out at the bottom of the tank as usual.
That black shark had jumped out, made a lucky shot and had landed in the lower tank. Upper tank now has extra OSB sheeting to keep that A hole in...