More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
All the diversity with the hrp fry is fun to see. Harlequin and Blackbeard are especially nice

Mica is showing out beautifully now as well and her colors are intensifying. I'll see if I can get a good pic of her up close. Their mother Speck is developing a yellow top fin! Totally unexpected. Hopefully I can snag an image of her too.
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Small news, nothing crazy.

Now that Brick is 'maturing' he's turning into a big red lump. Swims some then plops down into his pit. He's arranged stones everywhere including a couple of boulders (They were supposed to keep him from ramming stuff but he moves those anyway). Just puts his head down and shoves them against the glass. So he's got a nice wall of cratered out sand framed by rock he peeps over and can keep an eye on things while having privacy. He also arranges plants as a partition wall. Doesn't play with his ball as much but he does seem more active at night before the tank goes dark. Only gets pats and tickles rarely now. He still rises up to say 'hi' but then goes right back to his pit. He also has a grumpy mode that's hard to predict.

Bella, an hrp daughter out of Pip/Mongo shares the 225 with her huge brothers and mother. Bella is unique because she's one of the few females that's a complete combination of both parents. She has her mother's stripes but her father's long body shape. No spangles, no red belly. She looks like a tiger arrow. Pretty much all of her sisters/female cousins with stripes have oval shape, red belly and spangles. She's also got good size on her, around 3 1/2".

Seems as though she wants to run the family but Pip ain't having it. Bella tried to set up in a log Pip selected. A brief skirmish then Bella went flying across the tank. So much for that. Interestingly enough Pip has changed her tank location after 2 years. She's no longer sharing space with son Hulk. Now she's on the opposite side sharing an area with another monster son Tank. Something happened, I just don't know what. The log that was Pip's apartment has been taken over by Red rainbow Salt.

I've ordered green sand for Jazz (acara) tank. It's a deep color that should simulate algae/moss. Had to get another wood plank for base support because the shelves I planned to use are just a little too close for comfort covering the metal frame on the stand. About 1/8" each side to spare. Salt and two of the female hrps will go into the tank with her. Can't wait to set it up.

In the 125 there's an unofficial battle for the hrp queenship. Blaze and her younger cousin Harlequin have been squaring off! Slade, who has fry with them both is caught in the middle. It's funny asf...he chases Harlequin into the log and she pops right back out. She refuses to stay in there. He presses her near one of the caves near the fry and she circles around avoiding him. Harlequin reminds me of a teen mother for sure. She'll protect the fry but still wants her space.

The current queen Blaze has boldly set up in a log near Harlequin's crew. She ain't going anywhere. Interesting Slade will share a log with Blaze but not with Harlequin. With Harlequin he stands guard over their area or goes into the much larger sponge cave. Not sure how many fry Harlequin has but it's not a lot.
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Here's Bella, one of Pip and Mongo's oldest daughters (G2). Unlike most of her sisters and female cousins she has the elongated arrow shape of her father. No belly spangles or red blotch. Stripes are high contrast. She's got good size rivalling her sister Speck. Recently had a failed attempt to take her mother's (Pip) log. She's about 3 1/2".

Forgot to add this family pic of Mica! She's a sister to the other quad color hrps Ace, Neet, Harlequin and others. Daughter of Speck/slade and granddaughter of Pip/Mongo. Mello, a pink marble is the father and sibling. He's separated from this group.

Mica and Crew.jpg
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After being a grumpy lump for 2 weeks, Brick is now playful again, bouncing his ball and coming up for tickles. This fish is all over the place...first this, then that. If Brick were a mood ring he'd be a flashing rainbow.

So I put a plant right in the middle of his pit just to see what he'd do. He circled it (well, kinda. turned on his side is more like it) He immediately grabbed the plant and dragged it to the front. Then he grabbed another one to make a fence blocking my view. Then he arranged them carefully making a green overhang. It actually looks pretty good but I got the hint.

Time for bp Tango to go on a diet again. Let's just say the bottom is dropping out. It's plain weird the way that fish will pack on weight off and on. The stinker bit me yesterday when I was fixing the filter.

I called Petco last week about a donation but the timing was off. Guy I spoke to said they didn't have room (he sounded uptight, don't know why). Asked me how many did I have to donate. Told him 25 to 30ish. For whatever reason he sounded panicked (like why?) After I explained about the HRPs, he said "Do you have Convicts?"

I told him no, but redpoints are related to convicts. Anyway long story short they said they normally get shipments in the middle of the week. So I'll call them again to see if the inventory is low.
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If I gave my Oscar a ball and plant he’d destroy both
I had a big fake plant which he pulled the branches off and destroyed
I have 3 fake plants and he somehow managed to remove the plant out of the base… it was glued