I spent decades in the trades, working on remote construction projects in the north country; fluency in profanity was a requirement of the job, and I can definitely carry my side of a conversation like that...but it's not appropriate here....On some forums, two or three 4-letter words from either would have been plenty of response, that I could just read & quickly get along to business.
But you fellows have to drag it on and on, with poetry and prose, yet only beating a dead fish.
Anyhow I skipped over most of that toxic drivel between you wordy commonwealth fellows, because I wanted to gripe about the Olympics more.
I'm not boycotting the Olympics, but I have never understood the appeal of watching someone else partake in a sport that I enjoy. Participation is wonderful; watching it on TV? Not so much.
If it's a sport that I don't or didn't ever play myself...even less reason to watch.
But this whole gender thing in sports is making it even less appealing. Until recently, the undeniable physical differences between males and females demanded that in most sports, the two genders competed in separate categories. Simple. Today, however with the ever-increasing number of genders that are apparently recognized as valid, along with all the subtle intergrades and variations and combinations, it's no longer simple; in fact, it's bewildering.
Add to that the fact that whenever there is competition, there will be people who will insist upon bending the rules to the breaking point...and there will be people who cheat...and there will be people who insist that the rules are too old-fashioned and must be changed...and it all adds up to a world in which the purity of sporting competition is a thing of the past. The essence of Olympic competition no longer exists.
Guys boxing with girls? Guys boxing with other guys who have become girls? Guys boxing with girls who have now become guys? Girls transforming themselves into guys, but still calling themselves girls, just so they can have a competitive edge?
Is there an event now in which the goal is to come up with the largest number of personal pronouns? Sorry, I already speak and understand English; I'm not going to re-learn the new version of it just because he or she has decided that they need a whole new set of words just for themselves.
Long story short: in the past I just didn't care. Now, especially after reading about some of these gender-manipulating hijinks and hoodwinks and transformations and whatnot...I actively dislike even hearing about the Olympics.
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