Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
I guess I should’ve left out the word California and that would’ve made it less political.

There is a second edge to a sword. These folks decided to cut out a time slot for folks with tender psyches. Nice thought.

Then they advertise it BOLDLY to all the freaks who will show up to take advantage of those tender psyches.

Bonehead move.

It’s really difficult to do good in this world. Really really difficult, because there is always an issue somewhere that folks aren’t gonna consider. Sometimes they aren’t trivial either.

I’m not talking about myself of course. I’m an unrepentant heathen. Or, That’s what my mother would tell you if she was still alive.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
I guess I should’ve left out the word California and that would’ve made it less political.

There is a second edge to a sword. These folks decided to cut out a time slot for folks with tender psyches. Nice thought.

Then they advertise it BOLDLY to all the freaks who will show up to take advantage of those tender psyches.

Bonehead move.

It’s really difficult to do good in this world. Really really difficult, because there is always an issue somewhere that folks aren’t gonna consider. Sometimes they aren’t trivial either.

I’m not talking about myself of course. I’m an unrepentant heathen. Or, That’s what my mother would tell you if she was still alive.
krichardson said:
View attachment 1546535
A Tranz Woman, you mean?
With ”personal pronouns”?
And a day-old beard?

Yeah I saw that. The girl was stunned every time he hit her.

it was like watching my teenaged buddies turn jackrabbits into hamburger with shotguns, for coyote bait.

After the horrific ceremonies it was clearly destined to be a strange games.

Personally, I wanted to see a 26 mile skateboard marathon, giant cone slalom, and 85mph+ downhill speed trials. Instead, we will see trick riding, with points judging like figure skating.

Imagine if the Tour de France guys decided, instead of racing, they would just hang around in the parking lot and do tricks with their bicycles?

[QUOTE =krichardson]
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MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
I hope we never need to fight another war. Evidently, many modern Californians can’t even deal with the rigors snd deprivations of a supermarket.
View attachment 1546394
I always thought this was ridiculous until i spoke to a woman at work with an autistic kid, apparently it makes things much much easier when she goes shopping so i guess it fulfils its purpose.

....anybody following the Olympics? I heard they let a man beat up a woman in a boxing match....
I always get into the olympics, i like to see the sports you dont normally get to watch like high diving and pole vaulting and such things. Sports i would never consider doing myself to be honest. I was watching the triathlon and thought it was boring but a final sprint brought victory to the english and then the canadian crossed the line and vomited right in front of the camera which i found funnier than i should have. Its a level of perseverence i will never know where these guys can run until they are half dead and keep going but as soon as they cross the line they drop like a stone. Its like some switch in their brain they can keep control of until they finish then it flicks over and turns them off.
Last night there was another boxing controversy where an italian woman quit as her opponent was apparently too masculine and had failed some kind of gender test in a previous event, Turns out she isnt trans just has extremely high testosterone so its all a bit weird, i try to just enjoy the spectacle but these controversies pop up more and more and overshadow all the good stuff that they should be concentrating on.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
victory to the english and then the canadian crossed the line and vomited right in front of the camera
I think this sums up the difference between us English hard nuts and those Canuckistanian wussies very nicely, lol.

Joking aside though I prefer sports with a bit of substance to them myself. The endurance sports such as marathons, ultra marathons, triathlons and, being a cyclist, the ultimate sporting challenge imo, the Tour de France, three full weeks of hell for the competitors.

All that training goes into something worthwhile so to speak, unlike the 60 or 100 metre sprints where all that training literally goes into a few seconds of work!


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
I think this sums up the difference between us English hard nuts and those Canuckistanian wussies very nicely, lol.
Esox, do you seriously think that I will take that clumsily-presented bait? :)

You are heaving a rubber frog into the lilypads, expecting the irrepressible bass to unhesitatingly engulf the thing and then go leaping and thrashing madly about, inciting oohs and aaahs and laughter.

If you expect to hook will need the finesse of a dry fly angler, presenting a perfectly-tied nymph or emergent or spinner with delicate precision at the end of a long and graceful cast...drifting it past my lair and catching me unawares. The strike will be subtle...

Good luck! :thumbsup:


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Esox, do you seriously think that I will take that clumsily-presented bait? :)
Well, taking into account that you replied to my clumsily presented bait, I'd say you're an easy catch!!! Lol.

It went exactly as I planned, and I've got a squirming Canuckistanian in my net, lol.

My only niggling doubt was that you'd ignore it completely, not bite at all, and leave me high and dry.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
I'll continue the fishing analogy, although your grasp of it seems a bit tenuous. :)

There was no "bite", and your net remains empty. What you got from me was the equivalent of a "follow" from a Muskie, one of the most lordly of freshwater gamefish. They are renowned for approaching the boat, tight behind your retrieved lure, and then stopping a foot away and just looking at you with a withering glare. The excited angler then employs the "Figure-8" technique, plunging the rod tip into the water and swirling the bait around frantically in front of the taciturn fish, hoping to elicit a strike.

Occasionally, it works; the fish gets sufficiently peeved to strike the offensive little shiny thing flashing around right in its face. But usually...the fish looks at you as if to say "What is wrong with you, you dumb s**t? Do you really expect that to work???" It hangs there for a few seconds or a couple minutes, and it feels like you are standing in the middle of an empty street in Tokyo with Godzilla staring down at you. Then the fish gives a shrug and a snort...and it takes a keen perception to understand that!...before slowly turning and sinking into the gloom, never to be seen again.

It's cool; it's one of few examples of "partial success" to be had in a sport where it's typically black/white, yes/no, up/ either catch the fish, or you don't, no in-betweens. It's a tiny step towards actual success, but there was no strike, no bite, no reward other than a fleeting memory. The fish has barely deigned to acknowledge your existence, and he's made it clear that he considers you an inferior creature rather than a worthy opponent.

You, sir...have just experienced a follow. :) It's much worse than high and dry; you're damp and soggy. :ROFL:


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Ok then, maybe your not in my net, just yet, but in blighty I think we'd call it a double nibble now. Considering my fishing skills I'll take that, lol.
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MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
And these guys ding me for my politics?

Oh Lordy! Step away from the thesaurus!

On some forums, two or three 4-letter words from either would have been plenty of response, that I could just read & quickly get along to business.

But you fellows have to drag it on and on, with poetry and prose, yet only beating a dead fish.

Anyhow I skipped over most of that toxic drivel between you wordy commonwealth fellows, because I wanted to gripe about the Olympics more.

Yet the sad truth is that I have not been watching it.

I am sort of boycotting because of the stuff where they let men beat the **** out of women, and the fact that I almost destroyed my legs training for the skateboard marathon, and those bastoids won’t even have a skateboard marathon.

They do rail riding, jumping, and kick flipping: in the angry childhood sport of destroying your sports equipment for self-indulgent fun.

I want to see a real skateboard race. A time trial, a top speed trial, a marathon, a dash, the slaloms, or all of the above.

Events where you have clear winners and losers. Competitions of style like the half pipe or the rail grind can sometimes have clear winners and losers.

Maybe they shouldn’t actually eliminate such, but I want to see racing!
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