Has your sweet innocent fish sank it's teeth into you, post fisg bite pics here


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
Nope, not for me, read way too many posts from you and other members here, so I’m always cautious. But I swear, my little midas tries its best to suddenly dart out of its cave and get its fins on my hands! So far, I’ve been lucky—or just a chicken!

pacu mom

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2006
northern CA
I don't have a picture. But one time, I got on a step ladder to stick my hand in the tank to pet my fish who would push each other out of the way for petting. I was waggling my fingers in front of one of my fish, when he suddenly chomped down on my finger. Can't blame him...he thought I wanted to shake hands, and not having hands, he did the next best thing and used his mouth......The bite wound bled profusely. I was undergoing chemotherapy at the time, and the next time I saw my oncologist, I casually mentioned my fish had bit me. He was appalled and stated that fish carry a lot of pathogens...that they don't allow even small fish tanks in the in-patient chemotherapy area. I never again stuck my hand in the tank (even to clean) until I completed chemo. I bet I am the only person with "patient was bitten by her fish" in their medical records.


MFK Member
Jul 18, 2022
I don't have a picture of any of my scapes, but about 30 years ago I had a pair of jaguar cichlids that would chase my hands out of the tank mercilessly. If there were eggs or fry in the tank they'd even jump out to chase me further. I had to use a distractor to divert their attention while siphoning to remove waste. I found that waving an 18" wooden ruler around in the tank could get their attention, but every few seconds I'd have to let go of my hose and get my hands out of the water. One day, the female jumped so far out of the tank that she landed in the 5 gal bucket of water that I was changing! At that moment I said OK, you win, you get to spend the night in the bucket and tomorrow I'm giving both of you away. They were an awesome pair of fish but it was just too much work to perform routine maintenance on the tank. I kept her/them warm overnight and then donated them to a LFS the next day.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Yes, but at the time I didn’t think I needed to make a photo record of the incident. I was probably too busy cursing at the Mofo that bit me. Lol. After that I bought a pair of pond gloves to wear.


MFK Member
Aug 8, 2017
Plenty of times over the years, not something I took pictures of. Had a group of Dovii where the Male would bite anything entering the tank so I had the idea of making a fist and pushing him away a bit hoping to instil a healthy level of wariness only for the male to then grab hold of a couple knuckles and tear away. Most things have likely bitten me throughout my time keeping aquariums. Only a few spring to mind such as a large West African lungfish deciding to vacuum my fingers and more into its mouth when I was cleaning the back pane, I was surprised at the force generated which quickly straightened my fingers out. I owned a Wyckii for around six years that loved nothing more than destroying anything within the aquarium including any pipework or equipment it got me quite frequently. I once had a redtail decide to try and swallow a heater, I panicked and got hold of the heater which shocked me because she had broken the glass (I was fine but she wasn't). A trio of silver arowana relished the chance to leap up and give me a quick nip when I was forced to keep fixing the fake plants I'd draped above and over their aquarium, the large female also went for elbows if they broke the surface of the water.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
No picture, but my Oscar Brick got my forearm like a ham sandwich once when I moved his rock. Those back teeth gave me some serious welts. Felt like someone put a monkey wrench on my arm and twisted. Hurt like crazy. Skin was raw for days.
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