75 gallon

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. OscarDaddy69

    tank mate for oscar in 75g

    I have an oscar who is a year old in a 75 gallon. I am thinking of getting another fish in the tank, any advice of which fish get a long well with the oscar? There are no other fish in the tank currently
  2. T

    Bichir and lesser spiny eel

    So for some background info, its a 75 gallon heavily planted tank with lots of caves and driftwood hiding places, I've had a lesser spiny eel in there for several months and its gotten along with all the other tank mates just fine, I put a senegal bichir in just last night and the eel will not...
  3. Dennis Kraemer

    What Could I put in my tank???

    Hey guys I have had this tank for awhile and it is kind of a grow out tank for my bullhead. I have one yellow lab Cichlid and two albino bristle nose Plecos. Are there any schooling fish that I can add?
  4. Lars6

    Stocking a 75 gallon tank

    I was wondering if these fish could go together in a 75 gallon planted community. - Rainbowfish -congo tetras - angelfish -Denison barbs I feel like it could have its issues when it comes to feeding time due to how slow angels are. Suggestions?
  5. xDestro

    Switching to community stock?

    As of right now I have in a 75 9" syno Notatus 5" syno decorus 5" Senegal 8" delhezi 5" eb acara 2" Bush fish I absolutely love my bichirs and synos but Iv been getting an itch for a community tank. My stock in mind was .. 15-20 Roseline's sharks 10 clown loaches or corys Group of glass...
  6. SolidSnek

    Predatory Fish for a 75 G?

    The Title says it any ideas, Tips, Average Price, Hardiness and Size Anything Does Catfish, Wolf fish, Bichir and Pretty much Anything that can be kept in a 75 Gallon [Id Rather have a Big fish than 10 Small Ones] [I currently don't own an Aquarium of this size but i am asking since i'm...
  7. xDestro

    Enough lighting?

    I just ordered some Anubis and Java fern so I can start attacking it to my driftwood to add a "planted tank" look to my 75. As of now I just have a marineland led strip... I know this is not ideal at all but for these plants is it enough? I leave it on for about 11-12 hours a day... BUT I have a...
  8. D

    Help w/ Perruno/Leiarius

    So friends, I had a Leiarius longbarbis that was sold to me as a Perruno Cat (still havent counted dorsal fins) as a juvenile. Soon after doing my homework shortly after purchasing it I had realized I bought a monster and within a month or 2 I had rehomed him back at the LFS where they have put...
  9. J

    largemouth bass tank mates

    Hey guy/gals i have a 75 gallon tank with 2 3" LGM Bass a 2"bluegill and a 3" bullhead. Im looking to get some some more fish to put in the tank with them i have Oscars, Bala sharks, and other cats i'm mind I have space for very large fish in a heated pond outside so. SUGGESTIONS?
  10. T

    African Cichlid Babies 20 Gallon Tank

    I currently have a 20 gallon tank with a demasoni, yellow lab, tropheus duboisi, and bumblebee in it. All fish are juvies and I wanted to know how many I can keep in this tank. I will be upgrading to a 75 gallon, since this 20 gallon was free, but not for 6 months or so. Can I keep 8-10 babies...
  11. xDestro

    Will this stock work in a 75?

    Since pet smart isn't having any Sales on 125 gallons I want to redo my 75.. Mainly the stock. Stock I'll keep: • 9" syno Notatus • 7"-8" delhezi • 4"-6" Senegal • 4"-5" eb acara • maybe 3" leaf fish Stock I want to add: • palmas palmas • retropinnus •Moke? IDK size on these guys so any info...
  12. A

    Nicaragua/Costa Rica Biotope Stocking Questions

    Hello! I'm just getting back into the hobby after being down to one single fish for the past 7 years or so and I'm setting up a 75 gallon tank. I have settled on doing a biotope aquarium of either Nicaragua or Costa Rican fishes (most of the fish I'm considering exist in both countries. I...
  13. Mbielek

    Is my Green Terror male or female?

    Been reading up on the differences between male and female green terrors, but I am still uncertain on which one I may have. Here are some pics to help out, please comment back and give me some pointers on what to look for when determining the sex if this cichlid. I'm very curious because I now...
  14. xDestro

    Geo and bush be okay with bichir?

    I have a leopard bush fish and a geophagus braziliasus that are prob close to 2 inches in a 20 long to grow out. I would like to put then in a 75 so I can start to redo the 20. My main concern is my 7-8 inch delhezi, iv never seen him be aggressive but that doesn't mean he wont. I also have a 6...
  15. RicoTheRedDevil

    75 gal tank setup help

    Hi everyone, first off I'm new to MFK but I have a Red Devil named Rico. He's about 6-7 inches right now and I have him in a 75 gallon tank by himself. I'm just looking for tips and ideas to help me better my tank. Filtration: I have an AC110 with everything that came with it. Please tell me if...
  16. xDestro

    Dwarf giraffe catfish question

    I ordered a dwarf giraffe catfish from WetSpot tropicals!! Super excited when I saw it up for sale, I even lowered my stock and changed my tank around to soot him better. My question is I have a maybe 4 inch zig zag eel in the tank, he's always out and never really hiding so could he become...
  17. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...
  18. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...
  19. Mbielek

    75 gal cichlid community tank update!!!

    Hello all! So after battling an algae bloom, and finally returning water to normal condition, I have taken some updated pics!! Let me know what you guys think. Tank contains 2 blood parrots, 1 green terror, 3 silver dollars and one pleco.
  20. xDestro

    Canister = sump?

    Hooked up my fx4 on my 75 today and noticed my water level dropped quiet a bit. So if I were to have a fx4 on like a 20 gallon would that basically be a sump? On another topic can anyone recommend me a canister filter for a 20 gallon long? Stock will he f8 puffer and bumblebee gobies.