75 gallon

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Sizzy905

    Delhezi bichir eat Convict cichlid?

    I have a 3.5-4 inch con right now and I have my eye on a 12 inch delhezi bichir? does the con have any chance or should i forget about the bichir? any experience with these two fish? tank is 75 gallons. the convict is all i have right now.
  2. Sizzy905

    Filtration for one Oscar

    I have a new 75 gallon tank. It's already cycled and is running an aquaclear 110. Is that filtration enough for just one full grown Oscar? And maybe (that's a big maybe) just one other cichlid that can go with an Oscar. I've seen in a lot of posts people suggest keeping a lot more filtration but...
  3. Sizzy905

    Need help stocking please!

    So I just bought a brand new 75 gallon tank. I'm using an Aqueon Quiet Flow 55/75 filter. I'm planning on having one Senegal Bichir, one Green Terror, and a group of medium sized schooling fish say 4-5 inches, that will go well with the aggression of a Green Terror. So my question is, will the...