75 gallon

  1. xDestro

    Butterflyfish flew away

    Came home and noticed my african butterflyfish was nowhere to be found until I looked down and say him all dried up :( definitely a crappy loss cuz iv had him a while and he ate flake food, so would u guys recommend any other replacement? Any other fish that stay towards the top, can't be to big...
  2. xDestro

    Synodontis vs eel?

    Woke up this morning to my 6 inch bichir trying to eat my baby banjo cat. He's already eating my clown loach so I was pretty pissed, cat was okay so I went and took him back to LFS, there I saw synodontis notatus. He was big ( maybe 7-8 inches) and active. Long story short I got him! ( like to...
  3. xDestro

    More buchirs?

    Could I add a delhezi bichir in my 75 with my roughly 6 inch senegal? If so how big would I have to get a dehlezi for him to be safe? Current stock: • 1 6 inch senegal bichir • 1 4-5 inch zig zag eel • 2 synodontis • 1 banjo • african butterflyfish • 4 red ruby barbs ( prob getting rid of) •...
  4. xDestro


    I noticed a few days ago my zig zag eel had a bit of discoloration on him, then today I did a water change and noticed 1 of my clown loaches and a few ruby red barbs have like very small bubble like thing throughout their body, is this ich? If so what is the best way to treat it and how...
  5. I

    Most aggressive?

    I'm looking for a fish with attitude and I'm thinking of setting up a green terror tank but I am still looking around. I was wondering if anyone has a different fish that is more prone to be aggressive but can still stay happy in a 75g or a 55 breeder.
  6. xDestro

    Fw eel help

    I got a peacock eel about a week ago and I haven't seen or been able to get it to eat, it just kinda chills behind the intake for my filter, today I did a water change and it seemed to stress it out a bit and it came out and I noticed it was pretty damn skinny, I feed sinking shrimp pellets and...
  7. xDestro

    First bichir! Few questions

    I finally got my first bichir! ( sorry he's hard to get a pic of ) he's only maybe 3 and a half inches and I got him yesterday, he's in a 75 with 5 pictus cats. I feed the cats tubefix worms and they go crazy for them but I never saw my bichir eat so what do they normally eat? I saw him eat a...
  8. xDestro

    Peacock and zig zag together?

    Iv had a few people tell me you can't keep more than 1 eel together, I'm planning g on getting a zig zag and a peacock for my 75 so will I run into problems? I have 2 large pieces of driftwood for plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate.
  9. xDestro

    Pictus with bichir?

    Got my 75 setup and will be getting a senegal bichir, a peacock eel and a zig zag eel soon. I want a larger schooling fish so I was thinking clown loaches but they will eventually outgrow the tank, bala sharks also came to mind but I'm not sure how fast they would outgrow the tank, then I came...
  10. xDestro

    Channel cat in 75?

    I have a 75 setup and I plan on getting 1 senegal bichir 1 peacock eel and 1 zig zag eel, I was gonna get a small school of clown loaches and just trade then out when they got big but my LFS had 2 roughly 6 inch channel cats. I do a lot of fishing and channels are what I love catching so could I...
  11. xDestro

    Shimming tank problem

    I got my 75 setup with 100lbs of sand, around 20 lbs of driftwood and filled it up and the water level is about a quarter inch difference from each side length wise, I spent 20 min banging shims in on the high side and it doesn't seem to be doing much, the shims are thick enough and I have...
  12. M

    I think its a Motoro, but the spots. ID please.

    Hello all, I have purchased this guy for $175 from a LFS, the storeowner couldnt tell me which kind of ray it is but said he has had him there for almost 2 weeks. I have had him now for 5 days, the ray is eating bloodworms and slivers of shrimp. The ray is only about 5 inches across, eats well...
  13. xDestro

    Shimming a tank level?

    I have my 75 in place where I want it but it's not level length wise, do I literally just stick your average wood shim to make it level? And sticking a shim on one end wouldn't that make the middle loose contact with the floor?
  14. xDestro

    Very course sand

    I want to go with a sandy bottom look in my 75 but don't sand that's very fine, any suggestions? Black would be my preferd color but it doesn't matter to much.
  15. xDestro

    75 semi aggressive tank stock ideas??

    I'll be picking up a standard 75 gallon tank stand and lid this weekend and I want to do more aggressive fish, I have a 55 community so now it's time to do the opposite. I really want a senegal bichir but I'm not sure what else could go with it? I also was thinking about sharks such as bala and...
  16. Sizzy905

    Single angelfish with 5 discus

    I currently have 5 juvenile angelfish. My tank is 75 gallon and I also have neons, some live bearers, and danios. I would like to grow the angelfish up and then sell a few and replace them with discus. My questions are •will I be okay putting a singer angelfish with a group of discus? •how...
  17. O

    How many SA in a 75 gallon?

    Aqadvisor is saying this tank is overstocked - do you agree or disagree? Stock is: 3 jewel cichlids 2 acaras 2 firemouths 2 blood parrots 1 blood red severum
  18. M

    75 Gallon Stand Plans?

    Hey guys, Looking to build out a new stand and canopy for my 75 Gallon. Need a new project to keep me busy so I figured I would upgrade from the stand I have. Just wanted to see if anyone had some good plans for a build and if anyone knew of some good ones that I could find online. Any help...
  19. gregkarr09

    Cincinnati Cichlids??

    Does anyone know of a good store around Cincinnati Ohio that sells, central and south american cichlids? I am in the market for a Red devil, Midevil, Green Terror...I can't find any stores around worth a S*%#! Also I am in the market for a 75 gal Tank with stand (fliter and extra's welcomed)...
  20. gregkarr09

    Flowerhorn in cincinnati?

    Anyone know where I can find quality flowerhorn's in the Cincinnati area? I know of bluegrass cichlids but they don't appear to be open or respond to emails and phone calls. If anyone knows of a place please let me know. I am also in the market for a 75 gal tank and stand set up, (filter and...