
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. D

    My first flowerhorn breeding.

    This is my first time breeding flowerhorns. Male blue thai silk and an unknown (wild?) Female that I purchased at a lfs. I will be removing the eggs to a separate tank tonight. What and when do I start feeding the fry? Thanks for the help
  2. Nilsafeller

    Your are NOT the father

    Feel like I need to bring my fish on Maury or something... I'll start off with asking my question before getting into a whole story so I dont bore people before they read everything lol! Has anyone ever had a tank with say 3 or more cichlids and ended up with a female laying eggs and...
  3. Justepic

    HELP! Salvini breeding and eggs have been lain.

    My 2 4 inch salvini have laid eggs on stones on the bottom of the aquarium, I don't know what to do! Can someone give me some tips on what to do, like freqeunt water changes or feeding frozen food. The real problem is that I have two similar size jack Dempsey's in the tank however they aren't...
  4. overdrive

    Well that explains a lot

    I couldn’t figure out why one of my electric blue Acara was hiding in the corner all the time, even though the two I bought were getting along so well (together and with the other fish) previously. Turns out there are little eggs laid all over the ornament she’s been hovering over the last few...
  5. K

    Flowerhorn Breeding

    Hello everyone, I currently have two flowerhorns, a male and a female. The male is about 5 inches and the female about 3.5. They were in two separate tanks for over 3 months, I recently added them in one tank with a divider, I took the divider out after 3 days and they were fine together for...
  6. RubyRuby234

    Oscars digging and breeding behavior

  7. RubyRuby234

    Oscars digging and breeding behavior

    I cleaned the tank and moved some things around. Well two fish that shall remain nameless were unhappy with my design and south to fix it! Sassy girls!!
  8. Rapaz

    Promoting Oscar breeding

    Thought this may be interesting to some. I purchased a peacock bass over the weekend and he is doing great. I added just a couple of feeders to distract the oscars of the new comer and to give the peacock some confidence. (I hardly ever give them feeders) I also warmed the water up from 75 to 80...
  9. huntery18

    how to tell when my jd pair

    hey guys i have four jack dempseys and they are about 3 and a half inches, recently they seem to all be on edge keeping up towards the center of the water column. one i can identify is definitely female the other 3 i can not tell, how do i know when a male has paired up with my female, i have...
  10. huntery18

    Breeding jack dempseys

    hey guess so i have 4 jack dempseys in my tank, i got these fish from a dealer close to me and im not sure on there age, hiow long do you think til they will pair up? im not sure the sex of three. one i can tell is a female the others i think are to young to tell, these pictures kinda suck so...
  11. ygwilliam

    Fish breeding rack

    So I’ve decided I want to start breeding fish for some profit so that I can make some money back from the hobby. I’m going to breed dwarf cichlids and I’m going to use a racking system all connected to one sump. In total the system without the sump is about 220 gallons. Would a 55 gallon sump be...
  12. Justepic

    Easiest cichlid to breed?

    I would like to start breeding cichlids and originally I was going to go for Jewels but just wanted to know- What is the easiest cichlid to breed (in your opinion) and also no fish that need more than 45 gallons
  13. Piscavores:)

    I want to Breed a feeder for bigger fish

    Im thinking convicts so is there anyone who has a better idea? And how can i get them to breed faster. Also if anyone live in Houston an has an excess of convicts I’ll be happy to take em.(btw i tried jewels and they all jus killed each other)
  14. A

    Green Terror Sexing and aggression problems

    Hello, I have recently ran into some issues with green terrors and aggression in the tank. I have a 55 gallon tank currently with all juvenile cichlids. -1x 2.5" Firemouth -2x 3" Green Terror (One slightly larger than other) -1x 2" Jack Dempsey -1x 2" Common Pleco The tank is decorated with...
  15. DanHOB

    Arowana mating dance video

    I have finally worked out how to share with everyone the beautiful mating dance of my amazing 24k golden full crossbacks. As some of you may know we have had these beauties since December, we have had 2 mating none of which have been successful unfortunately. We hope to have UK bred Aro’s at...
  16. M

    Do African and South american cichlids can cross breed?

    If the answer is no, please explain why not. Thanks!
  17. FishSwarm

    Help ID Chichlid females breeding with Z-Rock Yellow Blaze Lithobate?

    Hi all, my first post here. Can't wait to start getting involved with this great community. I have tons to talk about and experiences to share. So much to do and so little time while I setup my half basement fish room. This site has been extremely helpful for me on making decisions on steel...
  18. C

    Severums have laid eggs, what's next?

    I have a male green severum and a female gold spotted, they are alone in a 55gal and have been a mating pair since the first day they were in the tank. They have laid eggs twice now and have eaten them. Since they are alone in the tank I am not sure why they keep doing that. I first thought...
  19. F

    Potamotrygon scobina hybrid

    Do scobinas crossbreed with other ray species like black diamond or p14? Im searching like forever but i cant find anything...
  20. F

    Potamotrygon scobina hybrid

    Do scobinas crossbreed with other ray species like black diamond or p14? Im searching like forever but i cant find anything...