
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Nilsafeller

    Sexing jack dempsey

    Haveing a hsrd time sexing my jd... pointed fins like a male... about 8 inches length at 10 months of age but full gill plate of colour and more torpedo shapr like female... also my texas female flirts with the jack like crazy and turns black like she bout to lay eggs
  2. Nano Vanisher

    My lemon Ancistrus albino pleco pair birthed all black BN

    I thought breeding 2 lemon BN would give me at least some albinos but all I got were black some lighter but definitely not albino, didn't even get one to line breed. You have similar results or can this happen? Going to try a different male next time.
  3. RubyRuby234

    Ruby and Opal babies!

    So those of you who know my Oscars and those who don’t I have threads of them on my page with info. They are ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT 100 PERCENT displaying massive amounts of ongoing breeding behavior. This includes but isn’t limiting to knocking over my structures and cleaning them. I do not...
  4. Audaxcity

    Eartheater Sexual Maturity

    How old were your eartheaters when they started breeding? I heard for A. heckelii it takes 2-3 years. What about Geophagus? I know it depends on the species.
  5. Oz fish guy

    Jaguar breeding question

    Im thinkIing of separating my breeding pair of jags. If reintroduced will they auto pair or is it like trying to introduce a new fish again?
  6. K

    Trimac Cichlids from Rio Naranjo

    I have a beautiful female Trimac brought from COTA. She'a an F1 from Rio Naranja. She doesn't have the classic Trimac spot, If i put her with a male also from rio Naranja thats also doesn't have the classic Trimac spots will the fry also have no spots or will some of them have spots? Would like...
  7. Kiryoku

    Are My Discus Showing Pairing Behavior?

    I have 1 larger discus and 1 smaller discus (barely larger and smaller about the same). I rehomed a discus from my girlfriends house which is the larger one, I went out and bought another one at my LFS. Me and the shop owner took the time to try our best to pick out the opposite gender based on...
  8. Davidiator

    55 Gallon Breeding Tank

    I Am getting a 55 gallon aquarium and want to breed Cichlids. Could I breed Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids? I am thinking 1 male and 3 females with a group of Neon Tetras. Could this work. I hear that Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids are pretty social and easy to breed. Any comments would be appreciated also I...
  9. Oz fish guy

    When will dad eat his kids?

    So ive been wondering when will big daddy see his offspring a threat to his dominance? How long can i keep them in the same tank as the parents? Forever is the answer im looking for aha
  10. IFLAquatics


    So guys we tried to find a girlfriend or at least just a friend to make our male kribensis, Trips, happy or at least give him some company so we got a little kribensis for him because he used to get picked on. We got him a friend and named (her we found out) Tracks. Now when we put her in there...
  11. Oz fish guy

    Breeding monster fish down under

    Jaguars! These fish are as hostile as isis memebers. They will shread you just for fun. Please share your storys of these buggers with me. Have they drawn blood on you ?
  12. F

    Help venting

    Can I get a second opinion on what the sex is
  13. The Dave

    An amazing video about the Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

    The Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) is probably the easiest cichlid to maintain and breed. In fact, due to their small size ( 3-4 inches / 7.6 - 10 cm ), hardy, adaptable nature, and ease of breeding, this fish is probably the ideal cichlid for anyone that is taking their first steps into...
  14. A

    Unfertilized Eggs?

    My Husband has a pair of gold severums that laid eggs the other day. Three out of hundreds of eggs are white which I was told meant they were infertile. The other eggs are still a sort of orange color and look like they did when she laid them. Will the white eggs end up covered in fungus and...
  15. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Advice on breeding

    Anyone have some good tips on breeding geophagus tapajos’ red head ? I have a group of 4 juveniles, 1 male and 3 females. Looking to breed them as they mature
  16. Clown_knife_fish

    Info on Breeding Knife Fish (Clown)

    I've have owned 6 knife fish and always interest me, 3 being clowns and 3 being black ghost. I seen a old debate about breeding knife fish (clown) but was never really answered. That closest answer was breeding them in outdoor ponds. I was wondering if there any new updates or suggest. I also...
  17. DanHOB

    Arowana have bred!

    Won’t let me upload video but hope u can see the male is picking up the eggs in the pics, poor video quality but a successful attempt!! 24 golden cossbacks!
  18. GoldFinger

    Are my cichlids seriously breeding?

    Hey Guys/Gals, I recently added a male 9” Blue Texas Cichlid to my 305 gallon community tank. Immediately he started chasing everyone and then focused the next few days just on my female 5” Jack Dempsey. I have never seen her with such dark brilliant colour and she seems more at ease with him...
  19. Z

    Guppy breeding help

    I got some guppies for breeding last month as an extra project and so my red belly piranha can have a nice snack once in a while. I was wondering if anyone could estimate how close my guppies are to giving birth. I know to look for a boxy shape and a darker gravid spot, but this is my first time...
  20. Jexnell

    I sure can pick um'

    On Friday I went to The Wet Spot, since I now have a empty 29g. Not knowing for sure what I was going to get for it I looked around and found these two. They are around 1.5in for the bigger one 1.25in maybe for the smaller one. In store both were bright red. This pic was 3 hours after I got...