
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. raja

    Flowerhorn_male x Festae (red terror) _female

    Has anyone ever bred a good quality zz (red dragon) flowerhorn with festae(bright red colored one's) If so, how do the offsprings look? Post pictures as well. My friend is giving me a female festae, it's has crazy coloration and I'm planning on breeding it with my red dragon male, so any...
  2. Jexnell

    10 Days later

    So ten days ago, on a whim, I got a pair of convicts. I mentioned this pair in the Monster Convict thread. I got them from The Wet Spot. They had a colony of them in a big tank, with some other fish in there a couple JDs, a couple Oscars, a mayan cichlid all around 6in or so. So this male had...
  3. J

    Texas cichlid HELP

    I have 1 male and 1 female texas cichlid alone in a 4 foot tank and the male won't stop trying to kill the female . They are divided at the moment and no matter how long I wait ( they've been divided for months ) he still tries to kill her . The water parameters and temp are all perfect . What...
  4. P

    Advice On My Situation?

    Okay, so I've recently got ahold of 4 55G, 5 10G, a 40G and a 5G. I also have 14 1G each of which holding betta fish (They are fairly small, I know betta should be in at least a 2G)... Anyways, I spent $200 on the aquariums all together, along with each filter, lid, stand, etc. (Got a good...
  5. headlessblade

    Super kok red dragon flowerhorn breeding

    kok male and female flowerhorn cichlid
  6. The Dave

    Incredible surgery on a fish egg using 2 sewing needles !!!

    SURGERY ON A FISH EGG ! ( a tale of aquatic morality ) Hello, everyone I recently had a Golden Wonder Killifish that hatched from its egg, but failed to completely break free of the egg membrane. Its head was still stuck inside the egg, while only the tail was free! I found the fry about 24...
  7. The Dave

    The Golden Wonder Killifish. How to breed, how to feed, and everything you need.

    Hello everyone, if you have never seen one of my videos before, then you are in for a real treat! In this particular high definition video, you will see incredible close-up footage of the beautiful Golden Wonder Killifish mating and laying their eggs. Then, the video takes you through the...
  8. Night owl

    Breeding my angelfish

    I've have my angel fish for a while and they have laid eggs multiple time and was wondering how to have them breed so I may keep the fry
  9. B

    Green Severum after losing spawn

    Hello everyone, we are currently on our 2nd batch of green severum fry, last time we left them in the community tank and the severum lost them all to the ropefish we keep (most likely during the night) this time however we decided to setup a breeding tank, ive read that the fry are...
  10. F


    After looking into my 30 gallon cichlid tank as a daily inspection I discovered 13 teeny little babies swimming around inside a rock cave. I quickly panicked and began to put plexiglass in between the cave and the rest of the cichlids to prevent them from getting eaten. I definitely suspect...
  11. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Festivum breeding after a DAY in my tank?!?

    So yesterday I decided to create a SA community and brought the following X10 black widow tetras X5 Brazilian festivums X2 apistogramma wilhemi Immediately after adding the largest festivum (just under 4 inches) and a 3inch festivum paired off and became aggressive protecting a corner of the...
  12. headlessblade

    Red Texas x super red dragon

    They stopped fighting and started to prepare the tank for breeding :) . Red Texas x super red dragon flowerhorn Cichlids
  13. I

    Need experience!

    I want to get experience so I can breed red tiger motaguense. Before I drop 108$ to get them shipped in, what's a good, widely available, cichlid to get experience. Im not new to fish by any means and know a decent amount about community fish but I'm looking to get into central/south american...
  14. R

    Breeding Rosy Red Minnows

    A couple questions here... I am new to this yes, and have been on here and researching and searching the net (although have found more about breeding for feeding purposes and 'keeping you minnows & fry alive' for feeding purposes..yet I am wanting them only as they are the only...
  15. Night owl

    Breeding my bolivian rams

    I recently purchased a pair of bolivian rams and was wondering how I would go about getting them to breed
  16. S

    Rock Bass Laid Eggs. What Do I Do?

    Well i accidentally managed to breed rock bass in my 29 gallon tank. Before you rant that 29 gallons isn't enough for 2 rock bass i know that i had put my female rock bass in there as a temporary thing because my bigger tank hadn't arrived yet. Anyways i came home one day to a pile of fertilized...
  17. headlessblade

    Red Texas pair

    10" each male left female right. Let's hope they make some babies :)
  18. viper0397

    Retic and Hystrix.

    My male rsetic trying to mate with my female hystrix. Kind of hoping he does get the job done. Would love to see how the pups turn out.
  19. I

    Firemouth pair tank mates?

    I have a 90g where I'm planning on breeding firemouths. I want to add another species. I would love to add a severum, but I think it would be too much for the firemouths to handle or vice versa depending on size. Would a jack dempsey or a texas be too much for the firemouths even if they are a...
  20. I

    Reputable south american dealer?

    I have a 90g cycling and I'm looking to get some high quality firemouth cichlids to breed. Problem is I'm having trouble finding someone in my club who can hook me up and my local store has some but they don't have much color to them. The question is does anyone know an online distributor that...