
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Miks786

    Lima Shovelnose growth rate??

    Hey guys I recently got a Lima Shovelnose catfish...What’s the growth rate on these guys? As fast as a tsn or not? He doesn’t like shrimp...But loves these sinking Hikari pellets He about 3”
  2. J

    What kind of catfish is this please help!!

    I bought this catfish at my local Lfs and they sold it as a pimelodela cat but I’ve searched it up and my fish looks nothing like one. He’s a light grey and he’s about 2.5 inches, (I attached pictures of the fish)
  3. J

    Large Red Tail and Sun Catfish for sale

    Redtail is about 9" and Sun Catfish is about 10". Both are extremely healthy and are eating well Too big for my tank. I'm on Southern California. Pick up only please.
  4. aes1687


    Hey everyone, so about a year ago, i was keeping this baby juruense and it got sick. It completely lost its tail. Eventually, it started getting better, started eating and growing its tail back. However, only its upper tail grew back, not its lower tail. Ive left it be ever since, thinking that...
  5. Exotic Aquatics LLC

    Platinum Catfish, Luteus Pleco, Bichir FRRE SHIP!

    Hey Everyone, You guys have been great to me and I genuinely appreciate all the love! We're nearly sold out of everything! Here are a few things left over.. We can ship FedEx/UPS to most of the east coast for 50 to 75 bucks. All other areas should use Air Cargo to save on costs. Orders of...
  6. Kingster

    Too much for 120 South America?

    Hi, I am looking to stock my 120 into a South American tank, with abit of plants and wood. the sump is trigger systems crystal sump 36 READ THIS: I plan to keep all the fish from fry or small size and not have to upgrade to keep them after they grow up! STOCKING IDEA: 5 x Pictus Catfish -...
  7. viper0397

    Tank mates

    Has anyone here ever kept mustache cats with their stingrays? I have a pair that need to be separated and am considering putting one in one ray tank and the other in a different ray tank. Not sure it the will bother the rays though.
  8. fishtankphil

    New catfish, Suriname Piraiba

    I recently acquired a decent sized catfish from Suriname this past week. It was imported 3 wks ago ans has gone thru qt process for external and internal bugs and bacterial issues. It's presently on a 300 gal divided from the other inhabitants from getting hurt. Too big to be eaten thankfully...
  9. Miks786

    Lima shovelnose catfish

    Hey guys any Lima shovelnose catfish keepers here? Would love to know the estimated growth rate on them? And would they be safe with a RTC of similar size?
  10. P

    This sucks

    just got my 2 banjo catfish and assasin snails in the mail. I thought they’d be a bit bigger then what they were but now I can’t put them in the main tank yet. So I must make a grow out tank with sand for a few months. Then the bichir won’t think of them as a snack. And the gouramis pick on the...
  11. R

    Could Someone help me?

    I'm looking for a catfish that won't get very big, and is also somewhat of a predator. I was looking at a South American Bumble Bee catfish, but I've heard those hide a lot. I'm hoping it is also pretty compatible. Can someone help me? Thanks.
  12. S

    I need help!!!

    Hello anyone reading this. I have a 38 gallon fish tank. I have an Electric Blue Acara, vesentrus Cichlid, Peacock Cichlid, and a bristlenose pleco and they're all peaceful. However I'm looking for more of a predator fish, or even a catfish. However I've been researching for the past week and I...
  13. C

    Urgent: Please Recommend a Catfish

    Urgent Please recommend me a Catfish that wont be shy, wont hide and wont grow too big. (No Cories.) Would prefer to get 1 piece instead of groups Tank: 3 Feet x 1.5 Feet x 1.5 Feet.
  14. Miks786

    New Wallago catfish

    Hey guys, about a week ago i got a new 8 inch wallago catfish and he wont eat at all.. Im sure the guy at my lfs had him on feeder fish but i dont wana go that route I have tried shrimp,pellets earthworms but he wont even look at it What could be wrong?
  15. RubyRuby234

    Channel catfish

    does anyone know the size relationship between the number of inches wide a channel cats mouth is and it’s overall length? A rough estimate is fine; I’m just trying to monitor my local ponds catfish population. Thank you
  16. SolidSnek

    Catfish For an 80 Gallon

    Hello I Love Catfish. Sadly all the ones i like are too big for an 80 Gallon [Flathead, RTC, TSN, Leiarius marmoratus, oxydoras niger] So if you have seen any of my other threads, they talk about me Getting a Bichir but that is not 100% confirmed, so i decided, that if that plan falls flat i...
  17. SolidSnek

    Catfish with a Delhezi?

    So i have recently been posting a lot, about Predatory fish and i decided to go with a Polypterus Delhezi. And i sorta want a catfish that wouldn't be eaten by the Bichir and doesn't bully the Bichir. The Dimensions of the Aquarium are [these are in cm btw] 120x50x50 Any help/ideas will be...
  18. E

    Help ID my "shark"!

    Hello! Can someone please identify what kind of catfish this is? It has a similar shape to the Paroon.
  19. AquaScape

    Africa Shipment In! Polys, Oddballs, and More!

    Blue Neon Nigripinnis- 2"-2.5" - $65.oo Pearl Line Lamprologus- 2" - $8.oo Ea. or 3/$21.oo West African Lungfish(annectens)- 12" - $OLD OUT West African Lungfish(annectens)- 14" - $OLD OUT Slender Lungfish(dolloi)- 10" - $85.oo Trunkfish(Mormyrus...
  20. S

    Laulao catfish

    So I went to my local lfs about a week ago and they had a laulao catfish that was like 2" or so for 100$ though I was talking with them over there and they said I could take it for 85$. I ended up not taking it as I didn't want to spend that much on a fish out of the blue so I decided to give it...