
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Iamfish

    2 new cats

    Got 2 new catfish today. Platysilurus Mucosus and Hemibagrus Olyroides. The hemibagrus was a bit beat up when it arrived but so far he is behaving fine. Will update with better pics as they settle in and I can have the lights on.
  2. S

    Gulper Catfish Slime Coat Coming Off

    I have recently acquired a gulper catfish, it is still acclimating to the new environment but the slime coat is coming off on the fins and in front of the head. Is this normal, should I do more water changes or just leave it as is for now? Thank you
  3. CassowaryHunter

    Tandanus Catfish Sick!!!

    So this is my Tandanus Catfish, he currently resides in a 4ft Cichlid tank featuring 1 Venustus, 1 Firemouth, 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Tiger Oscar, and 2 marbled peacocks, sun sun canister filter (403b maybe, came second hand), he is getting worse, I know he shouldnts be in this tank with these fish so...
  4. Iamfish

    Mystus Mysticetus

    Got him from Jeff Rapps a few weeks ago and got a great picture of him when I moved him into a different tank.
  5. LimaShovelnoseSaltwater92

    Giant Bumblebee Catfish (Pseudopimelodus bufonius)

    Does anyone have any info on Pseudopimelodus bufonius? I am considering getting one and I hear they reach 10” and are pretty cool for aquariums 100+. Also, any special care requirements? Thanks!!!!
  6. amazontank

    New Gulper Catfish

    I am so happy to say I finally got a Gulper Catfish! He's a little over 6" and just ate a big nightcrawler. I am really loving this guy. Who has the biggest Gulper on mfk? Would love to see some pics and some stories...
  7. Iamfish

    2 new cats

    Mystus Mysticetus and Ossancora Punctata both from Jeff Rapps + I got a pic of my Synodontis Granulosus when he got pissed at the new Mystus for exploring his cave.
  8. kody929

    FS | Azul Bass, Rare Cats, Multiple Bichirs, Etc | $0-100 | Las Vegas, NV | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Azul Bass, Rare Cats, Multiple Bichirs, Etc What are your prices?: 0-100 Where are you located?: Las Vegas, NV Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Hey everyone I’m looking to put my 210G tank in hiatus while I...
  9. N

    Advice about fin rot please

    Hi, I am needing some advice I have a 220 litre tank with four fancy goldfish and one pictus catfish in it one of the goldfish unbeknownst to me had fin rot when it was introduced and I have been struggling with it for close to a month now have been treating with pimafix and melafix and the...
  10. CrazyFishLady90

    Fish louse?

    I think my gulper has a louse (cue goosebumps and skin crawl). Would that affect his appetite? How would I remove it? I've had him a week today. He's wild caught but I imported him from a Cichlaholics. Pics aren't great. Not much practice taking photos of moving objects through glass.
  11. Zak03

    Baby Sun Cat Behavior

    Hey, I have a baby sun cat in a 40 gallon tank (will upgrade when he grows older). I did a water change today, and rearranged the rocks/decor, although keeping them in the same general area. PROBLEM: The sun cat keeps "freaking out". Swimming frantically against the back glass wall. Other days...
  12. Zak03

    Noob at Cichlids and Sun Cats

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I got a 40-gallon tank with 2 baby Oscars (tiger and red) and 1baby sun catfish (aka eclipse catfish). I know, the tank will be too small eventually, but I plan on moving them into a bigger tank-75 gallons or possibly more-when the Oscars get bigger. I am new to both...
  13. Iamfish

    125 stocking suggestions?

    I am very tempted to get a 125 gallon tank but can only think of 1 fish I would really want to put in it, Lima shovelnose. I really want to keep some bichirs and was wondering what species would work in the tank. Also any other catfish I could consider? Thanks in advance :) Also I have a brand...
  14. K

    Trouble identifying new catfish?

    Hi there everyone. I’m new to this forum, but thought I’d join in hopes of positively identifying a new catfish I’ve acquired and some info about it. I got it labeled as an albino Asian redtail catfish. It was also dubbed by the previous owner as extremely aggressive. I currently have it...
  15. LimaShovelnoseSaltwater92

    Vulture “Motta” Catfish- tiny- any info?

    saw this at my LFS (yes, another). Wondering if anyone has any info on it. It is only about 1” and is called a vulture Motta. Here are some pictures. Size- care- aggression- anything appreciated . Thank you @thebiggerthebetter @Renegade Aquatics
  16. AquaScape

    NEW STOCK-LIST 12/14/18

    -Piranha- Red Bellies (Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $10.oo Ea. Or 10/$80.oo Caribe (Pygocentrus notatus) 3”-4” ON SALE **$65.oo Ea.** 5”-6” ON SALE **$85.oo Ea.** Piraya (Pygocentrus piraya) 5”-6”...
  17. AquaScape


    We have a nice assortment of Catfish between uncommon, rare, and smaller species " ** RED TEXT ** " = VERY LIMITED QUANTITY ** 5"-6" Sturio(Sturgeon) Catfish(Platystomatichthys sturio) $125.00 Ea. ** 2.5"-3" Aluminum Catfish(Chrysichthys aluuensis)...
  18. Mikeamat0

    Asain Redtailed Catfish

    Hey guys just a quick question. I got an asain redtailed catfish about a week ago maybe a little more. He seemed fine swimming around doing whatever the whole time. The first night of having him i tried feeding him a pellet and he did eat it but ever since than he has just layed vertically...
  19. neko1

    help bullhead catfish fighting.

    hello since a month I have problems with my bullheads. I caught 3 of the bullheads in a lake 6 years ago in France, since they are a pest there. I had them grow up in a small tank 1,2m. Everything went well they grew up fast. 1 died because he ate a pleco that was to big. So I had 2 left, I put...
  20. amazontank

    Gulper Catfish Growth Rate

    If I bought a couple 6"+ Gulper Cats how long would it take to get him to the 8"+ mark? Anyone have any photos to share of 10"+ Gulpers living well in an aquarium...