This is a new catfish that my LFS just got in for sale. There is no name on the aquarium except “Catfish-NFS (ask employee for details)” Can anyone identify it?
PS: If you don’t notice it, there is a very pronounced circular black dot right before the start of the tail.
Hi, i am new to keeping Fish and was bought a rather cool electric cat fish by my wife for my birthday.
I have kept him alone for approx 3 weeks and he is doing well, the guy in the shop told her his full size would be about 30cm.
So my question is, has she been lied to? From looking online...
I just started a 75 gallon at my new house and put de chlorinator in it, declouder ( because I thought the sand was kicked up), and the api stuff so you don’t have to wait 6 weeks for the cycle. Put my fish in last night checked it this morning they are all dead... what did I do wrong, when can...
Ok so I had a RTC/TSN hybrid (8-10 in) in a 75 gallon with a couple of pacu. I moved the pacu to my 1100 gallon pond as they outgrew the tank. Since I moved the pacu, my catfish hasn't eaten. When I moved the first pacu he was fine and acted normal, but when i moved the last one about a week ago...
I have a 75 g aquarium cycling atm. I have most of the stocking figured out but I was wondering whats a fish that will stay towards the bottom (pleco, loaches,catfish, etc) that will go with my stocking plans. I would like something active unlike the banjo cats and fire eel I have now:D...
My goby has these strange bumps in his mouth and 3 on his side. The 4 in his mouth look like pimples of some sort and the ones on his side look like a bunch of bumps in a large pile. There are 3 of these. He lives with a Raphael cat, a synodontis ocellifer and a goldiela eques. Any ideas? I...
Hello everyone. I was in my LFS the other day and saw a silver catfish (3 in), very active, swimming around in a tank labeled a False Dorado Catfish. I was wondering just some basic info about it like max size, tank size, and care. I checked online, but it didn’t come up with much. I’ve heard of...
The Canara Pearl Cichlid these gems are quite rare in the hobby are rarely seen available for sale!
They are about 2 inches in length and are available for $30.oo Ea. Or 4/$100.oo
They prefer a more neutral pH though ranging from around 6.2 - 7.5, thrive in water temperatures between 72...
hello I have a yellow lab and I just got a blue one that looks just like the yellow lab but .5 inch bigger. My yellow Cichlid was aggressive to the catfish and took chunks out of his fins but now the blue one is terrorizing the lab. I heard I could get more to get rid of aggression but I have a...
Hey guys I have been thinking about fish for my new 75. I have never kept Cichlids and I was wondering if they could stay with my bullhead (pic above). I love peacocks but I am open to suggestions on species and how many fish I can put in there
Hey guys I have had this tank for awhile and it is kind of a grow out tank for my bullhead. I have one yellow lab Cichlid and two albino bristle nose Plecos. Are there any schooling fish that I can add?
Since I have a Wels catfish figured it’s time for another monster to keep anyone know where I could possibly pick up a Jau catfish? Doubt there is any in Ohio but I’ll pay shipping to get my hands on one.
So I stopped by a Bass Pro Shops recently and viewed their giant freshwater tank. There were largemouth basses, smallmouth basses, sunfish, crappie, and channel cats. One channel catfish, however, was white. Attached are some very bad phone pictures of the catfish next to another normal looking...