
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. A

    Guys what do you think of these kelberi bass

  2. A

    Which peacock bass species can I keep ?

    Hey guys. I’m getting a new tank (250x90x70) 8,2 x 3 x 2,5ft so roughly about 422 gallon. Could I keep kelberi or would they outgrow that tank ? Please state your experience :) best greetings from Germany
  3. B

    Opinions on keeping multiple Crenicichla in one aquarium

    I’ve heard a lot of mixed opinions on keeping multiple crenicichla together. I have a 150 gallon 24w 30tall and 48 wide. With: -Bumblebee oscar -Rosemarie pike -KK Blood parrot -Kelberi Peacock bass -Chocolate pleco I‘d like to add another crencichla. Would this result in more aggression? All...
  4. ruincccc

    WC Azul sunken belly, internal parasite?

    Initially thought it was just picky and shy, since it only takes earthworms and occasionally raw shrimps, and its tank mates are greedy, but recently the sunken belly seems worsened, especially given I just fed them the day before. Could it be internal parasites? I tried to soak the shrimp with...
  5. R

    Grow Outs

    Hello... Newish to MFK. Recently got back into fish keeping. Been out for about ten years with my previous experience being South and Central American cichlids. Now getting into the bigger fellas (Cichla) but also have a few others with them. Tank is fully cycled reading 0ppm Ammonia 0ppm...
  6. fugupuff

    Vendor Rare Fish- vendor stock list 11-3

    Rare Fish vendor info, link, pictures I've been keeping fish most of my life, selling fish with import, export worldwide for nearly 20 years. Check out my reviews and pictures. Shipping via fedex overnight with live arrival guaranteed. Local pick up available in So. Cal. Wholesale inquiries...
  7. H

    Cichlids & Bass hitting food top water in 3000 gallon aquarium

    Just a fun video of my South American Cichlids and Peacock Bass hitting their food top water in their 3000 gallon planted aquarium.
  8. aquaticeye

    Cichla Collection (Fogo and Orino Meta)

    I went from ZERO Cichla 6 months ago to 9x Fogo and 9x Orino Meta. I can definitely understand the fascination with these fish now. Just got in the batch of 9x Fogo from @mrdee about an hour ago. Perfect packaging. Fish all came in super alert and energetic. Expert shipping. They'll go...
  9. Blakewater

    For Trade Wild Brokopondo For Trade!

    Looking to trade my 4.5" Brokopondo for other decent quality cichla around 3.5-6.5". Only species I am not interested in are monoculus. Also possibly open to trading for certain plecos like L600s, L014s, L160's, etc. or a black arowana. Willing to drive up to 40 miles to meet. My broko is...
  10. Jjiang00

    Juvenile fogo bass for sale?!

    Hi just wondering if anybody has experience buying the fogos from predatory fins and if those are true fogos. I thought they were more rare and ridiculously hard to get your hands on? Dude gets a new shipment virtually every week lmao.
  11. Jjiang00

    Help!! Peacock bass not eating, spitting out its food!

    Hi, so i’ve recently had an ich outbreak due to some datnoids which i should’ve quaranteed and have treated the tank for around 2 weeks with ichx. I had 3 tememsis bass which were all monstrous eaters in the beginnig but slowly 2 of them stopped eating and exhibited the same symptoms and went...
  12. Blakewater

    For Sale 4-5" Wild Brokopondo

    Shutting down tanks and bringing in cash for some new.. exciting additions. So Im selling my Brokopondo growout from Wes. Wild, straight out of Suriname. Eating everything but prefers tilapia or shrimp still. Great spangling and potential on him. Pickup only north bay area 94928. $125 just...
  13. FuriousFish

    Foods to try with a picky bass

    I have 3 bass, I got them off craigslist of all places for next to nothing, they were in sort of rough shape when I got them but have cleared up nicely and are totally settled in. 2 are between 14-16 inches and the third one is a bit smaller at around 10-11 inches if I had to guess. The small...
  14. S

    Want to Buy Peacock bass

    Hey I am looking forward to buy some peacock basses. I am mainly looking for some juveniles but message me for more info if you have anything else.
  15. M

    For Sale Peacock Bass has Nice Red already

    Hi Selling this roughly 6” peacock bass that already shows some nice color. I was told in the forum that it is a mono.. $70 meet up near 91792
  16. Blakewater

    The Suriname Cichla Growout Thread

    Finally received my highly anticipated package from our import lord, Wes. Got two 3" wild Sp. Brokopondo and one 3.5" Rio Suriname C. Temensis. I actually broke my rule of not buying bass under 5" for these guys so I figured I'd use the opportunity to start a growout thread and track their...
  17. Blakewater

    Cichla Feeding Schedules?

    Just wanted to hear what people are using as a feeding regimen for their Cichla. What're you currently feeding? How big are your bass? How long have you been following that food plan? How does it compare to other feeding patterns you've used? Or anything else you can think of sharing in the...
  18. jackthefishmaster

    Is my peacock a Cichla Temensis or Cichla Azul?

    It was sold as a Cichla Temensis but the coloration and some blue colors in the fish are making me wonder whether it actually is a Temensis or an Azul. I attached the picture, it had a massive meal just before the picture that's why its so fat. The coloration of the fish in real life is...
  19. P

    Cichla bunch

    Very new here and just wanted to ask a few things to beef up my cichlas. Been giving them chicken heart and shrimps since day 1. Just wanted to ask a few other options to maximize their growth and enhance their colors? Attached their pictures ?
  20. Jush

    African Tiger Fish & Peacock Bass

    Hello, I write this post with a mashed brain. I have owned a total of 5 ATF, in specific 1 FATF & 3 VATF. I own 1 currently because the other 3 were attempts at previously keeping them that failed & 1 I sold. My bass always seems to have a problem. It starts about 8months ago when I got my...