Hey everyone, a couple of months ago I posted picks of my 2 cichla and no one could give me a direct ID so here's my second shot now that they are bigger. Sold to me as cichla Kelberi (definitely not kelberi) from Petzone Tropicals...last time some suggested its either temensis or piquiti...I...
Hi all
Long time reader first time poster. Thought it was about time I showed off my Kelberi. Recently relocated so a small amount of damage and colours are still improving by the day but I'll start with these pics and update as they improve...not bad now to be fair...
Hello, I bought two peacock bass a few months ago from petzone tropical online labeled as cichla kelberi. I can definitely say that they are not kelberi, they look like temensis...but not completely like temensis, I'm seeing more gold in these then that which I have seen on temensis. I think...
So Nitro's been getting bigger, off of the Hikari carnivore pellets and shrimp pellets I've been feeding him. He's not as crazy as he used to be, but he's right up at the front of the tank when it's feeding time. He's afraid of my datnoid-my small, shy datnoid-for some odd reason. He's an...
Hey guys I just wanted some clarity on beef heart for juvi peacock bass?
Is it advisable too feed them it?( Not as a staple diet)
Will it boost growth?
Is it harmful with digestion?
Thanks in advance
Hey guys...Has anyone had luck with stubborn fish and Seachem Garlic Guard? I have +-2" peacock bass which are stubborn and wont eat anything besides Earthworms and Bloodworms..
I was told from the lfs that garlic guard is the best thing too use to convert too pellets?
Any feedback would be great
My LFS has a few different cichla species in stock. As the owner of a juvenile temensis, I was wondering if I could add another species (like an ocellaris or orino) to the tank, and if they would get along. They'd be similar in size-neither could eat the other-and they'd be small enough not to...
I started a growth thread for my pbass, Nitro, a little over a month ago, so I thought I'd update you all on his status. He's grown a little in the a-little-over-a-month-long period. I've turned him off of live food as suggested, and he enjoys eating Hikari sinking carnivore pellets. He gets...
This may not make sense to newer members, but I'm here! For those of you that remember me, Stripey and Princess Bloop are old and blind now. I have a female Rio Araguaia female kel that's still growing out, and a farmie Azul that I just picked up and am growing out.
Pics can come later, but I...
Hi guys-
So I saw someone else doing this on the cichlid thread, and I thought it was a good idea. So here's my juvenile peacock bass, Nitro, who is currently the smallest fish in my tank. Attached are some pictures of him. I was also hoping, maybe I could get an ID on him? If you guys have an...
i have 2 baby peacock bass about 2 inch and am looking to start feeding Guppies,danios etc as I have a good population of healthy feeders in another tank but so far my bass have failed to eat one of them when I introduce the feeder into there tank today. Is there something I'm missing here
Any suggestions on what to do colours very faded swims only on an incline and won't eat gills apear to be a bit swollen doesn't look like he will make it through the night without help
Overstocked but here is an update. I transferred all the bass into my 55 gal last night. The Kel at the end has some dark spots all over him. Looks ugly but hopefully it trades those for some gold. Good thing about transferring these guys is that the Dat seems more lively as well as the SD's...
Hey guys! I was wondering can I keep my RTG with few SA nd CA cichlids. I have a 8" RTG
I'm thinking to add two 4" oscars, one 3" G Gourami, one 3" Severum, one 2" jaguar, one 2" red devil, one 2" Texas and one 3" green terror! My arowana is currently with a bichir senegalus bichir and it keeps...
I ordered 6 bass from @fenderwai last Wednesday. Since then, One intermedia was found dead with torn fins and a small yellow discharge from his right gill. Now, 2 days later, my other intermedia (who has been a pig) is extremely lethargic, not eating, has severely torn fins, and a whitening...