
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Paradox2296

    Cichla id?

    Same fish displaying different colors I'm thinking mono but I'm not 100% what do you guys think
  2. perun28

    For Sale Monster cichlids and gar

    Hi guys. I'm shutting down my tank and have for sale :
  3. Blakewater

    My Little Punk Rockers

    So far my Pinima are growing out and fattening up nicely. When I first got them I got so worried thinking their fins were all nipped up. But I realized after a minute Pinima just have some intense little mohawks. Naturally, I named my guys Sonic and Punk. Glad to see they’re maintaining that...
  4. jancibie

    my cichla temensis

  5. Blakewater

    The Magnificent Seven

    Welp, as of last week I finished my thinning. Bringing down my bass school from 13 to 7. The trade off is the water looking crystal clear even after a week without a change and the new hierarchy and space had made all the cichla grow and color up even further in almost no time! Especially the...
  6. Blakewater

    For Trade 12"+ C. Brokopondo For Pinima/Intermedia BAY AREA CA

    Looking to see if anyone would be interested in trading bass. Im open to trading one of my 11"~13" WC sp. Brokopondo in exchange for a Pinima over 4" or a nice Intermedia over 6". May consider trading for a very nice azul. Im willing to drive up to 2 hrs to meet up. I live in 94928 / North Bay...
  7. Blakewater

    For Sale Thinning Out The Extras

    Happy New Year! Decided to thin out the unnecessary fish in my Cichla/Amazonian Catfish tank a bit more. Not in any hurry to get rid of them but I feel they take away from the general look I'm going for. I have tried to make my prices pretty reasonable as I'd ultimately rather they go to a good...
  8. Blakewater

    Aaaand Now I’m “Broko”

    Just got these three gorgeous guys in! Including one 11-12” BEAST. I’m in love with them, they’re a perfect final addition to my 550g stock.
  9. Blakewater

    Update Of My Growouts And Their Soon-To-Be 550G Upgrade

    Just sharing an update of my stock. Currently all between 5”-9”. Amazing how good water quality and high level foods are bringing out their colors. They’re super active and loving life but it’s time for them to get even more room and I don’t like waiting to upgrade so I just purchased a...
  10. U

    Peacock bass not eating pellets

    Tank info- 90 gal. Water parameters perfect with ideal temperature Tank has a 12 inch silver aro with a 4 inch monocolus pb(recently bought 3 days before) (earlier there were 2, 1 was killed by the other and aro)... Both don't have any problems with each other the pb doesn't fear the aro...
  11. A

    For Sale Cichla Pinima

    Anyone selling Pinima Peacock bass and willing to ship ? Under 5” preferred but open to any size. Any leads as to where i can get them please let me know. Txt 720485821six
  12. Blakewater

    Cichla Orimensis And Cichla Temezul

    Just got a few new additions today. Two wild caught 6” Temensis Orino hybrid bass and one 5.5” Temensis Azul hybrid. The Temezul is in emergency quarantine right now as it apparently did not handle the journey well and I’m hoping it pulls through. The Orimensis are already flourishing but are...
  13. Blakewater

    Little Piece Of The Amazon

    The 325 finished cycling and getting set up. I transferred over my bois in the growout and they flared up in color from happiness! It’s so nice seeing them be happy. Right now it’s got 2x Xingu, 2x Rio Negro Orinos (the deep red eyed one is named Demon),1x Azul (named Blueberry), and one...
  14. Blakewater

    Want to Buy Cichla Mirianae / Cichla Pinima

    Looking for someone who has one or both of the above mentioned Cichla under 8". Either in Northern CA or who is willing to ship. Price is not an issue. Thanks for looking! :grinyes:
  15. PrymeTyme-716

    Sad/Happy Day

    It is finally time to say goodbye to my finned family as they need more space to swim. Very sad that theyre leaving but happy they'll be moving to a bigger space. Time to start another amazon growout this time with crenicichla
  16. S

    Cichla ID help

    Friend got these for me from a friend of his who had someone surrender adult bass that ended up spawning. Believe them to be melaniae but definitely not certain. Hoping to get insight from more experienced members so I know what I am getting into. I have them in a 75, have a 250 waiting on them...
  17. Mfowlie626

    Need quick responde. Can anyone ID?

    Anyone know what species this is?
  18. a_dilshan

    My Kelberi and Orino

    Sharing my Cichlas Large Kelberi around 11” Smaller kelberi around 7” orinos around 8” Follow me on instagram Dilshan_mfk Videos
  19. LBDave

    How much ammonia do fish produce?

    I doubt anybody is going to be able to show me how to calculate or estimate how much ammonia will be created daily from a populated aquarium. Too many variables. Fish size, type feeding etc. But I was wondering about ball park figures. Anything based on some sort of testing or fact. Not...
  20. V

    For Sale Below water group order

    Hoping to order a group of 8 wild caught cichla kelberi. Im only looking to keep 6 of them. If anyone in the GTA is interested in the other 2 please let me know. Shipping is $75 for entire box and will be divided according to number of fish. Let me know if you are interested. Hoping to bring...