
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. greenerinks

    Considering this kelberi sp.. thoughts?

    So I'm considering this sp. kelberi but I'm not sure yet as it costs roughly 8-9x as much as a normal golden kelberi. Any thoughts from the community for the cost justification?
  2. iLLestQ

    Help identify juvie p bass

    I got the 2 a couple weeks ago and i was under the impression they were mono but now i dont know for sure any help would be greatly appreciated, just cuz im impatient and want to know what to expect when they get bigger
  3. Abyssalisk

    Where can I get peacock bass?

    I've got an 850 gal in the works and currently have 4 cichla (3 kelbs and 1 mono). I've been constantly looking for Orinos, especially the rio meta strain with the high blues across the dorsal fins. Also looking for intermedia. Please share any members who ship and/or their websites or any sites...
  4. a_dilshan

    My Cichla

    Some pics of my Cichla group.. 1x Kelberi 1x Xingu 2x monos
  5. a_dilshan

    What type of Kelberi??

    bought this guy a few days back. Size around 7 inches Any idea what type of kelberi is this?
  6. H

    150g predator comm water debris

    Hey guys, this is my first post here. I have a 150g predator comm tank with a couple of oscars, a green arowana, a cichla, a giant gourami, florida gar and a tyretrack eel. I do about 30-40% water changes daily and have noticed that my fish are healthy and have a bigger appetite. But the problem...
  7. B

    Anybody have peacocks for sale?!

    Looking for as many different peacock species as i can get. Would need shipped to pittsburgh. Want them to be around the same size. Anyone know any websites or sellers who have a variety of peacocks? Ideally i would like to get four or more different species. Thanks for the info! Cant wait to...
  8. J

    Peacock bass' red eye discussion!

    Hey guys.. This is my first thread.. I LOVE peacock bass. They're such extremely wonderful and majestic fish. I guess they weren't called the 'peacock bass' for nothing. I've been keeping pbasses for just about 2years now.. And i have been bothered for a pretty long time now about this matter...
  9. Achilles1763

    Cichla in a 7 ft tank?

    Hello, I am setting up my 7ftx2ftx2ft tank next week (it arrives Tuesday) and I am kicking around ideas of what to keep. Basically it's going to be sand substrate, lots of large bogwood, rock work and a reasonable amount of plants. It will have 2x Fx6 external filters running and a subdued LED...
  10. jancibie

    Cichla monoculus

  11. R

    Cichla intermedia or cichla kelberi?

    hello everybody i just got me a 210gallon tank and am getting a big show fish in which i choose to get a fish from the cichla genus to fill that spot, at first i was going to get a cichla melaniae xingu but they are not available for the next 3-4 months from the seller who im dealing with so...
  12. ExoticGREEN

    Some Cichla sp. Venezuela's

    Picked these guys up from Amazingfish. Always a pleasure stoping by.Can't wait see how they turn out. #1
  13. a_dilshan

    My Monoculus and Tank mates

    here's a couple of pics of my monoculus and Others
  14. S

    My First Kelberi Batch

    This is my first Kelberi batch and love seeing them mature. I bought them at a LFS 4 months ago and took a while getting them from live to dry food, but the time spent is well worth it. As you can see I added plants a couple of weeks ago and got the biggest one really stressed out. Took him a...
  15. bobVillanueva

    Pls ID my cichla