
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. J

    FREE | Stand and Canopy for a 6 foot x 18" tank (Black) | $0 | SoCal, CA | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FREE What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Stand and Canopy for a 6 foot x 18" tank (Black) What are your prices?: 0 Where are you located?: SoCal, CA Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Look what I found, wish I can pick up? Good Luck whoever gets it...
  2. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...
  3. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...
  4. J

    Native cichlids

    Are Bass and Bream/ blue gill in the cichlid family?
  5. C

    Rainbow Cichlid Value?

    What is a fair price for a 4-5 inch rainbow cichlid? Thanks all!
  6. Mbielek

    75 gal cichlid community tank update!!!

    Hello all! So after battling an algae bloom, and finally returning water to normal condition, I have taken some updated pics!! Let me know what you guys think. Tank contains 2 blood parrots, 1 green terror, 3 silver dollars and one pleco.
  7. Mbielek

    How often should I be feeding a cichlid/silver tank?

    My tank setup right now is a 75g including two blood parrots (between 3-4 inches), one green terror (4 inches), and three silvers around the diameter of 4 inches. I've been feeding blood worms/brine shrimp once a day, and pellets maybe twice. Some days I go completely without feeding, especially...
  8. Mbielek

    Reoccurring Cloudy water

    Hello all, so i had major algae bloom in my 75g tank that ive been battling for a couple weeks. It all started with me putting in an algae wafer for my plec to eat, and im sure because he didnt eat it all, it caused some cloudy water that i didnt like. With me being impatient, i took out about...
  9. Mvrenko

    Ram Cichlid

    Hello, I am new to MFK. I have a general question about a ram tank that I currently have in the works. I have a 20 gallon, minimally decorated with a rock and fake plants. I also have a bubble wall. I was wondering how many dwarf rams would be suitable for this tank. Also if anyone has any...
  10. G

    Purchased a "Dovii/Managuense Hybird" for $15

    Hello I am new to MFK. I would like to show you guys a bad picture of one of my fish I had purchased a Month ago. I purchased it for $15 from a local exotic fish store in Connecticut. I was told it was a Dovii managuense hybrid (Wolf / Jaguar as it was labeled) but I'm not a Dovii or...
  11. jonah h2o

    fish id

    are these true Nandopsis festae or fake? thinking about purchasing.
  12. The Dave

    My Incredibly Beautiful Electric Blue Jack Dempsey ( ebjd )

    This is the largest fish in my fish room, he is also the meanest fish I have ever owned. He will not tolerate any other creature in his tank. Even snails fall victim to his wrath. So, he lives alone! However, he is incredibly smart and beautiful. When he passes I will probably cry, and he will...
  13. joegriggs

    Festae Cichlid Progression Thread

    Here's a picture of one of my Red Terror grow outs, a real stunner considering he's only just pushing over 3.5" and showing the majority of his colors already. He has been kept in a tank with a more dominant RTM and a smaller Texas recently, so the colors would normally be much brighter...
  14. wiegand


    I decided to get back into cichlids after being cichlidless for a few years. I got this Devil on December 6th, 2016. It's housed in a 90gal by itself. I figured that I'd share some pics as the time passes. More pics (spanned between December 9th & 10th)
  15. P

    Can I put this in my tank?

    Has anyone ever had a clay pot change the water chemistry in the tank? Is this ok to put In my tank?
  16. Dustin3006

    EB cichlid internal parasites?

    i originally posted this in the ca/sa cichlid forum but I will try here for better results. I have an electric blue acara breeding pair in a 45 gallon by themselves. They have bred once and used to eat like pigs. Since they have bred they have been eating picky I haven't seen them eat for almost...
  17. Kelsi

    Geophagus options for my tank

    I'm revamping my 75g tank and am interested in adding geophagus to it. What I plan on currently keeping are my Gold Severum, my featherfin catfish, and my Senegal Bichirs (1 large and two small adolescents [pictured]). I am rehoming my standard pleco and remaining 2 silver dollars (the rest of...
  18. Kelsi

    Ideas to round out my tank?

    I have a 75g tank with a large Senegal bichir, about 6-8inches, with 2 juveniles that are about 3-4in each. They get along swimmingly, and share their space with a feather fin catfish, about 7inches long, and a 7in standard pleco (was sold to me as a female bristlenose when it was tiny ☠️). We...
  19. rarbona1029

    Ordering specific Mbuna

    Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving! Just joined the forum to ask a few questions about ordering fish online, something I have never done before. some info. The tank in question is a 55g mbuna tank I aquired, that needs some work in the stocking department. once I remove the few incompatible fish...