
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    mpozoenis cichlid

    Does anyone know what this fish is, it's on the just arrived list for my lfs and they are usually very accurate with their names. But when I typed it into google it says no results found. Any idea?
  2. C

    Is this a true Hogaboomorum?

    Got this fish a couple years ago from a coworker who had it (along with an oscar and jack dempsey) dumped on him by a friend that moved away. He looks like a hoga but it just doesnt make sense that the guy (who had them all in a 20g) would have such an uncommon fish. Pics are all within weeks of...
  3. R

    Electric Blue JD with Black Spotted Eel?

    Hello, I am thinking of setting up a 75 gallon tank with an Electric Blue JD and a black spotted eel. I am going with this eel as it is one of the only true freshwater eels I could find. Others needed brackish water. Does anyone have experience with this/ think it will work out?
  4. proxy27

    Show us what you got! <Red Dragons>

    Lets Post Pictures of our Red Dragons, from beginners to Pros! Share with us your best pic! Please include Approx age and size Good Luck!
  5. F

    Is it okay if I add a Red Jewel inside my 8 ph cichlid tank

    I hear jewels are supposed to be kept inside a tank of 7-7.5 ph, but ive also heard that they can withstand and adapt to a regular cichlid tank of an 8 ph. Red jewels are one of my favorites among cichlids and im wishing i could put one in my tank which is an 8. Btw my tank currently has a...
  6. Murrayt

    125-150 Gallon Aggressive Stock Suggestions

    Hi everyone, I have been out of the hobby for a while now and am eager to return. For years I have kept numerous Central/South American Cichlids. I was previously prone to overstocking the tank and adding numerous fish species that although were able to coexist, became stressful worrying about...
  7. Mbielek

    Is my Green Terror male or female?

    Been reading up on the differences between male and female green terrors, but I am still uncertain on which one I may have. Here are some pics to help out, please comment back and give me some pointers on what to look for when determining the sex if this cichlid. I'm very curious because I now...
  8. Mbielek

    HELP!!! Sick Green Terror Cichlid

    Hello, so I've had my Green Terror for almost a year now and he's up to about 4.5 inches. Been very healthy since I've had him. Only recently has he been acting very slow and almost like he's weak and is always just laying low under things in my tank. His usual behavior is pretty energetic and...
  9. M

    Where can i find garnet sand?

    I have been scouring the internet for red or garnet sand for my bichirs and eels.I haven't been able to find it and I wanted to help bring out my bichirs colors by switching my substrate from white sand to either red,black or brown sand.What is also a good 'size or grit' of sand for bichirs?
  10. F

    June 21 current Monster Updated Stock List~

    BELOW IS OUR CURRENT STOCK LIST~! WE SHIP VIA FEDEX & CARGO ! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY UPDATE ! 5-6" Goliath Tiger fish $155 6" Dewata Borneo Giant gourami ( red) $500 8" True Red Gar $600 3" Tiger Scats #120 10-12" Platinum Allgiator gar...
  11. M

    Yellow Labs are like bunny rabbits!

    So, we have a harem of yellow labs and obviously, very well know what could happen with male and female fish. However, we are not trying to actively breed our fish. Our smallest yellow lab female was "pregnant" about a month ago. We didn't notice right away and misjudged the time of the eggs...
  12. jsoto2005

    Quick Newbie Question..

    New to the forum guys. Would love some frienldy advice on my new tank setup. Have had my 3" RD flowerhorn in a 70Ltr tank for a while. Cichlids are pretty hardy so never took too much notice of water parameters (i know.. i know..) Always did bi weekly water changes and checked my pH tho...
  13. D

    Electric Blue Acara x Green Terror Hybrid?

    Hi guys, so I have a Electric Blue Acara and a Green Terror. They occasionally show breeding behaviors. Especially the Green Terror. He would shake like crazy and sometimes bite on something and shake. Meanwhile, the Electric Blue Acara seems like it's mimicking the Green Terror. Is it possible...
  14. toh bj

    Green terror

    Help! My green terror is super picky. He would only eat frozen food and wouldn't take hikari and nls pellet. Currently starved 3 days to get him on pellet. Even stuffing pellet in prawn didn't work. He just watches my other jewel cichlid attacked the pellet but he doesn't touches it. Anyone have...
  15. C

    Poly-Fil vs Pinky Floss

    Hey, I'm currently changing the media in my canister filter and I plan to use poly-fil but someone recommended I use pinky floss. I'm not sure if they both do the same thing but I just wanted everyone's opinion on which is better and why. Thanks.
  16. M

    Time to Max Size in Africans (mostly)

    Hello! I was curious if anyone could shed some light on the following... Typical time to reach max size for blue dolphin cichlid? Typical time to reach max size for yellow lab? Typical time to reach full size for red top zebra? Typical time to reach full size for red empress? Typical time...
  17. joegriggs

    Longfin/Veil Tailed Chili Red Oscar

    I've managed to pick up a really nice specimen "chili" red Oscar, and it's the veil tailed/long finned variant. I'll get some pictures up as soon as he/she arrives tomorrow. For any potential plans that I may have in the future for breeding, I was wondering if I could get some of my fellow MFK...
  18. Chemo

    Sex my salvini

    I believe this specimen is male but could be wrong. Not looking to breed, just generally curious. Thanks!
  19. M

    2 Marineland 350 & 1 C360

    75 Tank remains clear, but re-occuring algae is a pain. All my rock work is covered as well. I use a PF40-UV when I clean the glass, for spore removal. Tank is currently over stocked with Cichlids, 0 ppm NH3/4 & N2; NO3 regularly climbs to 80+ppm. I know the tank size is too small for any of the...
  20. headlessblade

    Red dragon flowerhorn breeding attempt #2 no divider 6/5/2017.

    Red dragon flowerhorn breeding attempt #2 no divider 6/5/2017.