
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Aquatank

    Can we breed them !

    Hey guys thanks for stopping by this post I recently found that my Oscar and flowerhorn are paring up and when the female flowerhorn laid egg the Oscar started gaurding them with the flowerhorn, So is it that the F1 will be hybrid or is it even possible. I have posted the video on my YouTube channel
  2. R

    Sold As Red Mammon

    I bought three fishes at a LFS in NYC. They were labeled as Red mammons. I'm a little skeptical that these fishes are real mammons. Anyone here good at identifying the difference? Below are the pictures. Let me know if another picture with a different angle would help. Thanks is advance.
  3. cichlidsickness

    Red Head Cichlid (Paraneetroplus synspilus)

    I haven't posted in quite some time, so hello again fellow MFKers! I've finally thinned down my synspila growouts down to this guy right here. I had a healthy batch of red head fry growing out for quite some time, but as they got bigger I thinned them down to keep up with the tank load. I had...
  4. M

    Is my cichlid okay ?

    I have a few cichlids that keep swimming to the top they aren't gasping and they are still eating is everything okay ?
  5. H

    New here

    Hi! My names Hayley and I'm new here! This is the first forum I have joined so I'm pretty excited to post and ask lots of questions! A little about me: I currently have 3 tanks set up! From biggest to smallest, 55 gallon with 2 Blood parrots,1 Electric Blue Acara, 1 Firemouth cichlid, and 1 yoyo...
  6. H

    Sexing Electric Blue acara??

    Can anyone help me in sexing this Electric Blue Acara? I picked it up at my lfs the other day and i would like to go back and get another of the opposite sex so I can eventually breed them! I've had a couple people tell me what they thought it was but some said male and others said female and...
  7. MizzoSoFresh

    Sexing a Flowerhorn

    Could someone tell me what sex my FH is and what species of FH it is?
  8. AshKetchum


    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: WC Gold Saum Green Terror Pair What are your prices?: 75 Where are you located?: Hawthorne, New Jersey Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Selling my WC Gold Saum Green Terror Pair as I want to give them to...
  9. Tomt37

    My friends parrot, vest, severum ... just cleaned and sorted their filthy tank :)

    My friends parrot, vest, severum ... just cleaned and sorted their filthy tank :)
  10. S


  11. S


  12. Tomt37

    My baby Green Terror (Golden Saum) Female - or too early to tell?

    Only just coming up on 2" - opinions on sex?
  13. S

    Electric Blue Jack Dempsey baby

  14. S


  15. Tomt37

    Where's all the firemouth?

    Still one of my favourite cichlids - anyone got nice adult ones at min?
  16. vildotcom

    New P. Managuensis Pickup

    Thank you Craigslist! It's been a long time since I had a proper fish. Picked this guy up yesterday from a very nice family that was moving and breaking down their tank. Ad said 6'' but this guy's looking more like 7 to 8''. I'm thinking we're a male but I've been out of the game a long time.
  17. Jakec96

    Help!! Jewel cichlid not eating

    I have a turquoise jewel cichlid who's not eating and it's been a few days. Whenever I feed the tank he comes to the top like everyone else but doesn't take any food down, he just taps the food with his mouth. I think he's having trouble opening his mouth because it looks like he wants to eat...
  18. Jakec96

    Jewel cichlid not eating

    I have a turquoise jewel cichlid with a sunken belly and he doesn't seem to be eating. Whenever I feed the rank he comes to the top and it looks like he's about to take a pellet but he ends up just tapping it with his mouth and swims away. He then makes like he is chewing something when he...
  19. S

    Death wish or happiness?

    I've had a African cichlid (assorted African tank at petsmart) in a 5g all by himself for two years. The cichlid is light blueish/purplish and about 2" long. I wish I knew what I know now before I bought him. Anyways I have a 20g long tank with only a green phantom pleco, he's about 5-6.5" and...