
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    For Sale Fish for sale Inland Empire

    Hi, im located in The inland empire and im looking to sell or trade (preferably trade) my current stock please send me a text for the pictures :) 951-905-3584 14” Fahaka Puffer $200 10” SB SRD Male Flowerhorn $100 12” Albino Oscar $35 6.5” festae hybrid $20 6” Male Umbee $50 3” Red dovii $35 3”...
  2. Plec123

    For Sale Group of 4 red head tapajos geos

    Selling a group of 4 Geophagus sp. red head tapajos. All between 2.5" and 3". Doing well and eating pellets. All fish have been with me for a couple months now. Pickup/meetup only in NJ. $100 for the group, will not split.
  3. Xnhx

    Tankmates for Firemouth Shoal

    Hey all. I recently upgraded to a 75 gallon tank for my Firemouth and have decided to start a shoal of 5 to more closely replicate their habitat. I have australian rainbowfish and tiger barbs with him right now, but am rehoming the rainbows for a different schooling fish. Which leads to my...
  4. m_sol

    For Sale Cichlids for sale

    I have a couple of cichlids for sale, very aggressive. Male Jagovii $300 12” Female FH X Red Managuense $60 Female Magma red fader Flowerhorn $120. Pick up only thanks! Accept offers
  5. MitchGlitch23

    For Sale Jaguar cichlid

    Hello everyone I got a 5 to 6 inch jaguar cichlid I'm looking to sell. $15 will do, I'm from Lewis Center Ohio so if you're local we can meet, or if you're out of state let me know and maybe we can work something out. Shipping will cost more and you run the risk of it dying during that so I...
  6. Xnhx

    Firemouth Shoal or Cichlid Mix?

    I am currently in the process of setting up a 75 gallon as an upgrade from my 55 gallon. I have 1 adult male firemouth, 5 tiger barbs, and 6 rainbowfish as well. I may leave the schooling fish in the 55 but they are honestly all some of the most docile fish, even the tiger barbs, so who knows...
  7. I

    Small growth/infection on green terror fin

    Was watching the tank and I just noticed a growth on my male gts fin. Idk what it is and never had a fish with this issue it doesn’t seem to be bothering him at all. I’m wondering if I should be worried or it will probably go away on its own. Him and his female are in breeding mode and he’s...
  8. T

    For Sale Mix cichlid for sale. 600 gallon tank $5-$10 a Fish

    As the title states have a 600-gallon mixed cichlid tank need to break down due to medical reasons I am located in Connecticut all fish will sell for 5 to $10 a piece. I have peacocks, venustus, frontosas, Geo's and much more. Need gone asap
  9. J

    Managüense cichlid

    Any thoughts in the quality of this jag? It’s at my LFS and debating on getting it. It’s about 3 years old and pushing 15 inch plus. I would need to make some adjustments in my tank if I was to get him.
  10. C

    Fish with ich

    So I just ordered some blood parrots online and they showed up with ich. I have them in my quarantine tank and I’m thinking of doing the heat and salt treatment for them. I have successfully used copper treatment in the past but I would like to try a different treatment method this time I worry...
  11. J

    Amphilophus hogaboomorum

    Hello everyone! Can any of you confirm if this is a true Amphilophus hogaboomorum?
  12. C

    180 gallon stocking advice

    So my 180 gallon tank I finally ready to go I just want some advice on my stocking plan. will these fish work together and is it too may fish? 1 black ghost knife 1 lemon oscar 1 senegal bichir 2 blood parrots 2 electric blue jack demosey
  13. C

    For Sale Multiple fish for sale

    5 synodontis eupterus 3-4” - $15each, $60 for all 5 1 synodontis ocellifer 4-5”- $20 1 female F1 Kamfa 6”- $150 (egg laying) pictures do not do her justice, fully red when fired up 1 male king king kamfa 4”- $75 1 male goldenbase, 10”+ - $75, got beat up my a larger fish but is almost fully...
  14. Bassmaster360

    Humor & Comedy: People who don't like hybrids are like Hitler

    "Species mixing is an abomination of nature" "Pure-bred cichlids are the only way to go" "Hybrids are muddying up the pure-bred gene pool" "Mixed-species fish must be eliminated" "Pure-bred cichlids are superior to mixed-species" :ROFL::popcorn:
  15. TheFishDealer

    For Sale Zebrina Pikes

    2 Available, they don't like living together, shipping $60 ups
  16. J

    Sexing Of Mayan cichlids

    Hi all I have two mayans in a tank together… the larger one of the two belonged to me and was fed a meaty diet . I actually bought both of these fish together but gave the smaller one to family. It was not kept properly and was not living in good conditions which is why I think it it smaller… I...
  17. L

    American cichlid tank with a peacock eel?

    Wondering if my idea would work. I have a 95 gallon tank but it has a looot of decor so practically a 90 with an 8inch Red Devil, 3inch and 1nch firemouths, and 4.5 inch convicts and wanted to add a Peacock eel. Fish get along great together, I’ve had the tank for a year. Thoughts?
  18. SirCatfish

    For Sale 12-14” Ornate Poly.

    Looking to sell my ornate poly. Had since 4”. Eats shrimp, tilapia, smelt, earthworms. Looking for pickup asap. Located in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Pics available. Negotiable
  19. G

    For Sale Moba F1 almost 2"

    I have many healthy baby moba frontosa fry. Cyphotilapia gibberosa, also known as Blue Zaire. The biggest are approaching 2". They are fat and very voracious feeders - eating flake and frozen brine shrimp. These are from my wild-caught colony. The adult picture is the parent colony. text...
  20. F

    For Sale Spotted Silver Dollars 4"-5" - five fish group

    Hey MFK, I have five healthy SD for sale. There are two different kinds, three are Metynnis Maculatus and two are Lippincottianus I'd prefer to sell them as a group, $75.00