
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    For Sale Selling 6ft Tank and Most of the Stock!

    Hello, I have decided to sell my 125 Gallon Tank and its' stand. Also, I will be selling most of my Peacock Cichlids and two Starry Night Cichlids.
  2. ruincccc

    Help: Starry night cichlid rotten left gill plate

    hi all, I have a 5' Starry Night cichlid in a fully cycled 75 gal tank along with a few baby geos and 2 EBAs. The Starry was recently introduced about 1 month ago and is the biggest fish in the tank. The fish now has some rotten tissue on its left gill plate, and it's the only fish in the tank...
  3. MooseTheWizard

    Jack Dempsey w/ discoloured lump on head

    I noticed this morning that my Jack Dempsey has a discoloured lump on his head. I do not believe this was there last night. Behaviour is normal aside from a bit more rapid breathing. I did a water change a couple of hours ago to make sure things are as clean as can be in there. Tank is a 75g...
  4. TheFishDealer

    For Sale Some Available Fish (Store clear out)

    14-16" Albino Arowana $399 5-6" Banded Tilapia $45 6-8" Flagtail $45 8-9" Malawi Eyebiter $80 (2 Available) 5-6" L200 Green Phantom $60 (2 Available) 4-5" L-128 Blue Phantom $65 2-3"L96 Spiny Cactus Pleco $50 4" Widebar Silver Dollar $30 (4 available) 9-12" African Lungfish $45 (2 Available)...
  5. D

    For Sale Adult Female Dovii for Sale

    I’m looking to sell my 7 in adult female Dovii. She is in perfect health condition.
  6. RampageRR

    For Sale Exodon shoal (20) and female creamsicle midas

    Located in Martinsburg, WV - less than an hour from most places in Northern Virginia and most of the DMV area. I'm usually able to drive out to meet halfway or so if that helps. I have a shoal of larger paradoxus exodon, between 19-21 total - they're near impossible to count since they don't...
  7. J

    Vieja zonatus

    I just picked up my first zonatus it’s about 6 inches. Do these color up as they grow? Mine looks dull. Can you share pictures of yours?
  8. Black Tuna

    For Sale Large Vieja Synspilum, Herichthys Deppi (breeder female)

    Synspilum (F1 Belize) est. 11"+ $120 Deppi female (wild caught "Rio Bobos", proven breeder) est. 6-7" $80 PM or email me Local pick-up preferred.
  9. getmethatgeoplease

    Can Gymnogeophagus Balzanii do well in a 75 gal?

    Was looking at different types of Geophagus and came across this fish. Have had red heads and Threadfin before but know nothing really about the Balzanii. I saw they are cool temp but not sure if they would need a larger tank once full grown. Also, what other fish can be kept with them?
  10. C

    For Sale 6” Male Geophagus Brasiliensis

    Pearl cichlid for sale.
  11. T

    Chupacabra jag hybrids

  12. P

    FREE 150 tank , supplies, and a few cichlids, free with takedown and removal

    Our work is moving and we have a 150 gallon tank that needs to be removed asap. It has 9 or 10 cichlids in there and a pleco. If you come pick it up, you can have everything free.
  13. R

    200 gal predatory stocking ideas

    G'day So I'm considering buying a 200 gallon tank for stocking primarily a few large cichlids or possibly other predatory fish. I plan on raising them from as young as i can find them all the way to adulthood in this tank. I've read read Oscars have the most personality so I'm hoping for a...
  14. F

    For Sale FS: Male Grammode in SFV 91335

    Doesn’t work well with current tank mates, looking to get what I paid for it $50. In Reseda 91335
  15. T

    Mbuna or peacocks?

    I am confused with two of my cichlids and need help identifying what kind of cichlids are they. pics attached. Thanks in advance
  16. V

    For Sale Fader flowerhorn

    About 4.5-5 inch Male Just faded about 1 and half weeks ago. Pick up in los angeles or i can deliver with a fee 250 with 4 parrots included Pm if interested
  17. H

    Cichlids & Bass hitting food top water in 3000 gallon aquarium

    Just a fun video of my South American Cichlids and Peacock Bass hitting their food top water in their 3000 gallon planted aquarium.
  18. F

    For Sale L155 Adonis Pleco 7 inch

    Hello Monsterkeepers, time to let my Adonis go. He's bullying the other plecos now. He's beautiful and healthy specimen. Only way to picture was to catch him out of the tank. Note pickup only, in Lake Forest, Ca
  19. m_sol

    New flowerhorn black?

    Just picked up this female flowerhorn. Seen it multiple times at my LFS and she was always the same dark color. Any idea what the strain of FH she might be?
  20. m_sol

    Can someone help identify my FH's and what they have on their fin and body

    Currently in 75 gal grow out tank. The bigger one laid eggs but the eggs turned white 2 days later. The first one is female and second male. They paired up idk if the male is infertile. Thanks in advance!