I don't know much about fish, the tank is actually my husbands, but I noticed the two cichlids attacking our tire track eel. They were chasing him around the tank and pushing their way under our rocks when he tried to hide. We have a semi aggressive tank but everyone is pretty small, the...
Hey I've used Jeff Rapps at least 5 times in the last 7 years and he's great but I was just at his site and I'm not really finding a good mix of cichlids that I want. Who else out there has a good stock list that I can trust to ship to Phoenix?
I'm thinking of starting another 75 gallon tank, I actually wanna get a larger one but due to limited space now since I already got a 75 recently, I think another 4 foot tank is the way to go. I want to stock aggressive cichlids in this one. I really love jags but I know 75 isn't enough for...
ive changed the stock in my 75 from angels/gouramis to cichlids now. I've gone withe one jd roughly 2 inches, one firemouth roughly 2 inches, and one convict about an inch, and planning to add some dither fish. Is there any other cichlid that i can keep? I would also like suggestions on what...
Im setting up a 100 gallon sa/ca cichlid tank, and have been thinking of how im going to lay it out. I got the idea to take small cuts of larger diameter pvc and pvc elbows and coating them with concrete to give them a natural cave look. Has anyone ever tried this? I also wasnt sure if all...
I just got back from the fish store and picked up two intresting looking cichlids. They were losted as green hornets, however I havent been able to find any information on them. One of the workers at the stores said they were related to severums, if any one knows any info on this fish it would...
Hey guys, I have a 55 gallon cycled and ready for some fish to move into it. It's god some driftwood, large rocks, live plants, and gravel/fluorite subsrate - pretty much a basic setup, just got nice-looking plants and threw everything together. I'm moving my senegal bichir into it, as she's...
I just recently picked up a ~100 gallon tank. the dimensions are 5' long 18"deep and 20" tall. I currently have 1 convict, 1 Jd, 1 Texas, and 1 Firemouth (all juvinial) in a 55 gallon that i plan on putting in the 100 gallon. Are there any other aggressive cichlids i could keep with these guys...
I have a new 75 gallon tank. It's already cycled and is running an aquaclear 110. Is that filtration enough for just one full grown Oscar? And maybe (that's a big maybe) just one other cichlid that can go with an Oscar. I've seen in a lot of posts people suggest keeping a lot more filtration but...
I am going to be setting up a 125 gallon fish tank with 8-12 Cichlids, and I may do 2-4 live feeding per month. I know that I will have to do water changes, but I'm looking for filtration suggestions that I require the least amount of water changes and aquarium maintenance. FYI...whatever...
I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank with the intent of getting 3-4 Oscars, but my wife wants me to put more fish in the tank. I have heard that African Cichlids are generally smaller than Oscars. If this is true, about how many African Cichlidscan I put in a 125 gallon tank? Also, are they as...
I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank and it will be my first tank ever. I want to put Cichlids in it, so I'm looking for suggestions on which ones I should get.
I'm looking for low-maintenance, colorful Cichlids that are the least likely to become aggressive against each other. I plan to buy...
I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank and it will be my first tank ever. I want to put Cichlids in it, so I'm looking for suggestions on which ones I should get.
I'm looking for low-maintenance, colorful Cichlids that are the least likely to become aggressive against each other. I plan to buy...
I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank with the intent of getting 3-4 Oscars, but my wife wants me to put more fish in the tank. I have heard that African Cichlids are generally smaller than Oscars. If this is true, about how many African Cichlids can I put in a 125 gallon tank? Also, are they...
I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank with the intent of getting 3-4 Oscars, but my wife wants me to put more fish in the tank. I have heard that African Cichlids are generally smaller than Oscars. If this is true, about how many African Cichlids can I put in a 125 gallon tank? Also, are they...
I have a cichlid tank with a sunsun 302 canister and a top filter. Though I have not tested it, but the water looks reasonably fine and fish are doing good. However, the substrate (brick red sand) is a bit dirty and I was wondering if the filters would pick it up over time and if I can leave it...
will a full grown butti cichlid be fine in a 75 gallon? it would be by itself/ oh and im aware there not a ca or sa cichlid i just see them talked about in here the most :)) i just wanted one cause i heard they have good personalities or more so interesting reactive personalities haah but if not...
Just wondering if these two guys could get along in a 90 gallon tank. My Escondido Carpintis is about 8" already. Haven't added the Veija yet but i like the way they look theyre some badass lookin guys. Anyway let me know what y'all think. Sure do appreciate it.