Hey guys, need some input on this. Having a few minor aggression issues. Recently I added the mesoheros atromaculatus that I rescued from craigslist into my 90 gallon tank. They seemed healthy enough to skip the last part of quarantine so I plopped 'em in there. They already seem much happier to...
Was looking into firemouths and really like them so would 1-2 go well with a
5 inch sengal bichir
3-4 inch zig zag eel
4 red ruby barbs
African butterflyfish
Couple small synodontis
1 big 8 inch synodontis notatus
So o found this guy who I was going to buy a wolf fish from but he sold it, He then wrote me an email saying he had some cichlids he was going too sell also. I looked at some pictures and he told me they where "very rare" I'm not a cichlid expert but I know many of you are so I thought you...
My eb blue acaras have stopped eating, they used to eat like pigs until they had a brood and now they are picky. I've tried multiple different types of pellets and even live ghost shrimp. They have sunken in stomachs now and I'm starting to get worried
So I was just checking in on my fish before I went to bed, and lo and behold I find quite the surprise. Apparently the two most colorful of my Geophagus Sp. Redhead Tapajos have paired up and laid eggs. I've only had them for maybe 3 months if even that long. The biggest one (the female) can't...
Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving! Just joined the forum to ask a few questions about ordering fish online, something I have never done before.
some info.
The tank in question is a 55g mbuna tank I aquired, that needs some work in the stocking department. once I remove the few incompatible fish...
Hey guys I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or if I'm posting in the right section ect so please be understanding. I have a 45 gallon tank with two paired off young electric blue acaras and 12 silver tip tetras as dithers. So I purchased as a pair and they were perfect until she laid eggs and...
I haven't changed the carbon in my HOB filters in a very long time. I usually just rinse them out every once in a while to just clean the waste out. The carbon is probably doing nothing because its probably inactive by now. My fish are doing just fine and looking and feeling great so I was...
I baught this one a few weeks ago and was told it was a girl, I think she looks to be a girl but have had a few ppl tell me she looks kind of like a male, she is 25cm+, and is also acting like she has eggs
Hi, I have a quick question. So I have a 6in female Flowerhorn that lays eggs non-stop alone in her tank. I'm thinking about getting her a Male Aztec Carpintis....will they breed? Also will I have to put a divider up even though it's not a male Flowerhorn?
I have recently noticed my Blood Parrot (female ~6") and Texas cichlid(male ~7") burrowing a cave under a rock, however when I looked into my tank this morning there were at least 300 fry swimming with them. I took out the fry and put them into a 10 gallon for now. Anyone know what these guys be...
Hey guys,
I am always torn where to post my images on MFK: here or on the Rift Lake Cichlid Forum.
This is one of my favorite images of Palau that I wanted to share it with you all too...
And, while I am at it, here's another too...
Hope you like.
So this morning i woke up to 3 out of my 4 alunacaras died at the bottom of the tank, and i have no clue as to what happened.
I can't see the 4th and i don't know where the tropheus is. Both haps are currently alive.
In terms of the tank, there was 4 alunacara, 1 tropheus, 4 corys and a plec...
Hello all,
I'm a returning member of MFK and getting back into the hobby after a little hiatus. I've discovered that some of my go-to breeders are now out of the hobby. Just wondering if anyone can recommend any in the Detroit area / lower Michigan. I'm mostly looking for African cichlids. I...
So i recently lost 5 little african cichlids from a heater malfunction while I was at work. :c A few days later, I came across this beautiful Acara Cichlid. She (I'm assuming) was in a tank with another about a qautar of her size living peacefully. I selected to only get her, since I only have a...
What do you guys think about Northfin? I know it may not be the most readily available food on the market but it's been out a while and don't hear much about it, except when i do it's all good for Northfin. I myself have been using Northfin for awhile after moving from Hikarii and I can say...
I have read a few posts on here about lighting and I am wondering if anyone has an suggestions on lighting for a 150 gallon cichlid tank that is about 30" deep. I am currently running T8's but have been considering switching to LED's. I know there are so many different options for lighting...
Good afternoon everyone,
I'm new here, and I'm curious as to what you all would recommend with a 5in Jack Dempsey. I believe i've read around enough that they can be somewhat aggressive / territorial, so i'm working on getting some hiding places/caves for him and would love to build the...
as the title suggests i have a few questions about jack dempseys.
here we go.
1- is a 65 gal suibtable for a pair?
2-is a boyu fef 230 suitable for a single/ pair dempsey?if not is there a suitable budget filter?
3-best food for dempseys
4-can a dempsey tank be planted?
5- any tips for these...