
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AMFishHead

    The 100 gallon question ;)

    My 100g tank is ready for housing some awesome AC but I can't decide on my own. I like Oscars but I'd go with somthing else to make it easier for my filter though still want something like GT, Texas or conv. The thing is i don't want to just one fish, three is min. Any ideas ? what you got ?
  2. M

    Just wanted to show off my tank

    Old pics but current stock 7 red terrors 1 saxatilis pike 1 venezulean pike 2 unknown (pos. Sax pikes) 1 vieja argentea 1 marbled goby 2 com plecos
  3. B

    My Flowerhorn :) Can you tell what strain or type it is ?

    Hey All, :) This is my flowerhorn which I'm having it has a great personality and I love its colors any idea what particular strain or type it is ?
  4. cichlidsickness

    Synspilum Growouts

    I got this batch of fry from a friend of mine. I've been growing them out since mid September of 2015. Right now, the biggest ones in the bunch are 3 inches and the smallest ones are 2 inches. They've got some red on their tail and dorsal fins with a blueish sheen to their body. I'm hoping...
  5. J

    HELP DOVII Cichlid (bored)

    hello everyone I am new to the Group so i hope i can get some answers i have a 10" dovii male i got him from a LFS when he was about 6". he is currently in a 125gallon tank with no tank mates..wll he had some when i first bought him ..but now hes the lone wolf. so the issue im seeing with...
  6. Lil' Jenny

    Stocking Questions and Advice

    I currently have a 120 gal glass aquarium dimensions are 48x18x30. With no plans on upgrading anytime soon. Currently featuring an 8.5" Sailfin Pleco, 8" Senegal Bichir, 5.5" Striped Raphael Catfish, and 5" Pictus Catfish My boyfriend and I would like to add a few more fish but we don't want...
  7. Hendre

    60 Gallons of discus and stuff

    Good morning. In my quest to find nice stocking for a 250L tank I am getting in less than a month and I don't think an African oddball tank would work for me. So I have decided to look into discus and some other things. The tank is a 4ft 250L long tank that will have a double DIY canister...
  8. Lil g

    Wanted: Jack dempsey specialist

    I need some help with possible breeding questions... My pair seem to be or have laid eggs.... I have no idea about any of it and I'm in need of some serious help from someone who has experience.. I don't want to do something and mess it up thanks again.
  9. 5Spot Junkie


    Had some fun playing with the YouTube editor for the first time. Zeus is my hybrid (H. Fasciatus x H. Frempongi) male. He's the only one I have left. Beginning is his parents with their larvae in the corner (only batch from them, Female killed male). He's in every vid. He's currently 10-11"...
  10. M

    Is my fish tank cycled?

    Hello all, i have a 4 foot fish tank (48 gallons) that I've been cycling for peacock cichlids for about a week now. The water test strip shows as follows: 120 GH ppm (mg/l) 120 KH ppm (mg/l) 7.5 - 8.00 PH (The colours almost in-between, leaning to 8.00) 0.5 NO2- NITRITE ppm (mg/l) 20 - 30...
  11. festaedan

    Cichlids and Monsters for Cheap! Pu/Mu/Sh Potomac MD

    Hey guys Need to move a couple cichlids hopefully before the storm. If you want some nice fish for a low price before the snow storm, I have what you need. These guys (minus the tilapia) were living with my stingrays but they all nipped a ray at one time or another so they gotta go. Before I...
  12. Freshwater Exotics

    Wild Caught Plecos & South American Cichlids

    1/16/16 Freshwater Exotics Stock List Please message or email us at with any questions or to get a shipping quote. We ship via FedEx, Southwest or Delta. Pick up available by appointment only. We are located just south of Milwaukee off I-94. Photos of most...
  13. M

    45 gallon peacock tank. Little help?

    My 4 foot long tank is all set up and cycling, the fish should be ready to be added in 5-7 days, and right now I'm just wondering on exact stocking numbers. Heres what i thought. 7-8 juvenile peacock cichlids 3 electric yellows 1 brittle nose catfish
  14. E

    230g ciclhid tank,mostly central.

  15. T

    Mixing African cichlids with South American cichlids options

    I have a 90 gallon tank with mostly African cichlids such as yellow lab electric blue cichlid red zebra venustus Acei yellowfin borleyi ob cichlid bumble bee and a couple more African cichlid mixed with a green terror jack Dempsey black convict a channel cat fish and a pike fish and one or 2...
  16. Nativefishkeeper904

    How many South American cichlids can I keep in a 55 gallon aquarium?

    I bought a 55 gallon aquarium with my Christmas money recently and I cycled it with the most hardy fish my pet store had. Convict cichlids. Just watching their personalities come out was just amazing and I grew attached. I have 2 males and 2 females in the 55 at the moment. They are not breeding...
  17. C

    Adding Smaller Cichlids with Larger

    Hi all! I have a black belt cichlid that needs to be moved out of its grow out tank since it is beginning to show aggression to others. This fish is 4 to 5 inches. At what size can I add this fish into a 300 gallon with much larger 9 to 10 inch cichlids (Jag, Bifa and Mayan)?
  18. redfish1

    How to grow Oscars fast?

    I have brought 4 Tiger Oscars from a local fish store.I keep them in a 300 Gallons tank with 2 Cat fishes,1 Giant Gourami and 1 Snakehead fish.I want to grow my Oscars upto maximum size they grow and I want MFK's help to grow them fast and maximum.
  19. M

    First time cichlid tank cycling help?

    Hi guys, im getting my first tank very soon- a 37 gallon, and i need some help with cycling this bad boy, i have written down a step by step progress on what i think i might do, but could you guys check it over and see any points of concern? The stocking list is as follows: 1 male albino...
  20. Sizzy905

    75 Gallon Piranha Tank

    Hi I am interested in starting a red belly piranha tank. My friend just got 5 juveniles and they are just stunning. I currently have a 75 gallon with two 6-7 inch oscars and a 4 inch convict with an AquaClear 110. I do partial water changes everyday say about 10% and I've managed to keep my fish...