• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. M

    For Sale Freshwater Cichlid tank occupants looking for a good home!

    I am selling my freshwater system and the fish as well. My buiness is crazy busy and growing, my wife is a full time med student and our kiddo's are just too busy to spend any time with the system and I feel like the fish deserve better! Includes 125 gallon tank, large stand, 60 gallon...
  2. V

    For Sale Rare vieja aregentea (faded)

    I have 2 males super rare gold argentea .. No.hybrid pure breed. 9 inches Very healthy 500 each
  3. ptgabrys

    For Sale Tarpon, pearl stingray, vaft, etc.

    All fish for sale are extremely healthy and eating a variety of foods including hikari, massivore, blood worms, tilapia, and market shrimp. I am only selling them because I am going a different direction with my tanks. Many of them have been in my care for a couple years or more, I care a lot...
  4. Jacob._.merc

    Fish not eating anything I feed them

    So as you all know I have had an aggressive blood parrot that wouldn't allow my dragon blood peacock in the 90 gallon tank with him. Well things decided to work out I guess and she has accepted living with him in the tank. The only problem I have now is my fish will not eat absolutely anything I...
  5. Adam GR

    Mystery - colorful female aulonocara?

    Hi Ok so here is my Eureka which looks pretty much lika a nice matureing male too me. 3 days ago I've seen this fish danceing with another male, from next day hat fish stop eating and it looks like she have eggs in mouth. I am fully aware that hormoned fishes can keep some of male color but did...
  6. Jacob._.merc

    Fish gender help

    greetings again, I have a 6 inch Fossorochromis rostratus and I am having a bit of trouble identifying the gender. It has female coloration right now but I've seen some males with the same coloration. If it could be a male, how long does it take for it to get that bluish color? If it is female...
  7. bigshowtank

    Want to Buy Mfelanurus cichlid

    Looking to buy melanurus cichlid? Must be able to ship. Thanks.
  8. Dale King


    King Kamfa Flowerhorn 3.5 inch Showcase Grade. Very Healthy. Free Shipping USA and Puerto Rico
  9. Adam GR

    Sciaenochromis fryeri male or female

    Hello there? Here is my electric blue hap, any chance for that fish to be a male? This fish is in 90gal tank with just males, most of them are bigger then this hap. He/she size is 3inch. Thanks a lot for all help..
  10. Adrianrios1085

    For Sale fish tanks 92505

    90 gallon tank with stand 100$ 2-40 gallon breeder rack system complete with led lights filters air pump digital heaters 170$
  11. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    FERNO the red oscar update!

    Ferno the red Oscar has been growing like a weed! He’s a bottomless pit and growing fast! Here’s some pics of him below, he’s somewhere around 6 or 7 inches!
  12. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Anyone here in NH or northern Mass ?

    I'm now offering aquarium maintenance and cleaning, Anyone here interested or know anyone that may be?
  13. Adrianrios1085

    Flowerhorns Srd pu only riverside ca 40$

    I have 5 3 in srd imported from Thailand 40$ each Also have 1 srd Flowerhorn male 4.5-5in big kok nice color very active 100$
  14. Adrianrios1085


    SRD IMPORTED FROM THAILAND 4in Kamfa upon request 80$ each for SRD Message me if interested 626 203 3120
  15. Green Devils-Red Terrors

    Black Convict Cichlid, viable with introducing small babies while in tank??

    Is it safe to introduce my new Green Texas and Blue Acara (half an inch at most), into a tank with 1 1/2 inch convicts (breeding pair)? The convicts are already circulating at the bags, as I'm acclimating. Anyone, have any tips on introduction, of new small babies into a tank while avoiding...
  16. Nm1

    Stocking 200 gallon

    I put together my first SA tank with the exception of loaches. I have a 200 gallon 84x24x24 tank with 2 fx6 filters. All fish are juveniles and 4-7 inches with the exception of the pleco. I plan to move the tigers, arowana and pleco to a 300 gallon tank in the near future. Everyone is peaceful...
  17. salt_creep

    Assortment of South American fish - Central Florida

    I've got some earth eaters and plecos I need help rehoming. I'm not really wanting to ship as I've got a place I can dump everything for cheap if I need to. L256 Royal Sunshine Pleco (x4) LG $400 L014 Sunshine Pleco XLG (x2) $300 L114 Leopard Cactus XLG (x1) MD (x1) $100 and $40 XLG Proven...
  18. Adrianrios1085

    Breeding pair of jags for sale pu riverside ca

    Selling my proven breeding pair of jaguars need to make room Male 12in Female 8in They’ve produced plenty of fry for me 120$ obo
  19. AquaScape

    4/18/19 Stocklist!!! & More to come!! ***10% OFF MFK CALL IN SPECIAL!!!!***

    We wanted to thank all of our MFK members who have supported us as well as supported MFK all these years buy giving you guys something in return. So thank you guys!!! We will be getting in some more stock in the next two weeks including catfish, oddballs, some more piranha species as well as...
  20. Adrianrios1085

    Jaguar breeding pair 150$ riverside ca

    I’m selling my proven breeding pair Pick up only in riverside ca 150$