
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Adrianrios1085

    Jaguar breeding pair 150$ riverside ca

    I’m selling my proven breeding pair Pick up only in riverside ca 150$
  2. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Red Oscar update

    Well plans have changed a little with the trio of oscars I have. Today I got rid of 11 fish which cut the bio load I had in half leaving me with 8 fish, I did a large water change and then got things back to normal. I have been housing 3 oscars temporarily in a 20 gallon long set up as a lot...
  3. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Pothos added to 125

    Got some pothos yesterday, so today after work I got a piece of driftwood I had laying around that likes to float rather than sink and used rubber bands to attach the pothos to the drift wood, leaving the roots in the water with stem and leaves out of the water. Let me know what you think, never...
  4. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Ideas for DIY canister filter

    I have a 125 gallon South American setup currently filtered by a fluval fx6 and a 80 gallon HOB filter. Looking to get rid of the HOB and do a DIY canister filter made out of a 5 gallon bucket, Anyone have any good tips, designs or ideas for this ? I was originally gonna purchase a fluval fx4...
  5. H

    Severum Identification

    I was sold a turquoise severum yesterday, but the more I look at him, the less he looks like a severum. The body seems too long and there seems to be no stripped bands at all. It was the last one among a mix of golden and turquoise severums so that is a possibility as well. If this is not a...
  6. Zak03

    Depressed Oscar?

    So, i have two oscar cichlids, a sun cat, and a common pleco. all fish are under 3" and are in a 10 gallon tank. theyre in the 10gal while i reseal the bigger tank, dont worry. Tank decor: i used to have 4 natural rocks, 3 big, one medium as decor. i have gravel as a substrate. i had a lot of...
  7. Zak03

    Tank Cleaness

    Alright, so i have two oscars, one common pleco, and one sun catfish (all fish under 3") in a 10 gallon tank. Dont worry, i will upgrade to a bigger tank, theyre just in the 10 gallon while i reseal. i have bright green algea growing on the sides of the tank. i wipe it off, but it's back full...
  8. H

    Help ID this Geophagus please!

    Hello everyone, I got 4[1jumped out and passed away :(] geophagus labeled as geophagus tapajos red head. It was like 8months ago and they were probably 3/4months old. The thing is I already had a couple 4years ago and they were a lot light color and with more red and orange than this ones, and...
  9. J

    S. American Cichlid Community Tank Ideas

    Hello Fellow Fish Lovers, A little background to explain my situation. For the last year I have been testing a "no water change" 220 liter aquarium for a company. The goal of this test is to determine if their filteration system works as they advertise - basically, beautiful tank with little to...
  10. B

    Stocking a 125g

    Hello, I'm new to this forum. I have a 125g tank that currently houses a jack Jack Dempsey. I would like to stock it with other cichlids, I tried adding my firemouth wich is the same size as the JD but they fought too much so I removed him. I've decided to add multiple cichlids at once to reduce...
  11. W

    My new 125 gallon aquarium

    Yesterday i got a 125 gallon aquarium off of craiglist with a stand and filter and a lid. It is 72" 18" 22". I want to get some cichlids for it. I either want to do peacocks and haps or central and south american cichlids. For peacocks and haps I was thinking about doing a few different types of...
  12. Cichlids621

    HELP! Green Terror Lip

    Today I noticed that there was something wrong with my Green Terror and I noticed that half of his bottom lip was not attached and wiggling around. Its with one other fish but It's divided so i don't think it can be from Lip locking. If someone can tell me what I should do I would appreciate it...
  13. Rensille

    Large Cichlids that play nice with tankmates?

    Hi! I want to set up a new tank for medium to larger sized cichlids as they seem to be the most colorful fish around and I have no idea which ones go well in a community tank besides severums and geophagus eartheaters from what i heard most cichlids tend to be aggressive. I would like to know...
  14. vitaly

    Fish Trap Testing: South Florida Cichlids

    South Florida is the place to be, if you are a North American native fish keeper. However, in addition to native fish, there are also invasives and exotics. I went out to a lake near my house to test out my brand new fish trap. While I had no luck with it, I got a chance to see a ton of Mayan...
  15. AquaScape

    NEW STOCK-LIST 12/14/18

    -Piranha- Red Bellies (Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $10.oo Ea. Or 10/$80.oo Caribe (Pygocentrus notatus) 3”-4” ON SALE **$65.oo Ea.** 5”-6” ON SALE **$85.oo Ea.** Piraya (Pygocentrus piraya) 5”-6”...
  16. huntery18

    best substrate for jack dempseys

    hey guys so my jack dempseys are not very colorful and someone pointed out that since my gravel is brown it wont have there color pop so i went and picked up some black gravel, but is gravel better or should i go with sand, currently i have a aqueon water changer with a 25 foot hose that i use...
  17. T

    Cichlid ID (what is this?)

    So after posting this in the salt section haha Hey there every one. I'm new here, in fact, this is what prompted me to sign up. So I have a cichlid it's around 2 inches in length as it stands right now. I bought it with one other cichlid and was told it it was a chocolate cichlid like other...
  18. T

    Cichlid ID (what is this?)

    Hey there every one. I'm new here, in fact, this is what prompted me to sign up. So I have a cichlid it's around 2 inches in length as it stands right now. I bought it with one other cichlid and was told it it was a chocolate cichlid like other cichlid I bought. Now I know that on of them is...
  19. E

    Melanochromis auratus with Julidochromis marlieri

    I picked up a single M.auratus juvenile today on a whim. Any chance I could keep it in a single tank with 3 J. marlieri juveniles? I know M.auratus can get aggressive when they're mating but what about a single individual? The tank is 20 gallons but I can move them to a 50 gallon in a couple of...
  20. coreybecker

    Just ordered 300 gallon setup suggestions welcomed

    So wife wants new hardwood floor and my 120 gallon has a small crack on a seam. Holds water now just fine just don't wanna risk moving again. So I just ordered a new tank. 8 feet long 30 inches wide and 24 inches deep Starfire from Pannell regular glass all other panes. 3-4 weeks away. Now the...