
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. rayoddballfish

    For Sale Datnoid, Bichirs, Angelfish, Discus

    Downsizing as I will be moving soon and looking to rehome these fish: - 5x 5-6 inch Brilliant Blue Turqoise Discus $300 for all 5 - 4-5 inch Weeksii Bichir $50 - 9-10 inch Weeksii Bichir $100 - 7-8 inch Mokememble Bichir $70 - 7-8 inch Golden Longfin Senegal Bichir $120 - 7 inch platinum...
  2. rayoddballfish

    For Sale 5 Adult Brilliant Blue Turquoise Discus

    Hey all, Have these 5 adult 5 inch brilliant blue turqoise discus I’m looking to rehome. Trying to downsize and clear some space! Bought them 2 years ago from Discus Madness and are great eaters and not shy at all! Looking to sell together as a group for $450 for all 5. Send me any reasonable...
  3. Isaiah75

    Discus Not Eating

    Hello all, I’ve got a discus that I can’t get to eat and has had white/mucus like feces. It’s been a few days since I’ve seen it eat anything. And I need any and all help/input for me to try so I don’t lose this fish. Here’s what I’ve got… I’ve got a 75 gallon aquarium. I’ve stocked it w 7...
  4. rayoddballfish

    New Discus!!!

    Hey all, Been a while since I’ve been on this forum. Happy to be back :) A couple days ago, I purchased a group of 5 juvenile 3 inch discus from a local breeder. They were labeled as brilliant blue/turquoise discus. They are said to be around 4 months old and the breeder said he does 75...
  5. D

    Discus breeding questions!!

    So unfortunately, Monday morning I noticed allll the eggs were gone. Pretty sure it was one of the 2 plecos or the blue gourami that were in the tank seeing as the parents were being very good taking care of the eggs. It also happened over night, midnight I set a blue moon light setting next...
  6. D


    So yea removed the angel fish who wouldn’t stop breeding and boom I just noticed darkish orange eggs guarded by a leopard snakeskin discus. Since I just noticed I’m unsure of the other parent and this is the first spawn so I’m new to discus, I’ve raised angels Africans recently L129 Colombian...
  7. H

    Arowana and discus??

    I have a 300gallon tank 92" by 30" 24" tall. The tank is empty as we speak but I do have a 6" silver arowana and 6" Flagtail, my plans are to set the tank up and put plants in it for a month or two so they can settle in first then I wanted to maybe add some 5"+ discus to the tank(5 discus or...
  8. P

    Please help ID my discus thanks!

    Hi all, I'm new to discus fish keeping, had previously and still are keeping other fresh water fishes like arowana and goldfish. I've decided to take the plunge into discus keeping and bought a few from my LFS (I know its seen as an evil in the west if I don't get them from a breeder but I've...
  9. D

    Need HELP can’t identify what’s wrong

    So my discus seems to have gifted these orange-ish color sores the one in the right almost looked like some white thing was sticking out so I assumed parasites and an treating him which parasite meds which after 24hours I can’t say much has changed. My filter media is removed of course but if...
  10. O

    For Sale rehoming(frontosa, Datnoid, albino heo, yellow albino discus)

    Rehoming some fishes. Arowana getting to bully mode. Frontosa 4-5” 60$ Indo Datnoid 5” 160$ Yellow albino discus 4-5” 70$ Albino geo- 60$ Fatty koi japanese- 80$ Cuban cichlids - 35$ 8059946719
  11. rayoddballfish

    Can stunted Discus “recover”?

    So I posted here a few weeks ago regarding Discus in a planted tank and recently freed up a 30 gallon bare bottom aquarium. I will be growing out 6-8 discus in this 30 gallon for a few months until they get to “adult size” and then add them to my planted tank as several members told me this...
  12. rayoddballfish

    Discus Water Conditions

    Hey guys, I’m from NJ and have relatively hard water. Would like to keep discus and have the opportunity to get a few for a good price. Will they thrive in hard water? These will be 2 inch juveniles from a local breeder who uses RO “soft” water. Also, any tips for water quality? I know they are...
  13. S

    What's happening?

    Hi, can someone tell me why the dark blue discus is doing that whenever the light blue comes near? Is the fish sick?
  14. S

    Help me find.

    I already asked this in the Discus thread, I swear I saw a picture of ripsaw with discus in a single big tank here in MFK ages ago. And I hope I have saved the picture during the time. But anyone saw it too? Or probably know the guy? I just need to ask some questions if it still exists and I...
  15. Shape of Water

    Why is it difficult to keep discus?

    Hi, I'm looking into setup my 50 gallon tank for Discus. I found they are super peaceful to watch. They look like colorful balloons! I also heard that they were difficult to keep. Why is that? I know they like the temperature between 84-86 degree. I usually do a 20% water change weekly. I plan...
  16. Shape of Water

    Want to Buy Stingray, Arowana, Discus Wanted. (Bucks County, PA)

    Hi, I have a 240 gallon tank setup. 5'X3'X2'. I'm looking into stock Stingray, Silver Arowana, and Discus. Anyone rehoming those fish? I don't mind to pay for a reasonable re-home fee. My Zip code is 19056. Please leave your contact when reply. Thanks.
  17. S

    SEEKING ADVICE: New Tank (Fish Suggestions and Setup)

    Hi everyone! ? ? Since all of you are very knowledgeable, any and all help is appreciated. The tank is a roughly 43 gallon eurobraced acrylic (48in L X 13in W X 16in H). Planning to upgrade in the future, for larger fish. I have a sump setup, but I need advice on a lighting/heating setup...
  18. Cichlids keeper

    Discus Nuchal Hump: Is it possible?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but has anyone ever heard of discus getting nuchal humps? I know it sounds weird because of the shape of discus but I'm curious so I just wanted to know.
  19. Kingster

    For Sale Wild Discus, Panda Uaru, Plecos

    - 4 Wild Caught Young PANDA UARU $150 each - 6 Wild Caught Medium RIO NANNAY DISCUS $100 each - 1 Wild Caught Medium L048 BLACK SUNSHINE PLECO $125 - 1 Wild Caught Small L007 VAMPIRE CF. GALAXIAS $75 - 2 Wild Caught Medium VAMPIRE SHRIMP $20 each emptying tank to start breeding
  20. F

    latest Monster Stock list

    Below Is the Full list, we ship fedex & cargo. message us on facebook, email and call us ~ Arowana Size Availabilty Price Albino Silver 3"-4" $150 5"-6" L.S. $180 8"-10" N/A 12"+ N/A 15"-16" L.S. $1,500 Short Body Albino Silver...