
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. D

    From discus to Flowerhorn

    Hi all, I am new to this forum. I used to maintain a discus aquarium for the past 3 years, and now in to flowerhorn. I purchased my first flowerhorn, and please help me in identiying the type and also if able to say its a male or female. this is about 4-5 inch in size.
  2. Sizzy905

    Single angelfish with 5 discus

    I currently have 5 juvenile angelfish. My tank is 75 gallon and I also have neons, some live bearers, and danios. I would like to grow the angelfish up and then sell a few and replace them with discus. My questions are •will I be okay putting a singer angelfish with a group of discus? •how...
  3. Reel Em In AquaticTrading


    Hi all. I was wondering what everyone thinks about an algae background? I'm sick of looking at this blue painted background (already applied upon purchase) and so I thought instead of cleaning the Algae on the back glass I will just let it grow out and look natural. Anyone think it would look...
  4. F

    FS: 150 Gallon Clear for Life Acrylic

    Getting out of the hobby! I have a beautiful 150 complete set up. Comes with everything! Tank has built in dual corner overflows, 60 gallon custom made sump, Aqua UV sterilizer, Lifegard pump, Eshopps filter socks, moving K2 media bed in sump, twin Aquaclear 70 powerheads, two 300 watt heaters...
  5. Hendre

    60 Gallons of discus and stuff

    Good morning. In my quest to find nice stocking for a 250L tank I am getting in less than a month and I don't think an African oddball tank would work for me. So I have decided to look into discus and some other things. The tank is a 4ft 250L long tank that will have a double DIY canister...
  6. L

    Discus tank mates

    Hi, im currently in the process of setting up a 600 Litre discus tank, im going to hopefully get between 8 - 10 discus fish but im unsure of what other fish to keep with my discus, i already know of the usual tank mates, cardinals, plecs, rams ect. I was hoping somebody could tell me some...
  7. A

    Best food for discus?

    Let me hear some of your suggestions for your discus. I have some juvenile discus that are pigs. I'd like a healthier diet for them like a mix of foods and some good nutrients for them. Any ideas?
  8. A

    What is this and why does it happen?

    Hello I am new to discus but I have had help and got my tank set and it's doing fine. But it seems that one of my discus has like sling pulling and I don't know what it is. Any ideas? The rest of my discus are fine and happy but it could be the start of something? Or maybe he just has bad skin...
  9. EBJDLuke

    Anyone fed their discus market shrimp?

    As the title states, I was wondering if I could feed my juvenile discus market shrimp, cut up into very small pieces so he can fit them in his mouth. I know shrimp is fairly high in protein and would like to substitute shrimp into his diet instead of beef heart (to keep my water conditions the...
  10. EBJDLuke

    Very Dark Turqoise Discus

    I've had 2 Turqoise discus in my community 125 for about a week and a half. When I first saw them in the pet shop they looked like they had much more color and I could see the red and blue in them both. Since taking them home they've been a very dark color, almost a brown with almost no visible...
  11. Daro31

    First Try with GoPro - In the tankl

    Here is one way to cut out reflections from the glass in your photography. I set up a large enough area in my 180 gallon tank and planned the shooting area. Go Pro wireless is only good for about 18 inches of remote control through the water so had to stay close.
  12. M

    Manzanita Driftwood - Premium Grade Aquascaping Branches

    Hi guys, my name is David! I joined this community here to let you know that you can get great custom manzanita driftwood pieces, and you can hand pick the ones you want directly from us! You can view our stuff right here: http://www.ebay.com/usr/driftwoodmanzanita and we are always...