
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Dale King


    King Kamfa Flowerhorn 3.5 inch Showcase Grade. Very Healthy. Free Shipping USA and Puerto Rico
  2. PrinceFish

    For Sale 5-bar Indo Datnoid, NGT Dat, 4-bar Sumatra Dat, Albino Arowana, Albino discus,

    Trying to lower the bioload of my tank: NGT High-body Datnoid 5" $200 Sumatra 4-bar Datnoid 4"+ $70 5-bar Indo Datnoid 3" $100 Albino silver Arowana 6" $150 Albino discus 5.5" $30 Take all for $450!!! Text me at 8582529166 Justin
  3. Kingster

    Is it just impossible to these guys with plants?

    So I have a 120 gallon set up with 4 panda uaru and 7 rio nannay green discus, afew other small tank mates. I really like the val jungle look, and I was curious if there is any plants they will eat very little or nun at all.Like I know they are basically same behaviour as regular Uaru except...
  4. Luxury Fish Keeping

    FS 7 inch Vittatus African Tiger FIsh VATF SoCal Garden Grove CA 92841 $140

    Up for sale is my 7" VATF $140. Meet up in Garden Grove/Westminster area in CA, Orange County. Very healthy and strong. Eats cut fish, shrimp, and sinking pellets. PM for meet ups or leave number.
  5. KelberiFishLover19

    How do I get LOW pH?

    So I am currently doing some research on discus. While watching many videos, talking to discus keepers, and searching the web, I have noticed the same thing being repeated... “low ph” “must keep ph low” “ph between 6 and 7”. I also read that you can keep discus in a tank with a ph around 8, but...
  6. L

    12 discus FS ,pu San diego 500$

    I had enough with discus keeping. I am gonna focus on my around for now. So I have 12 discus in different size and type. 3 of them I raised them from eggs. ( Used breed discus in the past) they all healthy . There is a pair in there laid eggs before. Possible another pair in there too. I feed...
  7. N

    Planted Discus tank decorator/designer in LA?

    Hey - My family is looking for a high quality tank decorator/designer to turn our 180gal into a planted discus tank with nice rocks and wood, great lighting etc as a showpiece. Can you guys recommend a company/person in LA to help with this? Have no experience with planted tanks and am not...
  8. pancakes

    Freshwater Stock | SoCal | 92880

    Going different direction. All eyeballed... 1-400 Odessa (1-2” & 1-300 filaments) 100 20-25 RummyNose Tetras 30 3 LG (6-9”) male & 1 F Tapajos 200 20-25 (2-4”)F1 Tapajos 125 Discus (5-6”) take all 500 or 100ea F (Confirmed) Altum F F1 (Confirmed/Proven) Alenquer x2 Unsexed San Merah x2 M...
  9. F

    FS: Fluval FX6’s and one FX5 $200 $150

    Location: SoCal. Southbay Several FX6 filters in excellent condition. Up and running and fully cycled for freshwater. $200 each. One FX5 available for $150 as well. Local pick up only Firm on the price.
  10. F

    FS: Fluval FX6’s and one FX5 $200 $150

    Location: SoCal. Southbay Several FX6 filters in excellent condition. Up and running and fully cycled for freshwater. $200 each. One FX5 available for $150 as well. Local pick up only Firm on the price.
  11. Kiryoku

    65 Gallon Aquarium Set Up Ideas?

    i currently have a 5 inch short body srd flowerhorn in it bare bottom. i was wondering if i should keep the flowerhorn or should i sell it, and set up the tank with discus or platinum angels or anything else? any ideas on stocking the tank? i'll probably make it a planted tank if i'm going to...
  12. AquaScape

    The Uncommon Ceja Ray(Paratrygon aiereba)

    The Ceja Ray is a disc shaped stingray that is the only species in its genus(Paratrygon) and to my knowledge still considered a species complex. These guys are usually yellowish/brownish and have a distinct reticulated/vermiculated pattern. Ceja rays can reach up to 5ft but usually do not...
  13. SScharder

    My discus

    they’re about 7”.
  14. F

    3/6/18 Monster Updated stock list.

    BELOW IS OUR CURRENT STOCK LIST~! WE SHIP VIA FEDEX & CARGO ! We got a way better rate now on fedex, try us ! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY UPDATE ! https://www.facebook.com/monsteraquariuminc/ MONSTER AQUARIUM INC. PHONE: 347-732-0373 EMAIL: MONSTERAQUARIUM@HOTMAIL.COM ADDRESS: 131-08...
  15. Kiryoku

    Are My Discus Showing Pairing Behavior?

    I have 1 larger discus and 1 smaller discus (barely larger and smaller about the same). I rehomed a discus from my girlfriends house which is the larger one, I went out and bought another one at my LFS. Me and the shop owner took the time to try our best to pick out the opposite gender based on...
  16. Capt_Rick_Dixie

    Repaired a cracked 150 *PIC HEAVY*

    Hey guys! Just to give you fair warning this post is going to be a bit pic heavy but I'll try to keep the amount of reading to a minimum for ya :D A couple of months ago I found a cracked 150 gallon tank on Craigslist for a steal. I was already planning on building a plywood tank so I...
  17. Jeremy Anderson

    Heckerboard Pigeonblood Discus, let’s see ‘em!

    I am a newb, I just want to see what’s out there. Oof just realized the glass is pretty dirty, dang Ancistrus stopped doing windows. Can I not edit the title of my post? Can I not delete my post? That's some ridiculous...sigh
  18. Jeremy Anderson

    Aspiring Keeper of Monsters. Howdy, from Idaho!

    We actually say howdy here. :D Since this is an animal keeper forum I'll start by listing my menagerie. I keep some tiny monsters, in the form of a few Apistogramma agassizii. We have half a dozen sweetheart Discus in a community tank with 4 Blue Rams 4 Corydoras and an Ancistrus. I have a...
  19. Aquatank

    I'd my discus

    Hi guys I am going to order some discus and I want to know what strain are they so I got some of the pics from seller and told that they are pegion blood or something like that
  20. Aquatank

    New to discus need to know the do's and don'ts

    Hey hi I am new to discus keeping I just got a pair of discus, they arrived is Monday As stated in the forums and videos about discus care I have set up a 55 gal with pre cycled media and the temp. of the water is b/w 80-82°F and a canister filter is also up and running First I temp.acclimated...