
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Turtle/ Bichir cohab questions

    I have a 125 gallon with 2 diamondback terrapins, 3 blue acaras, 3 electric blue jacks, 1 pleco and 1 convict. All cohab really well and arent aggressive at all. My terrapins won't eat or chase ANYTHING live and are super docile, we can't even get them to eat bloodworms lol. What we are...
  2. K

    Crashed My Tank!

    So I did a big no no..I decided I wanted to go to a bare bottom tank and removed all my gravel. I had plants and driftwood and replaced my 2 filters. Well I apparently got rid of a lot of my good bacteria because I had a bacteria bloom and the water got really cloudy. I did a 50% water change...
  3. M

    Discus disease? Please HELP!

    Hello guys, I have a few concerns I wanted to share about my discus. I currently have a 75gallon tank with 4 discus 5 angel fish(1 adult and 4 fingerling) and one terra and 6 small bottom feeders. My female discus has been sick for a few weeks now and I am really not sure why. I am doing...
  4. Alec Hales

    New to MFK, getting married and I need your help!

    My fiancé and I signed up for a competition, with our local news (KSL 5, Utah), to win a free all-inclusive wedding at an amazing Aquarium here in Utah! We both love fish (I'm obviously obsessed), and just animals in general, so as you can imagine this would be amazing! We are officially one of...
  5. Alec Hales

    My discus

  6. Alec Hales

    My favorite discus

    Love this guy. It's still pretty small, maybe 3 1/2 inches.
  7. R

    My discus with head down symptom (Not Eating & Loss of Balance)

    Good day everyone, I need some help on my discus with head down symptom (Headstanding, Loss of Balance). Few days ago I noticed one of my discus is having a head down symptom. He is not eating anymore. (Beside head down there is no other obvious symptoms - ie. heavy breathing, bloat, worm or...
  8. Tomt37

    Back when I had discus .. need more tanks :(

  9. Kaptain Kirk

    Thinking about moving my discus....

    They could fit in a 55 realistically.....
  10. Sublime cichlids Mike

    After lurking for many years... figured I'd join

    Hey everyone, I'm mike. Just thought id say hi. Had some time today so joined and all. Longtime central pa fish keeper. Fishroom with 20 tanks in basment, overhead air, insulated heated, ro. Few what yall call show tanks here upstairs. Planted high tech 90, 120 peacock hap, ca tank...
  11. Barriefishguy

    New Ray tank, Marble male, Hybrid female

    Hey Guys, I was a member of MFK years ago, got into saltwater for awhile and my urge to keep and breed freshwater rays got the best of me. I just finished my tank and here are some pics. I have no idea what my Hybrid is mixed with, and insight would be great!
  12. gmaniac

    Discus Breeding System

    Since I was a kid I have always wanted to have discus. I never got them because they were not available at my LFS and then they were just too expensive for me as a kid. Here I am 20 years later and I would like to start breeding them. I will admit I am not far into the process yet, started...
  13. H

    Sump size?

    Hello fellow fish keepers I am making a 130 Gallon tank dimensions are Length 66 inch, height 24 inch, width 20 inch. ( I know the dimensions are odd but that's the space I have and I want a tank there) And I plan on keeping 10-12 discus in there with a few other smaller fish But my...
  14. Larryfish

    Discus breeders in or around Columbus.

    Hey! I'm looking into getting discus finally. But I want to buy from local breeders. The only problem is. I can't find any !? Someone point me in the right directions ?
  15. R

    Finally into discus

    Hi Everyone, Finally jumped into discus keeping - just wanted to share the new guys I got. The fishes have been in the tank for 2 weeks now and are eating like pigs. Daily 30% water changes are keeping them happy. Any comments/suggestions appreciated :)
  16. B

    Tigerfish and friends

  17. fox3794

    New 48L" X 24"wide X 19"Tall tank. WHAT TO STOCK?

    So I was in my LFS and saw a tank marked broken glass, a quite large one indeed. Upon talking to the manager i asked "hey are you just gonna throw this thing out?" and surely enough i got to take it home FREE of charge. :] Im lucky since only one of the side panels was cracked, and i have...
  18. fox3794

    New 48L" X 24"wide X 19"Tall tank. WHAT TO STOCK?

    So I was in my LFS and saw a tank marked broken glass, a quite large one indeed. Upon talking to the manager i asked "hey are you just gonna throw this thing out?" and surely enough i got to take it home FREE of charge. :] Im lucky since only one of the side panels was cracked, and i have...
  19. R

    fish suggestions for a 60 gal theme tank

    hello, i recently got a 60 gal tank and I'm getting a bgk in a couple of weeks after its set up. (don't worry, this is a temporary setup until i get my 150 gal in about 4-5 months ) That being said, i wanted to keep some discus with him, maybe 4? But i read a lot that they aren't...
  20. V


    Привет Я из России. В рунете я не нашел информацию, так что я нахожусь здесь. Я недавно купил дискос и черные точки на них. Как это лечится? Что это? Рыба активной и здоровой пище. Поток артемии, мотыля и измельчали морепродукты, шпинат и банан