
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Jush

    Glass panel thickness for a custom built 1000gallon+ system?

    I want to build a custom indoor pond for preds, with glass viewing panels, measurements aren't final, but I've been told you can go as far wide and back as you want let's say with 2-foot depth & you'll be fine with 12-15mm glass, but I want to go taller. I've been told 3-foot height maybe 18mm...
  2. Abyssalisk

    360 Gallon Water Dragon & Basilisk Paludarium

    Hey MFK, been a while! After selling all of my fish and aquariums, I've had the funds and time to shift focus to something more apartment friendly. I've always been a herper alongside an aquarist and decided to go full beast mode on my paludarium since it's the only enclosure I'll be keeping for...
  3. C

    DIY Fishroom project

    Hello fishkeepers, I'm finally taking the plunge to make a start on my fishroom. Here is a summary of what i have to do before i am able to build my plywood tank. -plumming from my house to the shed (Done) -central heating from my house to the shed (Done) -waterline from my house to the...
  4. KelberiFishLover19

    How Safe Is Decor Used From The Wild?

    Aquarium decor can be expensive. I want to know how safe things like bigger pieces of stone, rocks, and sticks from the wild like in the woods or my backyard are for my aquarium. I have been trying to add more to my tank but I’m just not sure how safe it is and I don’t want to risk my fish’s...
  5. KelberiFishLover19

    DIY Filter Media

    With the prices of filter bags and other filter media going up, I’m looking for cheep but safe and productive filter media for my filters. I’m interested to see what you guys can come up with and I want to save some money.
  6. Zak03

    Resealing a tank

    hey guys, so I have to reseal a couple tanks. And I read many times that you have to let the silicone sit for 2 days before adding water. But, the silicone I bought, Aquascape clear silicone, says, “allow silicone to dry for 30 minutes before allowing contact with water”. I’m just interested, do...
  7. ItsFishMoney

    80GAL Tank Build

    Hey friends. New member posting my predator tank build progress as it comes along. So far I have acquired and 80GAL tank that I have stripped and am going to reseal in next few days. I have also purchased a Fluval 406 filter with year supply of media. Icecap 3K Gyre flow for water circulation. I...
  8. S

    canopy plan for 20 gallon w/ HOB?

    I'm a newbie to fish keeping, and just got a 20 gallon tank. Problem is, my cat is big & curious and I'm worried he'll knock the lid off. Does anyone have plans/recommendations for a diy canopy? I need space for a HOB filter and something sturdy enough for a 15 pound cat to land on. Thanks!
  9. slyme

    Hello...Newbie here

    Hello my name is Denny Puk, im from Indonesia. I just joined today, but thought that I'd finally make an official appearance Luv keeping animals such as fish, dog, turtle, and bird since i was young boy. In 2010 i have Reef Tank (150x80x80cm + sump 80x40x40) and those filtration are DIY, I LOVE...
  10. I

    Have I screwed myself?

    So I've just recently noticed that the seals on a 120 (2' x 4' x 4') gallon tank that's been sitting empty which I got secondhand are potentially in bad shape in at least one spot; I was able to get my fingernail underneath one of them and pull it a tiny bit, which from what I know is a sign...
  11. B

    DIY lid ideas for odd tank shapes

    I quickly went from having a reasonable load in a 55g and having a month or so to upgrade to "good lord I need to upgrade yesterday" when my friends decided to surprise me with some fish a few days after seeing my tank and showing photos of my intended stock. Apparently, "hey, look at the cool...
  12. TexasMFK31

    "L" Shaped 1000 Gallon Tank Design

    Hey everyone, this tank is a few years out, but it's time to start planning now! I have attached sketchup screenshots to show what I am talking about. The long portion of the L is 10', the other is 9'. The 9' section is 4' wide, and the 10' section is 3' wide. The red circles are drains...
  13. S

    Custom DIY 330g plywood bottom tank Build

    Hey everyone, my name is Sean. I am new to the forums here but have been reading them for a while. A few months ago i decided I was going to build a tank to house a couple stingrays. I really didn’t know exactly what I was going to build until about 4 weeks ago when I came across a post for a...
  14. Greenboy

    Bracing a 120gal

    Apologies for posting a DIY question in the general aquarium section, but i wasn't getting any replies in the DIY section and i need assistance. I recently got a used aquamedic percula 120. This aquarium comes with an internal sump built into the back of the tank (i removed this for the extra...
  15. S

    wet dry sump

    I have a 240 g tank fresh just got the wet dry sump wanna do diy media, my question is how much media do i do if i'm using lava rock or pot scrubbers do i fill to the top like if i was using bio balls???
  16. Zex Marquis

    Bank Window Acrylic

    A local bank has just closed and I have an inside source to get the windows. It's inch thick acrylic. Saw them in person but didn' measure. 6 large panels with open arches at the bottom...I would guess 5ft+ wide and at least 30" or so above the arches. 6 small panels that covered the arch...
  17. R

    DIY Glass Build Plans (260g) - thoughts?

    Hello All, I am considering a new DIY glass build. I would love to hear any and all feedback on viability of my plans. I know there's a lot about this already in the forum, but every situation is unique and I like to be careful. Dimensions: 84" L x 24" W x 30" H Gallonage: ~260 US gallons...
  18. SwellyJelly

    Aquarium Heights in Fish Room/Gallery

    Recently acquired a 180 gallon and plan on setting it up next to my 240 only problem is that the 180 is 30" tall and my 240 is 24". Those of you that have multiple tanks/systems running next to each other or lined up against a wall, do you prefer to have your aquariums in alignment from the...
  19. Davidiator

    55 Gallon Tank

    So as some of you know I am getting a 55 Gallon aquarium (second tank). I've been looking on Craigslist, Letgo, and Offer Up. So far all of them are either super expensive or super broken/dirty. I was wondering if I could get a price on how much it would cost if I was to build the tank myself...
  20. SwellyJelly

    Planning First Acrylic Build

    Been inspired by all the builds here on MFK and looking into tempting my first acrylic build. Right now I am trying to get some prices for sheets from different vendors but wasnt completely sure on how thick of acrylic i should be shopping for as I am on the fence choosing between 1/2" or 3/4"...