
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Willyy

    Semi Self-Sustaining SA tank

    So I am a student an I can only get to my tank about 1-2 times a week during the school year, but I wanted something to grow out some decent size fish with little maintenance. As of now I am using a 25GPD drip system filtered by two 10inch chloramine busters. Comes out less than 140TDS. Sump is...
  2. A

    Reinforcing and Acrylic Thickness

    I Googled everywhere and browsed through these forums but I can't really find an answer to my question. Sorry in advance if this has been discussed before. How does reinforcing acrylic tanks effect the thickness requirements? My specific dimensions are 96"L x 48"W x 10"H, water level will be at...
  3. Capt_Rick_Dixie

    Repaired a cracked 150 *PIC HEAVY*

    Hey guys! Just to give you fair warning this post is going to be a bit pic heavy but I'll try to keep the amount of reading to a minimum for ya :D A couple of months ago I found a cracked 150 gallon tank on Craigslist for a steal. I was already planning on building a plywood tank so I...
  4. Leebtattoos

    Under my house filter idea

    Hey y'all. So this probably is not original and really I hope it's not. I was telling a guy about how I'm putting a drain in the floor out of my new 520g tank I'm building and he thought I was saying I was putting the filter under the floor. Light bulb* Then I realized, it is a pier and beam...
  5. Leebtattoos

    520 gallon plywood tank

    Hey y'all. I used to frequent here a lot but a few years of not having a set up I guess it's been a while. So I'm building a 84x48x30 plywood tank as a room divider/wall to my walk in closet. I'm building my master bedroom addition currently so the tank build will be coinciding with that so...
  6. Aqua Nut

    DIY Wheelchair Accessible Aquarium Fish Tank Stand

    The fish keeping community has so many amazing people part of it and it's always appreciated when others give back and help others out. Today we show you a DIY aquarium fish tank stand built by Brian, from Brian's Aquatics, designed to be accessible to those with limited mobility. What he did...
  7. Capt_Rick_Dixie

    Plywood build question

    Hey guys, So I managed to snag a 125 gal tank with a crack in the back panel for $50 USD. It's in great condition aside from the crack. My original plan was to use the front and side panels for a plywood tank I was building but looking at it made me curious... Would it be reasonable to remove...
  8. P

    Plywood tank advise

    So I think I'm pretty well set on what I want to do for a custom tank idea to fill a hole in my house wall. I'm looking for some advice as well as tips to make this a lot far the tank it's self will be 62" long 48" high and 36" deep the hole to fill is 65"x26" I plan on using the...
  9. R

    Post Irma fish victims want to keep!

    Hello, Walking on the beach in Miami yesterday I found 2 whole dead fish that are fairly dried out but one still has eyes and scales and smells terrible, I think they are both some sort of puffer fish. There was a lot of debris left on the beach post Hurricane Irma and many many dead ocean...
  10. itrebebag99

    How to make a sand vacuum?

    I tried making a sand vacuum, using a length of plastic hose and a bottle with the bottom cut off, but the hose I used was too thick, and the increase suction made suck up sand. What is the correct ratio for the diameter of bottle to diameter of hose in order for the vacuum to suck up fish...
  11. Aquatank

    How to make D.I.Y. bio balls

    Hey guys I have a doubt about how I can make some bio media for my sump when I don't have enough money to buy the whole bio media. Do you guys have any idea on how I can make one as I have some very porous stone at this point and I wanted to make it into bio media. Is it fine to do so?
  12. T

    Max acrylic tank length

    What would be the maximum tank length you could safely go for if it was built from acrylic? I've seen 8ft or 96 inches thrown around but is there any reason for this or could I go bigger?
  13. FriedFlowerHornFillet

    Feeding fish bird eggs?

    I had a Pacu that loved finch/parakeet/cockatiel eggs. I've also fed them to growing Dovii, wolf fish and piranha. The question is- Can I use eggs as a protein stock base for frozen food? I'd also be adding greens and possibly insects I've just never heard of using it for frozen foods and...
  14. Dgmannn412

    Indoor pond build

    I want to build an indoor amazon basin. I have a monster garage built on the wrong side of the dam house so I'm going to fill it with my small zoo. I want to build a pond roughly 12X6X4 if my math is rite it's roughly 2100 gallons. I'm thinking steel skeleton wrapped in cement sprayed with...
  15. C

    6.6'x6.6'x40" / 200cmx200cmx100cm Plywood aquarium build

    Hey guys, I'm finally going to take the plunch and start my new DIY aquarium build. I recently bought my first house and it came with a Stone shed. first I wanted to build a aquarium in my living room but my girlfriend wasn't so happy with that... So I'm going to build the aquarium in the...
  16. Bryan Crownover

    Need to build an Arowana tank in my basement

    I have a baby Silver Aro of about 3 to 4 inches long and I want to get a solid plan out and begin stockpiling materials and gradually building to move him in when he grows more on me. I have plenty of space in the basement and I am thinking of doing it plywood and acrylic. Looking at my...
  17. F

    Need help deciding pump.

    I am relatively new to fish keeping and am brand new to this site so I apologize if I post this in the wrong area. Currently I am trying to build my own canister filter, either a 5 gallon bucket or 12"L by 4"W PVC pipe. The pipe design will be a HOB filter so no real lift or drop, however the...
  18. Chevyfan

    Table top glass?

    Has anyone used repurposed glass or anything along those lines? My local glass company wants 1650$ for a panel 1/2" thick 40"x92" tempered or I've found glass tops direct sells 3/4" 44"x84" tempered for 660$ And free shipping. Now it's not mean for my application but glass is glass right? I'm...
  19. A

    Advise - Cold Water, Open Tank in Sunroom

    I have mostly experience with Angelfish and Bettas. I was curious if anybody can give me any references, suggestions or help with an idea I have for my sunroom? I was thinking of maybe doing something like in this picture (but maybe not quite as fancy or as large) for cold water fish in my...
  20. Z

    450 Gallon Plywood Tank With Acrylic Viewing Panel Build Thread

    Long time lurker making my first post here. I am starting my 450 gallon plywood tank build after reading about plywood tanks for the last 6 months or so and am finally ready to take the plunge. It is safe to say that I have no carpentry skills but I do enjoy building stuff and having various...