
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. GamerChick5567

    Cheap Ghetto Pond Ideas?

    Hey guys, need some halp. A bit confused on what direction I should go. The baby common goldfish I rescued off of craigslist need to come out of that 10 gallon quarantine. No luck finding a home for them yet and I don't want them to get stunted since they seem to have grown a little even with a...
  2. gmaniac

    Discus Breeding System

    Since I was a kid I have always wanted to have discus. I never got them because they were not available at my LFS and then they were just too expensive for me as a kid. Here I am 20 years later and I would like to start breeding them. I will admit I am not far into the process yet, started...
  3. Lady Sphinx

    Found Aquarium safe putty/clay/epoxy

    So I've been searching for a product that is aquarium safe and would allow me to make my own aquarium decor and backgrounds. I came across this product though a bit pricey I think this is great especially if you want to design your own paludarium or background...
  4. Lady Sphinx

    Potters clay and pondshield

    I'm planing on doing some DIY cave decor for my fishtanks but I'm really unsure what material to use. I've been looking at polystyrene, fiberglass or potters clay. I like the potters clay idea but I really don't want to have it fired I was wondering if I could let it dry for a couple of weeks...
  5. D

    Does my FW sump design look good?

    I just picked up a 90 gallon aquarium and it came with a sump setup for SW with a skimmer and I think it would be easier to start over rather than reconfigure it. I'm using a 20 gallon aquarium because unless I make one myself that's all that will fit in my stand. As of right now we are...
  6. B

    Has anyone used the large Lifetime tables as tank stand?

    It's the ones with the pronged legs, i'm not sure if the tank has to fit the same length so that the ends of the tank coincides with the location of the prong legs or if you have to do some tweaking. Anyone have any experience with this?
  7. R

    Diy gelatin fish food

    So I've been thinking about making my own fish food for awhile and finally i just went for it. I used the basic guidelines and recipes online to come up with my own probably worst version lol. I added the garlic, probiotics, paprika, few approved herbs, and a bunch of veggies and all that but i...
  8. T

    Lots of talk of glass thickness, but what about plywood?

    I'm starting to plan for a 9 x 5 x 3H tank, and while the glass thickness is well documented, I can't find much on plywood bracing. My issue is this: I want to build the back and 1 side out of plywood, since it will be in a corner. The other two panels will be fully glass in 3/4". I plan to...
  9. PatrickMW36

    The King of DIY's book

    Hey guys so I've been doing a lot of Planning and research on building tanks. Just wanted to hear from people who have his book and get their thoughts. I know that I can find just about everything needed for free on the web. But I'm sure this book can be very beneficial. And looks like it will...
  10. J


    I recently bought a 180 gallon tank from someone con CL. The tank was practically free, the person just wanted it out of their new trailer home, they even delivered it and assisted me placing it in my garage. The tank seems a bit old but still good. It has some minor scratches and some lime...
  11. jamntoast

    My Jerry rigged tap connection is kaput

    So I have the type of tap where there is a housing around where everything screws in so I have to use an adapter to connect in. The thing I was using was some old plumbing part that I think was machined down or something so it would fit. Unfortunately that made it super thing and that part has...
  12. D

    Designing my steel stand

    Good morning, Guys I think I'm in over my head and I would love if you guys could give me some feedback. I got a 210g (207 to be exact) and a 125g that I want to setup on the same rack with the option of upgrading the 125g to 210g in about a year. I want to do a steel rack with the intention of...

    thickness of my new setup question

    So i got a free tank but i don't like the setup its 8' long 2.5' wide and 3' high. What i want to do is buy a 4'x8' and 2x 3'x4'of 5/8 glass so its final size would be 8'x4'x3' all 5/8 glass. The front and back would be tempered as that the old glass is. Tank 8'x4'x3' all 5/8 mix tempered and...
  14. I

    External pump question

    I`m sure a lot of you guys follow Joey on YouTube. I`m really interested in his DIY canister made from a 5 gallon bucket. My question is, does anyone have any experience with external return pumps? I`m looking for one to flow around 1000gph, that`s not going to break the bank. On his video he...
  15. ShanerBock888

    Where to buy 15mm glass

    I'm building a plywood tank that's 7' long, 4' wide, and 3' deep. The front viewing panel will be 81" x 32". Based on a a guide I found on MFK I need 15mm (5/8 inch) glass. I've searched for hours and can't find any custom glass companies that make it thicker than 12mm (1/2 inch). Does...
  16. J

    Diy root tabs

    Requirements: Osmocote plus fertilizer Gelatin capsuleslarge size. Method: Fill the capsules with the fertilizer. Note: use one capsule per 30x30cm Also remember to bury it in the substrate because it will float.
  17. J

    Diy overhead sump filter

    So i have just been looking out for ways to create my own diy filter and i came up with one that is pretty basic buy seems to work pretty well, i created 2 one with a pump that runs 900lph and one that running 3000lph into a 15 storage container with 20ml pvc pipe for water outlet also used...
  18. J

    Diy over head sump filter

    So i have just been looking out for ways to create my own diy filter and i came up with one that is pretty basic buy seems to work pretty well, i created 2 one with a pump that runs 900lph and one that running 3000lph into a 15 storage container with 20ml pvc pipe for water outlet also used...
  19. jvc66

    Filtration for a 250g

    Hi guys im picking up a 250g tomorrow and just wanted to get some ideas for filtration. From the pictures it looks like theres not alot of room in the stand for filtration to be hidden. Anybody have any good solution to making a filter or filters large enough for the tank that would be able to...
  20. jvc66

    250 Gallon Ideas

    Hello everyone! I have been lurking on here for a while waiting for my chance to finally get myself a big tank for some monster fish! I managed to find a nice 250 that I am going to picking up in a couple of days with a beautiful wood stand and canopy for $200 since the silicone had a slight...