
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. TexasMFK31

    Corner HMF - Powerhead or Air lift Tube

    Morning all. I am curious on everyone's opinion on Powerhead vs Air Lift tube for corner filters. This IS the filtration method, so please, no "use a sump" or "just get an FX6. This will be used for 2 ~100-120g tanks, and I was thinking of buying a singular large air pump (linear) as I can...
  2. ygwilliam

    Fish breeding rack

    So I’ve decided I want to start breeding fish for some profit so that I can make some money back from the hobby. I’m going to breed dwarf cichlids and I’m going to use a racking system all connected to one sump. In total the system without the sump is about 220 gallons. Would a 55 gallon sump be...
  3. A

    Red Hook SD Filtration

    Hey guys, first thread! I'm in the process of getting 6 Red Hook SD's for my cycled 75G. I did my research beforehand but can't find an answer for filtration. A lot of articles say they need moderate flow, and i was wondering if the flow from my AC110 would be too strong for them? Currently...
  4. T

    what filtration for what size tank

    What is the smallest size tank you would put a sump on?
  5. T

    new filtration

    I have a 200g tank in the way and still haven't decided on filtration. I have never had a tank this big and am not sure where to go. I am thinking about doing two canisters, but I have no clue about sumps. anyone wanna weigh in and shed some light and drop some tips??? Currently there will be...
  6. itrebebag99

    How to Wire Up Outdoor Pond

    I want to add an additional pump and aeration system to my pond this spring, and was just wondering the best method of doing this. I was thinking of running an extension chord out of a window, and though PVC pipe that has been buried underground,(to protect it from excessive moisture...
  7. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    DIY Filtration and media

    Whats your favorite DIY filter and media choice? I'm thinking of making a canister filter out of a 5 gallon pale and hook it up to my 125g for added filtration. I've seen a few different designs and ways to do it but curious to what you guys have came up with for DIY filtration and media ?
  8. D

    Help with new Aquarium Sump (Identify this sump please!?)

    I just bought a 110 gallon acrylic aquarium from craigslist. Its a restore job, but i got a great deal. It came with a sump. I know how to restore the acrylic, but i have never had a sump before. I watched a million videos on youtube on sumps, but i cant figure out what kind this is. The baffles...
  9. C

    Amonia won’t go lower than 0,25

    Hey everyone! I’m new here but i’ve been reading the threads on this forum for a while. So I think I may have overstocked the aquarium in my excitement for having finally had it set up and now the amonia won’t go under 0.25 ppm. I did a fishless cycle with seeded media from my LFS that lasted...
  10. Vikkram

    Suggestions for aquarium substrate

    Dear Monster fishkeepers, Today I have built a 240 gallon aquarium (96 L x 24 H x 24 W) I really need suggestions from you on selecting the substrate. I am not going to have a planted tank. Its just a Freshwater fish aquarium (for silver dollars, tinfoil barbs, blood parrot, Oscars, etc). But I...
  11. Aqua Nut

    Hydor Professional 600 & Koralia 1350 unboxing

    Today we start the first step in our 75 gallon tank re-build by unboxing everything we will need to provide adequate flow. We went with a reputable brand, known for having excellent flow rates, Hydor. We unbox the Hydor Professional 600 external aquarium filter and show how simple it is to...
  12. C

    Best Filtration for an Amazon Oxbow Tank

    Hello there, I am currently in the process of setting up an amazon oxbow lake biotope aquarium for our highschool science room. I am relatively inexperienced in regards to filtration, so I was wondering what the best type of filter would be for this type of aquarium. It needs to be have minimal...
  13. Vandyfan13

    How much K1

    I know Stingrays produce a lot of waste. Way more then most fish I'm trying to figure out how much so I know how much K1 they need. For those who know more then I do or use K1 what is your recommendation? Is there a way to calculate and thank you for your time.
  14. A

    [Advice] Overflow for a 530gal Plywood Tank

    Hello All, I have no idea what I am doing.... No, I kid, but this is the first time I've built a tank this big. This build is a mixture of DIY and trying out new products/technologies. I've built the tank (8' x 4' x 3') out of 2x4s and 3/4 plywood. But I wanted a massive sump and external...
  15. Vandyfan13


    I plan on buying a rubbermaid foam tank to use as my sump. I have K1 media I plan on using as the bio filter. My question is what could i use for mechanical filtration and do you think there is anyway i could add a wet dry to it?
  16. gourami guru

    What size pump for a 300 gallon fish rack?

    Hello MFK! I'm in the process of building my first fish rack. The rack will consist of 5-10g, 5-29g and 1-100g rubbermaid. They will all be connected using a central filtration system. What size pump should I be looking at to filter this system?
  17. xDestro


    I noticed the fx4 on my 75 wasn't pushing much water so I decided to clean it? I filled up a 20 gallon tote with 10 gallons of tank water and to get a bit more I added 5 gallons of tap water, well I added what I thought was declorinator to the 5 gallon bucket before I added it to the tote but it...
  18. itrebebag99

    Filter keeps stoping.

    I have a TopFin power filter 40 in a 40 gallon aquarium with sand on the bottom. The intake is a few inches above the sand to reduce the amount of sand going in there. The filter keeps stopping up every few days. As it says to do in the instruction manual, I take the filter apart, and spin the...
  19. A

    Filtering FW 620 Gal in Small Spaces

    Hello all! I am about to build a 620 Gallon (freshwater) in my basement. Its the right size and the right spot for the this tank. One problem, I have no idea how to filter this thing. The stand was made for another person and I inherited it when they couldn't finish the project. The stand is...
  20. B

    Hey everyone, just bought a new tank

    so I went out today and got myself a 125 gallon tank! It is going to be stocked with a royal clown knife around 8" a juvenile oscar, a juvenile orange shoulder severum, and a sengalus bichir. "I am aware I will need an even bigger tank in the future" anyway tommy question.. what kind of...