
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. PatrickMW36

    Feedback on filtration for 500 gal

    I'm going to setting up a indoor pond in the basement. The water volume will be about 500 gal. I'm thinking the easiest way to filter would be building a trickle tower. I was thinking of doing it in a 20 gal trash bin or a similar type barrel. I wanted some input on what type of pump I should...
  2. B

    Shark pool filtration and water changes - 20.000 gal

    Hello, I want to ask an experienced shark keeper about filtration a water changes in my future dream tank. Pool size: 50 x 17 x 4 foot. About 20.000 gal 2 or 3 Black tip sharks only. On the Youtube is movie called "David's Shark pool at King Car Aquarium" and it is close to my dream. Means...
  3. L

    Bottom drain

    So I am trying to figure out if I want to have a diffuser on the bottom drain for the pond i am planning. It is not a very large pond. I would say maybe 6 foot wide and 12 foot long. Due to its shape I'm not sure if the diffuser would really be efficient at its job and really worth the extra...
  4. L

    Pond Newbie

    OK guys I need some help. I need some advise on how to design a filter for the pond. I am thinking about basically making a traditional sump like for a aquarium but buried underground. I am gonna use a bottom drain system with the pump after the filtration. I have some ideas but would love to...
  5. GoldFinger

    Help with sump set-up

    Hey guys I would love some help figuring out how to build my sump. My tank will house an Asian Arowana with possible discus and a ray or eel. The tank is going to be 84x30x28 with a 3 foot external ghost overflow at the back coupled with Bean Animal drains and two returns. I would like to go as...
  6. xDestro

    Getting gulpers! Few tank questions

    I had to pull the trigger and order 2 gulpers from my LFS before the tank was %100 setup. I couldn't let them get away again. The tank. •the 55 gallon tank has been up and running for around 8 months now, originally on a canister and a sponge filter but canister **** out and now it's on 2...
  7. K

    Intentional Overfeeding?

    Hello, I'm new to the group, but I have a theoretical question for you. If your stocking is low, would it ever be good to intentionally overfeed? Example: You started a tank and did a fishless cycle using ammonia. You would dose up to 4 ppm and the next day NH3 and NO2 would be zero. Then...
  8. xDestro

    Media question? Kinda

    Sorry I don't know how to explain this question xD I have a corner matten filter in a 20 long and iv squeeze a 100 watt heater, an air stone and a bag of media behind it, I originally put the air stone to help water move about the media but it makes a really annoying noise when the bubbles hit...
  9. F

    Need help deciding pump.

    I am relatively new to fish keeping and am brand new to this site so I apologize if I post this in the wrong area. Currently I am trying to build my own canister filter, either a 5 gallon bucket or 12"L by 4"W PVC pipe. The pipe design will be a HOB filter so no real lift or drop, however the...
  10. M

    Overkill or not ? Bacteria Bloom!

    So I got my new tank, 55 gallon. Got 2 new filters for it.. 2 canisters, cascade 1000's 1 without filter media, (only bio balls) in every slot 25. second with filter pads, sponges, etc. etc. ( NO CARBON ) Prepped all rocks, for the tank.. Put them in a tub with Baking soda for 3 days, after...
  11. xDestro

    Corner filter

    Recently saw this vid and loved how to filter basically disappeared. I have a 20 long and want to do the exact same so my main question is could I put some bio balls behind it? That way I could just use some from my other filters and cycle instantly, maybe add a small air stone underneath the...
  12. xDestro

    Canister = sump?

    Hooked up my fx4 on my 75 today and noticed my water level dropped quiet a bit. So if I were to have a fx4 on like a 20 gallon would that basically be a sump? On another topic can anyone recommend me a canister filter for a 20 gallon long? Stock will he f8 puffer and bumblebee gobies.
  13. xDestro

    Canister broken

    Woke up and noticed my eheim classic 2217 was Making a bit of noise but didn't think to much of it, went to do a water change and noticed it wasn't pulling or pushing water, took it apart cleaned propeller all that crap and nothing, the prop would try to spin half the time and just rattle the...
  14. D

    Turnover Calculations

    Hello Everybody, New to this forum, and loving it! So, I know there is a thread already about pumps and turnover rates. But I have been having some trouble with the calculations. I have a pump that pumps 800 L/H(211G/H?). My tank is a 15 Gallon... If calculated correctly. The dimensions are...
  15. PatrickMW36

    Greasy film on new Canister Filter.

    I just got a new Sun Sun 304b Canister in the mail. When I take it out I notice there's a greasy/ Lube type film on much of the inside. Especially on the top piece you lock on the main body. It's been a hassle cleaning. Has anyone experienced this? Also I doubt I'll be able to get 100% of this...
  16. xDestro

    Sump question

    What's the advantages to having a sump over just running a canister filter or 2 on larger 100+ tanks? I would love a 150 but sumps are way outa my knowledge range.
  17. I

    Monster sized canister for Monster tank

    So this is an interesting question i have ponder since i got into the wet life. Can a canister filter be built that is large enough for a monster tank. I know i can get 58 gallon screw top barrels made of hdpe. I would use a reeflo dart/snapper or similar for flow, but for media. Do i just super...
  18. PatrickMW36


    I'm planning on planting a carpet of Dwarf Hairgrass in my Pickerel's tank. I'm a beginner when in comes to plants and have never carpeted my tank floor. The tank only holds my 2 10 inch Pickerel. My Filtration does a great job of keeping their water prestine. The issue is that they are larger...
  19. R

    Architecture for animals. please help.

    Hello people, I'm an architecture student and I was thinking about going with ARCHITECTURE FOR ANIMALS as a topic for my thesis. Anyone who has heard anything about this topic or give me any sort of information on a place I can research regarding this subject would be of great help. This...
  20. Jakec96

    Using carbon in hang on back filters

    I haven't changed the carbon in my HOB filters in a very long time. I usually just rinse them out every once in a while to just clean the waste out. The carbon is probably doing nothing because its probably inactive by now. My fish are doing just fine and looking and feeling great so I was...