
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Kiryoku

    65 Gallon Aquarium Set Up Ideas?

    i currently have a 5 inch short body srd flowerhorn in it bare bottom. i was wondering if i should keep the flowerhorn or should i sell it, and set up the tank with discus or platinum angels or anything else? any ideas on stocking the tank? i'll probably make it a planted tank if i'm going to...
  2. lilacamy931

    My Schoutedeni Puffs - updated pics

    Just an update on my gorgeous schoutedenis who after their near death experience with the fish delivery van are doing well. One is growing more heavily than the other but both eating well. I'm ever hopefully I might get a female and male when they mature, either way they are apple of their...
  3. C

    Freeze dried food

    What would be the better for my Jaguar Cichlid. Freeze dried shrimp or freeze dried krill?
  4. M

    150 gallon

    Hey so i got a 150 gallon tank and i need some stocking suggestions. Ive kept enty of tanks in the past but only max before this was a 55. The 150 i got is the 6 foot one (long). Some of my conditions i guess you could say are -id like big fish. A few that get to good size -i like "weird"...
  5. rich81090

    photos showing the fish house build

    Hi everyone, after the last video quite a few people asked me how i built the fish house. this video looks at the photos i took from start to finish with me explaining what i did and hopefully some of you will find it interesting. let me know what you think.
  6. rich81090

    step by step fish house guide,

    Hi everyone, after the last video quite a few people asked me how i built the fish house. this video looks at the photos i took from start to finish with me explaining what i did, hopefully some of you will find it interesting. let me know what you think.
  7. DanielAro501

    Possible additions

    I have a. 6x2x2 130 gallon tank that is currently stocked with one 7” silver Arowana, 6 silver dollars, 2 big tinfoil barbs, 2 clown loaches, 4 baby iridescent sharks, a 6” fire eel and two albino channel catfish.I do have plans for the Arowana, in about 3 months I will start construction of a...
  8. A

    Is it Black diamond stingray fish?

    Hi All, Can you please help me in identifying the type of stingray? I'm not sure if it s BD or leopoldi hybrid. Thanks
  9. R

    Stocking Ideas

    I'm thinking of starting an aggressive 100 gallon tank. I was wondering if anyone had ideas for stocking
  10. aes1687

    Tank Size

    Hi guys, new MFK member here. Just wanted to see your thoughts. I have a 9 inch Salton Catfish right now, and im thinking of making a new home for him and some other fish. Would a 2000 gallon tank be too big for him? Is it Bad if a fish has too much space? FYI, with him i might put some other...
  11. L

    Help with Cichlid Types

    Hey everybody, I'm sure all Cichlid owners have the odd fish they wish they knew the type of! Please post good pictures of known and unknown Cichlid breeds and let's see if we can all help each other out!
  12. AG458

    If you guys would be interested...

    I'm trying something that I haven't started doing until recently: custom wallpapers. I have Photoshop on my computer, and I can make custom edits to whatever fish pictures you would like. Whether they're your own fish, or just a fish you like, post them on this thread and I'll make a wallpaper...
  13. PGJE

    100 gallon stocking?

    I am going to get a 100 gallon tank in a month or two and i was wondering what i should stock it with? There will be two turtles (that can never catch fish, Iv'e had them for a while and want to upgrade their tank), a place and some large comet goldfish. are there any large fish that can go into...
  14. Davidiator

    Post Your Favorite Pics

    Please post your favorite pics of YOUR fish or aquarium... Stock and size doesn't matter, (not done i have a large rock and wood getting ready to be put in there i will post a pic when it is finished)
  15. PGJE

    Khuli loach in 23 gallon community tank???

    I have a 23 gallon community tank with: 1 angelfish 3 giant danios 1 dwarf gourami 1 Cory catfish Can I put a khuli loach in with them? Or is there any eel like fish that could?
  16. PGJE


    Post all of the American cichlids that you have kept on this thread, past and present!
  17. PGJE

    Outgoing cichlids for a 23 gallon tank???

    I just recently emptied my 23 gallon tank from any fish and I was wondering what cichlids I could get? I want one that would be outgoing and swimming around a lot and excited to see me for food. I was thinking convicts, but are those too shy?
  18. R

    NEED HELP...sick ropefish

    Hello. My rope fish (Noodle) manged to get very sick. I don't know what the disease exactly is but I'm treating it as if it were cotton mouth. It happened when I went on vacation for a week and a half. When I got home I realized something was very wrong so I measured all my parameters and they...
  19. Manas

    Red tail catfish HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!

    Help! I bought a new RT-Catfish 4 days ago. He's 4 inches and not accepting any pellets or dried shrimps. I tried to put some shrimps near his mouth and he dosen't eat it. But when i get an earthworm he rushed at my hands and snatched it. Area near my house dissent provide live foods. I got...
  20. Hybridfish7

    What is your dream fish? (that you most likely can't get)

    I like a lot of fish. Just making this post to see what other people like. Me- my dream fish (or top 5) would be: 1. a pond of butterfly koi (to me they look like dragons with their whiskers and long flowing fins) 2. broadtail ryukin (I love them, they're adorable, but I already have plans for a...