
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. jack jahnke

    Help mw id my speices of peacock bass

    I was told he was an orino when i got him but it also kinda looks like a kelberi but im honestly not sure at all he is about 11 3/4 inches rn just starting to get his adult colors in
  2. KelberiFishLover19

    Making Money to Maintain Fish

    Everyone knows that keeping fish(especially big fish) is expensive. As a younger person who cannot get employed because of age, I just cannot figure out ways to make money for my hobby. I have 3 tanks currently and am barely maintaining them because I am always short on money. I had about 100$...
  3. KelberiFishLover19

    How do I get LOW pH?

    So I am currently doing some research on discus. While watching many videos, talking to discus keepers, and searching the web, I have noticed the same thing being repeated... “low ph” “must keep ph low” “ph between 6 and 7”. I also read that you can keep discus in a tank with a ph around 8, but...
  4. r3dbullxxx

    Diagnose My Tank --- Forced to Foster Fish

    Evening! Long story short...I have become the anxiety-driven foster owner of what I believe is an entire community of Jade Sleeper Gobies. Also know that my family and I have kept & bred the most common freshwater and saltwater fish in tanks up to 200 gallons. We've also kept crayfish, crabs...
  5. KelberiFishLover19


    If anyone has read one of my last posts, ALL FISH DEAD IN ONE NIGHT, you saw that I did not properly cycle the tank and the fish died. So it has been 3 weeks since the fish died and I have done anything to the tank. I haven’t even looked at it since then. So, I went back to “start the nitrogen...
  6. F

    Need help with fish decision!

    So I have an empty 36 gallon bow front tank rn and I wanna put a fish in there that I can grow out before tranfering it to my 250(I’m in the process of building the 250 because my 225 is currently being used for a salt setup and I don’t want to add any more fish to my 350). I want to keep these...
  7. P

    FS | Pine Wood Canopy | $15 | Chatsworth, CA | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Pine Wood Canopy What are your prices?: 15 Where are you located?: Chatsworth, CA Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Pine Wood Canopy. Has two fan holes on the sides of the canopy. It is for 100 gallons size...
  8. Iamfish

    My 2 new fish

    I got 2 new fish today, one for my 55 gallon and the first fish for my 125. Synodontis Granulosus for the 125 Toxotes Mircolepis for the 55
  9. N

    Help. Pleico sick again??!! :-(

    hi I feel like I keep coming back here for help - thank goodness you guys are here My pleico is maybe 6 years old, he’s in a 35 gallon tank on his own and he’s a little over 12 inches long (measure varies through the glass to as much as 13 inches). He’s been staying by the heater towards the...
  10. Zak03

    I got ICH

    Alright guys. So just several minutes ago, i noticed that my two small (2-3") oscars (red and tiger) have white spots on their fins. I researched it out how to diagnose ich, and realized that 1. they have been spending more time near the bottom of the tank, 2. the tiger's appetite is almost...
  11. G

    Male or female?

    Hi and Merry Christmas! I am curious about the gender of my flowerhorn. I tried looking its vent but I cant seem to identify it. The first part of the vent is a little round but it becomes pointed at the top and that makes me a little confused. Are there double gender fish? I dont know how I can...
  12. Zak03

    Sexing Oscar Cichlids

    I have two Oscar Cichlids. One Tiger and one Red. They're both about 2.5" inches long. How do I sex them.
  13. Zak03

    Feeding Oscar Cichlid Problems

    I have two baby oscars, both around 2" long. I got them a week ago. I am having trouble feeding them. I feed them in the mornign when i wake up, and the evening Usually when i go to bed, but not always that late. I bought cichlid pellets that float at first, but after they sit in the water for...
  14. K

    Using pond treatment on a tank?

    Would it be wise to use api pond algaefix on a tank because 1 gallon is $47.49 than a 16 oz is like $10.92. I think getting a 1 gallon pond algaefix is cheaper than get 8 "16 oz" of algaefix which cost almost $87.36. Could I use pond ecofix sludge destroyer too? If I have api stress coat do I...
  15. huntery18

    How to change substrate with fish

    hey guys so currently i have a 40 gallon breeder with 4 jack dempseys, a pictus catfish and a pleco (all juvenile) but my bottom currently is tan colored gravel and im switching to black sand, how do you recommend i do this, move out fish then take out my bottom or? keep fish in? i am worried...
  16. T

    Cichlid ID (what is this?)

    Hey there every one. I'm new here, in fact, this is what prompted me to sign up. So I have a cichlid it's around 2 inches in length as it stands right now. I bought it with one other cichlid and was told it it was a chocolate cichlid like other cichlid I bought. Now I know that on of them is...
  17. L

    Stocking for 400 Gallon concrete pond

    Hello everyone, I have created a 400 gallon concrete pond (6'X3'X3'). I want to stock some predator fishes. In my LFS there are some spotted gars (18inch & 3-4inch), silver arowana (5-8inch), small RTCs (2-3inch), Oscars (small to large). Besides this I have also raised 2 Oscars from baby to...
  18. Dennis Kraemer

    New Tank Syndrome???

    I just started a 75 gallon at my new house and put de chlorinator in it, declouder ( because I thought the sand was kicked up), and the api stuff so you don’t have to wait 6 weeks for the cycle. Put my fish in last night checked it this morning they are all dead... what did I do wrong, when can...
  19. A

    What is on my blue German ram?

    My blue German rams has spots on his head that almost looks like white works coming out. The spots don't move and do not has the cotton look that most fungus do. He was moved yesterday to the quarantine tank and I added tetra all in one treatment. Today I added the second dose but I can't...
  20. Luxury Fish Keeping

    WTB Big Bala Sharks 10 inches or bigger

    Looking for 10 inches or bigger Bala Sharks lmk what you’ve got. Can pick up locally in Southern California Orange County area. Text me 7144540867 Thank you