
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Luxury Fish Keeping

    WTB Arapaima babies please msg me or leave contact number

    looking for arapaimas locally in Southern California! Please msg me or leave contact number! Thank you!
  2. E

    Fish prices and donations for new homes

    Hey everyone im new here and was just wondering i have 2 marble gar and a clown knife fish they are all about 2 feet and are getting to big for my 125 gallon does anyone know what i could sell them for? Obviously i would make sure they go to the right owner. If its not worth selling them what...
  3. B

    What is wrong with my black moore

    I woke up this morning to the fish being fine and a couple hours later, this had happened to it’s eye. What should I do? The other fish keep trying to eat it
  4. F

    In need of advice.

    Hey all. Recently I purchased my very first tank (second hand) and this past week have been busy researching everything I could find about keeping tropical fish - I'm looking for some advice on whether or not my equipment is enough to handle my set up and which fish I should buy for my first...
  5. AquaScape

    Freshwater Puffer Fish List

    Just a list I have put together of Freshwater Puffers including common and scientific names as well as max size. Planning on adding more basic information as well as temps., pH, location of origin, etc. Hopefully its worth the read. If any one has any information I could use for this paper would...
  6. AquaScape

    List of Freshwater Pufferfish

    This is a list of Freshwater puffers I have put together in my spare time. I have included common names, scientific and max size. possibly going to add general information later down the road. what do you think? Hopefully this is of some help to you pufferfish lovers out there!! Mike
  7. B

    Help, sick green terror

    Noticing some fading on him, his orange tips are now white at the ends??? He seems very interested in food but spits it all back out after eating. He has long white stringy poop. And somewhat normal behaviors, been treating with melafix api, no help, any ideas!?!?
  8. AquaScape


    We currently have a few awesome freshwater pufferfish species available!! 4"-5" Dragon Puffers - $65.oo Ea. 5"-6" Mbu Puffers - $200.oo Ea. 3" Twin-spot Puffers - $35.oo Ea. 1" Red-Eye Puffers - $10.oo Ea. Or 3/$25.oo
  9. Dennis Kraemer

    What Could I put in my tank???

    Hey guys I have had this tank for awhile and it is kind of a grow out tank for my bullhead. I have one yellow lab Cichlid and two albino bristle nose Plecos. Are there any schooling fish that I can add?
  10. Z

    Please guys can anyone tell my what type of FL is it,SRD?? or whats the head called.

    Any info will be really appreciated ;)
  11. C

    Green terror sexing

    what gender is this fish?
  12. PGJE

    post pictures of angels

    post pics of your angelfish.
  13. PGJE

    how to cure driftwood

    i found a cool piece of driftwood i want to use in my planted tank. How do you cure driftwood to make it sink and be safe for the fish? is honeysuckle okay for fish? thats the kind i found.
  14. PGJE

    medium- large fish for 150 gallon aquarium?

    I have a 150 gallon tank with two turtles (who have not hurt any fish i have put in there, from goldfish to cichlids), and a pleco. I wanted to know what medium- large fish i could put in there. The turtles are harmless, so any ideas?
  15. CristianV

    Trilogy of Fantasy Fish Battle: The Winner

    Within the past two threads, out of all the possibilities, it has been whittled down to two finalist. The Aimara Wolfish & The Golden Dorado Place your bets on who would come out on top. Any experiences and knowledge will help us come to the conclusion, one fish left.
  16. CristianV

    Pick Your Winner

    A continuation of my previous thread “Fantasy Fish Battle”. I’ve accumulated who my top dogs would be so I’m letting you guys pick the champ! If choice isn’t listed, post who you’d pick. Explainations of your pick would be appreciated, thanks guys! (No snakeheads as they are illegal in America)
  17. T

    FS | two 180 gallon aquariums | $1825 | Northampton,ma | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: two 180 gallon aquariums What are your prices?: 1825 Where are you located?: Northampton,ma Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Two 180 gal. acrylic fish tanks used. One has a metal stand and comes with two fx6...
  18. J

    What fish for pond?

    Hello everyone. I was wondering what monster fish could survive in an 8ft long, 7ft wide and 2ft deep pond in the winter? I live in Michigan, so it gets fairly cold in the winter here. I would say low 30's for water (Fahrenheit). I was hoping gar, but they can not stand that cold of water...
  19. J

    What fish for pond?

    Hello everyone. I was wondering what monster fish could survive in an 8ft long, 7ft wide and 2ft deep pond in the winter? I live in Michigan, so it gets fairly cold in the winter here. I would say low 30's for water (Fahrenheit). I was hoping gar, but they can not stand that cold of water...
  20. D

    Tankmate Recommendations for Green Sunfish in 70gallon?

    I have 2 green sunfish, one is 2" the other is about 3.5" Each one has established one side of the tank as their territory They are both in the 70gal, with a few decorations for hiding. Not the final setup, just until I get a stand for the tank (its on the floor) Tank Dimensions are around 48" x...