
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Fishpony

    Ostracod and fish fry

    Hello all I've got a quick question regarding ostracods (Seed shrimp) and fry. I've recently separated some baby platinum parrots (convicts) from their parents, they're about a day or two old, still in the wiggler stage, and relocated them into a HOB breeder box. Recently, I've noticed a...
  2. MetalRavioli

    Holding Box?

    Heyo MFK! As mentioned in my keyhole cichlid breeding thread, my keyholes are bound to lay eggs soon, and I'd like to separate the fry once they hatch so my ctenopoma does not consume them. Can any of you recommend a tank-holding box that could hold several keyholes in it? I'm trying to find...
  3. midasman714

    For Sale Midas X Blood Parrot Fry

    Wish I had time to grow these out. Approx. 0.5-1" $10 Each, min 5 (92708 Pickup only) Note: I cannot hand pick for you as these guys are quick. Parents: Fry:
  4. C

    Question about my baby polar blues

    my polar blue cichlids had babies about a week and a half ago and I’ve now moved them to their own tank to grow up. I’m wondering what to feed them and how to get them to eat. I know their very first few days they feed off of the egg they hatch from but now they are big enough where they are...
  5. Mofo fish

    Is it safe to add prime to a tank with fry ?

    May sound a bit silly but I know fry can be a bit delicate. I want to top off the tank with fresh water and I usually do about a half cap in my 90 gallon that my festae bred in. Is it safe to add prime or stress coat ?
  6. Mofo fish

    Proper care for Red Terrors fry?

    So my red terrors completely surprised me and spawned. Any advice would be helpful. Will the parents eat them eventually? I’m getting mixed information online. If I can keep them alive and healthy they will go up for sale first come first serve. Here’s a link of the little guys :
  7. S

    Is my flowerhorn bloated? Please help!

    My flowerhorn still eats normally and swims normally as well. His belly just looks huge to me and I'm worried because he's my baby! Raised him from a fry. I did an epsom salt bath today for 10 minutes (that was about 4 hours ago) but nothing changed yet. He has a 75 gallon tank by himself (the...
  8. M

    Blue dolphin cichlid growth rate

    My albino blue dolphin and my 1 year old had babies. Not sure how old the albino is as I got it as an adult. Had the male since around 2 inches. In 3 weeks they have gone from 1 cm to 2 cms. How fast will they get to 2 inches or 5cm? See pics, 25 babies.
  9. rayoddballfish

    What to feed angelfish fry

    Hey guys, my angels have spawned multiple times this past month, but the fry never get past the free swimming stage. Every time they are gone, possibly from angel parents and other inhabitants eating them. I've recently set up a small 10 gallon fry tank and they just laid eggs. After they are...
  10. agent1207

    Fry Question Help?!

    I currently have 30ish, maybe a little less, African cichlid Venustus fry in a 20 gallon aquarium they have been in the plastic breeder box for 3 days now. I have been having trouble feeding them as they all tend to swim away when I try and feed them, but just recently a few notice that when I...
  11. mattybecks

    Larvophile mouthbrooders in action

    Hello chaps and chapettes My Geophagus Tapajos have yet another batch of fry, thought I would try and get some close ups of their larvophile mouthbrooding behavior. My colony of 7 geos is about 2.5 years old now. The largest is just shy of 17cm, and the smallest just over 12cm.
  12. T

    Peacock Cichlid Growth rates

    Hey everyone, Long does it take for Peacock Cichlids on average to get to 1-2 inches after losing their egg sacks? I realize water changes, quality, and space all make a difference and because of that Ill lay out my plan. If I have a holding female, I would either strip her or relocate her into...
  13. B

    Fry dying - killing each other or disease?

    Hey everyone, My Vieja Guttulatus and Vieja Hartwegi recently started to breed after they hit about two years old. One batch of fry is about two and a half months old now, and I've been finding dead ones each morning. Sometimes I will find two or three, and sometimes I will wake up to ten dead...
  14. Green Devils-Red Terrors

    Black Convict Cichlid, viable with introducing small babies while in tank??

    Is it safe to introduce my new Green Texas and Blue Acara (half an inch at most), into a tank with 1 1/2 inch convicts (breeding pair)? The convicts are already circulating at the bags, as I'm acclimating. Anyone, have any tips on introduction, of new small babies into a tank while avoiding...
  15. Nilsafeller

    Is this normal egg laying?

    Is it normal for Jack's to lay eggs on side glass? I have tons of flat surfaces in the tank... but she chose the glass instead lol
  16. D

    My first flowerhorn breeding.

    This is my first time breeding flowerhorns. Male blue thai silk and an unknown (wild?) Female that I purchased at a lfs. I will be removing the eggs to a separate tank tonight. What and when do I start feeding the fry? Thanks for the help
  17. Nilsafeller

    Your are NOT the father

    Feel like I need to bring my fish on Maury or something... I'll start off with asking my question before getting into a whole story so I dont bore people before they read everything lol! Has anyone ever had a tank with say 3 or more cichlids and ended up with a female laying eggs and...
  18. N

    My Convict Cichlid frys get disapperared before free swimming (wigglers stage).. please help

    My Convict cichlid had their first batch of frys and they are disappeared in wiggler stage.. and it’s been one month they didn't lay second batch off egg.. what could be the reason. (Its a 20 gallon tank with two pairs of convicts and both layed eggs at same time and same result for both the...
  19. slava2929

    What to do with fry

    Thought i had two male rainbow cichlids but the much smaller fish (about 1/3 the size of my adult rainbow) ended up being female and now I have about 100 fry and they're growing. Have been in the hobby off and on for years, but only got hardcore a year ago and I have never bred fish. In about...
  20. Nano Vanisher

    Red Texas F1 Fry

    In pursuit of the best possible hybrids we have F1 red Texas from Jewels my Carpintis and Cheesepuff my Blood parrot. so far we are grabbing a few to hold for the F2 stage some short body and regular. We have a lot of fry available they are healthy and growing fast. Had one report that one...