
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    Fry to juvenile size

    Does anyone know how long it takes for a tiny fry newborn bichir to reach around 3 inches? if specifics are needed, I am wondering about the albino bichir. Thanks in advance!
  2. MidnightRyuu

    FTS | Electric Blue Acara Fry | $2 for 1/4in 4 for 1/2in | Phoenixville,Pa | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Electric Blue Acara Fry What are your prices?: 2-4 depending on size Where are you located?: Phoenixville,Pa Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: I have a pair of Electric Blue Acara Cichlids that had a bunch of...
  3. Lars6

    Need help with Colombian tetra fry care

    I recently came back from a long vacation of a month and a half. I immediately did a 90% water change on my planted 20 long. There are 2 Colombian tetras, 1 panda Cory (other 5 died while I was away, I’m assuming nitrate poisoning due to lack of water changes), and 3 nerite snails in the tank...
  4. C

    Can a Salvini and Jack Dempsey produce a hybrid together?

    My salvini just layed her eggs with a jack Dempsey and I was wondering if it’s possible for the jack to fertilize the eggs.
  5. BMG94

    African Cichlid finally had babies

    My male peacock cichlid and the mystery silver Cichlid female had mated and she had babies in a nursery net, it's been five days now and the babies have grown quite a bit.. lol I have video of them that I'll be posting later on just to let people observe
  6. O

    Silver Arowana Laid Eggs

    Hi All, I have a Silver Arowana of about 16inches in my 5ft tank alone since it was a juvenile. The Aro was not as active and refused to eat since past week and was mostly at the bottom of the tank in awkward positions. Today i noticed that the aro was swimming fine and has laid about 15-20...
  7. S

    Are the baby golden nugget plecos?

    I have a 270g stocked tank I inherited when we bought our house. I have almost no knowledge about most of it. Well today in the sump/wet dry (which has a serious snail issue, so i never look closely), i found a lot of these little fish. I am leaning toward them being hillstream loaches since I...
  8. fishblahblah

    Standard Length vs. Short Body Fry

    Can anyone post pics of short body fry to compare to standard length fry? Any age would be appreciated but it would be great to see some less than a month old to compare.
  9. IFLAquatics


    So guys we tried to find a girlfriend or at least just a friend to make our male kribensis, Trips, happy or at least give him some company so we got a little kribensis for him because he used to get picked on. We got him a friend and named (her we found out) Tracks. Now when we put her in there...
  10. The Dave

    An amazing video about the Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

    The Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) is probably the easiest cichlid to maintain and breed. In fact, due to their small size ( 3-4 inches / 7.6 - 10 cm ), hardy, adaptable nature, and ease of breeding, this fish is probably the ideal cichlid for anyone that is taking their first steps into...
  11. JESTERX626

    Rio esmeraldas festae. First time parents!

    It’s been a minute since I’ve posted on here, so hello. Here is my wild rio esmeraldas pair of festae with their three week old babies, currently a quarter of an inch big.
  12. Mugsyc

    Nicaraguan Blue Dovii

    So i bought 10 f3 fry .5 - 1 inch and need some help and how and what to feed. Thanks
  13. Z

    Guppy breeding help

    I got some guppies for breeding last month as an extra project and so my red belly piranha can have a nice snack once in a while. I was wondering if anyone could estimate how close my guppies are to giving birth. I know to look for a boxy shape and a darker gravid spot, but this is my first time...
  14. tarheel96

    Pelvachromis pulcher fry video

    I stitched a few videos together I took of the new kribesis fry last night. They're in a 20 long with six juveniles from two previous clutches. Check out the male's tail. The female beat the crap out of him about a week ago. He wanted to stay in the cave but she wouldn't let him and kept biting...
  15. FishEZ

    What bug is that?

    When I went to take a short video of my fry, there appeared a type of water bug in the tank. This bug I quickly netted out and threw into the other fish tank whereby the adults grabbed it fast. Does anyone know what it is? and also, is it the type of insect that eats fry?
  16. FishEZ

    Mystery Fish Fry - time will tell

    Have you ever had this happen to you? I've once moved fish out of a tank and put them in a larger tank somewhere else but then after 3 days noticed that in the old tank (which by chance I didn't dump the water out) I discover a missed fish swimming around. It must have been hiding in the...
  17. gregkarr09

    Grow Out Question

    Hi Everyone, I currently have 25 - 30 angelfish fry growing out in a 10 gallon. could I keep them in this until they are dime or nickel size? My plan is to keep some to put in my 55 gal and sell the rest. It's my first time rearing fry, I could get a 20 tall but if I don't absolutely need it, I...
  18. B

    Green Severum after losing spawn

    Hello everyone, we are currently on our 2nd batch of green severum fry, last time we left them in the community tank and the severum lost them all to the ropefish we keep (most likely during the night) this time however we decided to setup a breeding tank, ive read that the fry are...
  19. B

    Salvini fry!

    hey y'all, my salvini pair has just bred for the first time and it's also my first time breeding any fish. Would like to know how frequently I should do water changes and what to feed them. The female has them all huddled up in a pit right now so I'm thinking they are still eating their egg...
  20. jmf

    What to do with lol

    Hi Everyone, What do you guys do with your fry? I have guppies and multis being typical guppies and multis. I have fry coming out of my ears lol. I had read somewhere that multi's will only have enough babies that the tank size would allow. I see now that is incorrect, as I have so many and...