
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Hendre

    How many Guppy's needed to feed preds?

    Good morning mfk. In the future I am getting a 250 L tank in which I want to keep 3 African bushfish, 2 African butterfly fish and 5/6 upside down synodontis. I would like to breed Guppy's to feed as a treat to the bush and butterfly fish once a week. (Maybe 2 a fish) The question is how adult...
  2. Lil g

    Convict fry.

    My Convicts have left me a surprise in there cave today.. I don't know the first thing about caring for fry... I've been trying to get my jack dempseys to breed for a year now and nothing.. Then my Convicts decided they were going to lay.. Anyways I have a pearlscale cichlid, a green terror and...
  3. Angelphish

    Angelfish Breeding

    I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was her first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either. If...
  4. Angelphish

    Angelfish Breeding

    I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was here first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either...
  5. T

    Flowerhorn cichlid and black convict fry

    Hey guys I'm a newbie and this is my first batch of fry. I don't know how it happened but my flower horn and black convict reproduced and I don't really know how to take care of them. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I found them this morning and was shocked I managed to separate most...
  6. Nativefishkeeper904

    How do I get fry into a breeding net?

    My pair of convicts have been breeding in my 55 gallon community tank with 2 fire mouths and a jack Dempsey. The first batch of fry got eaten by the fire mouths, and the second batch died when I tried to use a gravel vac to move them to the breeder net. The convicts are laying a 3rd batch of...
  7. Nativefishkeeper904

    What should I do with my convict fry once they hatch?

    A pair of my convict cichlids just recently laid some eggs in my aquarium... What should I do with the fry when they hatch? I definitely can't keep them all. Any ideas or advice? Thanks :)
  8. Soco

    Convict Cichlids Fighting After Unsuccessful Spawn

    Hey everyone Sorry I am a noob with cichlids and I have a few questions about breeding and such. I have 2 Convict cichlids, in the middle of last week they laid their first batch of eggs and the fry hatched last week thursday but unfortunately something went wrong and the fry lasted for a few...