
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Alexander342

    Zebra Danios eating jack dempsey fry?

    I have a couple zebra Danios in a 40 gal breeder with a pair of jack dempsey's that have some fry, they aren't quite free swimming yet but I was wondering if the Danios could possibly eat the fry at night or maybe when the fry are free swimming?
  2. GamerChick5567

    How long will it take to cycle an almost 2 gallon?

    Anyone know if you will be able to keep the parameters in check long enough for a cycle to complete on a tank that small? It's a bit of an emergency. My fiance's mom has fry issues haha. Basically what happened was that she now has a tiny albino african cichlid of some type (I'm thinking red...
  3. reapertheoscar

    Oscars breed unintentionally

    Okay let me give you a background, I bought 2 albino oscars before Christmas, I got 2 for the price of one, there about 8 to 10 inches long, I noticed they moved gravel and they were vibrating there tails so I thought they were going to breed but I've never had this happen before so it was a...
  4. S

    What are the best plants for guppy fry to hide in and where can I buy it

    It's hard to find good suppliers. Where is the best place to buy plants, or fish, or supplies? Is there any forum for fancy guppies that is still running?
  5. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  6. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  7. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  8. The Dave

    How To Make A very Simple Brine Shrimp Hatchery

    In this professionally filmed, and produced short film, I introduce the viewer to a simple and inexpensive brine shrimp hatchery. For those of you who are not familiar with this creature, newborn brine shrimp are an essential, easy to raise, and very nutritious live food item for newborn fish...
  9. The Dave

    How To Make A Very Simple Brineshrimp Hatchery

    In this professionally filmed, and produced short film, I introduce the viewer to a simple and inexpensive brine shrimp hatchery. For those of you who are not familiar with this creature, newborn brine shrimp are an essential, easy to raise, and very nutritious live food item for newborn fish...
  10. The Dave

    How To Culture And Feed Microworms To Your Fish

    One of the best ways to improve the growth rate of newborn fish is to give them ample supplies of healthy live foods. Microworms are a great choice for feeding small fry. These roundworms are a free-living (non-parasitic) nematode that is also known as the sour paste nematode. They are very easy...
  11. The Dave

    How To Culture And Feed Microworms To Your Fish

    One of the best ways to improve the growth rate of newborn fish is to give them ample supplies of healthy live foods. Microworms are a great choice for feeding small fry. These roundworms are a free-living (non-parasitic) nematode that is also known as the sour paste nematode. They are very easy...
  12. The Dave

    How to Culture And Feed Vinegar Eels To Your Fish

    One of the easiest ways to improve the growth rate of newborn fish is to give them ample supplies of healthy live foods. However, most live food cultures can be difficult to keep going over the long run. One exception is the vinegar eel. These creatures are incredibly easy to raise and feed to...
  13. The Dave

    The Ramshorn Snail Friend Or Foe

    The ramshorn snail is often seen as an aquarium pest that people want to avoid. However, they only pose a problem in an aquarium that is unbalanced. When the aquarist adds too much food to the tank, the ramshorn snails take advantage of the abundance and breed at an alarming rate. Population...
  14. GamerChick5567

    I made a new breeder box!

    Hopefully this will be the right place to post this, and not the breeding section. Also hopefully my formatting is ok since I'm new here. Anyway today I had to make a new fry box for my 90 gallon. Here's the story, last night I tried to rescue some of my 1 month old convicts. They kept...
  15. Lil g

    Tips for raising flowerhorn fry

    Hey guys I'm currently taking care of some flowerhorn fry that my friend gave to me and I need some tips on how to raise them. It seems like alot are dying off from some kind of bloat or something. There bellies are bulging whwn I find them dead and I only feed them flake food about 2wice a day...
  16. Truetommy

    Texas and Blood Parrot Breeding pair

    This is going to be a log of updates on my breeding pair of a Texas and Blood Parrot. The fish first successfully spawned in a 100 gallon community cichlid tank, however i decided to get the most out of this breeding pair, it would be best to seperate them into their own 55 gallon. After two...
  17. I

    Acara fry help please

    Can anyone give me any pointers on how to look after Acara fry? For about 9 months the eggs have been getting eaten, I'm not sure by who so this is my first time trying to look after them. I only have about 20 left after most of them being sucked out of the bottom of their hatchery by I think...
  18. Truetommy

    Blood Parrot and Texas Breeding

    I have recently noticed my Blood Parrot (female ~6") and Texas cichlid(male ~7") burrowing a cave under a rock, however when I looked into my tank this morning there were at least 300 fry swimming with them. I took out the fry and put them into a 10 gallon for now. Anyone know what these guys be...
  19. RampageRR

    FS | Festae fry - entire group for sale | $60 | Martinsburg, WV 25401 | Pickup

    Looking to sell my group of approximately 30-35 festae fry (1/4-1/2 an inch or so, a little over a month old). My pair just spawned again, and I'm afraid they're going to clean their first batch out before the new one hatches if my experience with other cichlids holds true. I'm in Martinsburg...
  20. joegriggs

    Firemouth X Ellioti Hybrids

    Hi, My female Firemouth decided to lay with my male Ellioti. I didn't think much of it as previously the Firemouth had tried it with the Tibar, twice, but although the eggs seem fertile they disappeared after a few days with no sign of fry. This time though the eggs have hatched and the fry are...