
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Kolossus

    FS | Monster Fish | $100 | Madison WI | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Monster Fish What are your prices?: 100 Where are you located?: Madison WI Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Downsizing so no trades (unless you have a female hystrix stingray or a Paroon Shark) Sizes are appx...
  2. NotablySardonic

    Geo Journey (winemilleri)

    This will be the first entry of my progress/process of getting a group of 9 geophagus winemilleri in an attempt to get at least one breeding pair. The setup is simple. 135 gallon custom tall tank i got for free from a friend. I have 2 Magnum canisters made by Marineland and a 130g HOB that i...
  3. C

    Can you Keep Kribensis and Geophagus together?

    I've been trying to figure out my last fish for my tank. I want a easy breeding pair of Cichlids, but my tank has South American Geophagus while the Kribensis I am currently looking to get are West African. I've seen people on Youtube keep them together but i do not know if its wise. All i want...
  4. R

    Can geo red heads breed with winemilleri

    Hey I believe I have a few winemilleri in my tank as well due to LFS error. I want to know if these guys can breed with red head tapajos. I am pretty sure that they can so if anyone knows please inform me so that I can start separating the heard. That or I will have geo winos later this year for...
  5. NHKG

    Geophagus ID

    On photos is fish labelled as "Geophagus sp. rio Negro". Photos are made by mine friends who own this fish. This fish is common in local fish stores and fish tanks here (Czech republic and Slovak republic). But when I look on web sites and forums from other countries, this fish is extremely rare...
  6. E

    Mystery fish on my cichlid order who can identify ??

    Special ordered a bunch of different s American cichlids and got a extra bag of 4 fish I didn't order. And werent marked so who can identify them they look like possible part of the Geophagus family but not 100% so anyone know what they are
  7. Empyreal

    Geophagus sp. Tapajos "red head" True Latin Name?

    Just wanted to know if anyone had some insight on the full latin name (im assuming the genus is geophagus but what is the species?) for Geophagus sp. Tapajos "red head". This geo is fairly common in the hobby now-a-days and I can't imagine it hasn't been described by the scientific community...


    Hope everyone is keeping cool, during the horrible heat. All fishes are healthy, only getting rid of them since I decided to go a different route. Need them out quickly so taking all reasonable offers. The prices are already great, I think- But still willing to take offers- because I need them...
  9. R

    265 finished (mostly)

    Picked up a 265 a few months back for 400 bucks due to a leaky seal. After resealing it and months of selecting what fish and what kind of setup I want to run I am finally about complete. Fish are in it and they are happy but I am still fine tuning for the next few weeks. Guess I should list...
  10. H

    FOR SALE: Datnoids, Polypterus, Geos, Red Severums

    I am looking to go in a different direction with my 125 gallon tank. All fish in good shape. FOR SALE NTT Datnoid - $60 - healthy but he's been eating krill and hasn't taken pellets, about 6-7 inches. Indo Datnoid - $60 - eats everything, very healthy, about 5 inches. 2 Seremensis Geos -...
  11. Hendre

    Guys, i need help with deciding on cichlids

    Hey guys, I am stocking up my 66 gallon tank (1.2 x 0.45 x 0.45M) soonish and am looking for nice cichlids for the tank. I have already looked at dempseys, discus and oscars and they just are not nice for me I really wanted a small group of red head Tapajos but my gravel is a bit big (2-4mm)...
  12. philipraposo1982

    New here and new to geophagus tapajos. Need some advice please.

    Hi everyone, A week ago today I purchased 7 sub adult (3-3.5") tapajos. I acclimated them for at least an hour through drip acclimation. The tank is a 75g that has been setup for a while but removed all the plants and driftwood (sold that stuff to buy new stuff) got new low tech plants and...
  13. S

    HITH... is it dead?

    Hey guys, A few weeks ago I posted a picture of my Redheads with minor HITH. Ive been treating them with meds (metronidazole). Ive been treating them for the recommended time on the packaging, but I want to be sure that the parasite is gone. I was treating them by medicating the aquarium...
  14. Bianca Luna

    Eartheaters and Severums

    Most of the Geophagus species that I've been researching are listed as peaceful and many of the Severums that I've been looking at as well are listed as semi-aggressive. Is there a possibility of these two species co-existing in a peaceful community tank or no?
  15. Freshwater Exotics

    Wild Caught Plecos & South American Cichlids

    1/16/16 Freshwater Exotics Stock List Please message or email us at with any questions or to get a shipping quote. We ship via FedEx, Southwest or Delta. Pick up available by appointment only. We are located just south of Milwaukee off I-94. Photos of most...
  16. Willyy

    Ich for a week

    So I recently set up a 55 I got of criegslist, Tank, Stand, Lights Filter for only $40, super steal. Nothing had been in it for some time but i cleaned it thoroughly. Cycled with big feeders that were healthy for weeks before returning them to get fish. Setup right now is a sunset canister...
  17. SeymourAndHisCat

    species identification/sexing (geophagus type)

    Hey, this fish was sold to me under red head tapjos but I'm having my doubts as pictures of these fish online look very different. It's defiantly a type of geophagus but I don't think he/she is a redhead. Any help is appreciated
  18. SeymourAndHisCat

    Stocking Suggestions South American

    Hello, I have a 50 gallon tank with Fluval 405 (100 US gallon) canister filter Current fish; 1x Banded cichlid (Golden Severum) 8-8.5 inches 1x Torpedo Barb (Roseilene Shark) 4 inches 1x Electric Blue Crayfish 1x Some sort of Geophagus 4 inches, sold under Red headed tapjos, however looking at...