
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Red ceder wood in aquariums ?

    So I've been doing some looking around for a while now trying to figure out if red ceder is safe to use, ( I have 2 large pieces in my 125 gallon setup) I found mixed opinions, some people saying no at all and some saying yes if it is old and boiled/ soaked properly. I have been having an issue...
  2. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Reverse Osmosis System

    I've been looking at starting up a Reverse Osmosis System to try and purify my tap water because I'm starting to think that my tap water contains high levels of nitrates and that is why I'm having a hard time keeping nitrates down in my 125 gallon setup. I've been looking at the RO unit that...
  3. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Catfish not having much of an appetite latley

    So as some of you know I have a nice 14 inch vulture cat that is by far my favorite fish and truly a pet to me rather than just a fish. The other day he was being a bit shy when trying to feed him which is not normal as he normally swims up the glass looking for food and will usually have no...
  4. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Water change why not

    Had nothing going on so figured I might as well do a water change why not can’t hurt nitrates are a bit hire than I’d like anyway
  5. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Frozen? Flake? Pellet? Live?

    What’s everyone feeding there fish? What’s your favorite brand of food ? - I feed a diet of omega one kelp pellets, omega one cichlid pellets, market shrimp, frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp with spirulina, and San Francisco Bay silver sides
  6. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Advice on breeding

    Anyone have some good tips on breeding geophagus tapajos’ red head ? I have a group of 4 juveniles, 1 male and 3 females. Looking to breed them as they mature
  7. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    - 125g setup -

    This is my 125g setup- Fish: - 5 Myleus Schomburgkii (black bar silver doller), 8 Metynnis Lippincottianus (spotted silver dollar), 1 Metynnis Fasciatus (tiger stripe silver dollar) - 4 Geophagus Tapajos' red head - 1 Hypostomus plecostomus (common pleco) - 1 Calophysus macropterus ( Vulture...
  8. F

    December 20 2017 Monster Updated Stock list

    BELOW IS OUR CURRENT STOCK LIST~! WE SHIP VIA FEDEX & CARGO ! We got a way better rate now on fedex, try us ! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY UPDATE ! Grade A Platinum Alligator Gar (COMING IN 2 DAYS) Cuban Gar ( Coming in 2 days) Albino Silver...
  9. B

    Cichlid Compatibility in 120G (JackD, GT/RT, Geo, Pictus, Bichir)

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to make an upgrade to approx 120G tank (48x30x24) I was hoping if I could get an idea of the type of cichlids I could keep in this setup. Iv got a few in mind which I am fond of, but am not sure if its worth risking if they will kill each other. Of course I...
  10. Kelsicula

    Finalizing my 75g

    In my tank currently I have 2 Senegal Bichir, a regular that appears male and an albino that appears female, judging from its fatter body, both are about 4in. With them I have a gold severum and angelfish, along with a large sailfish pleco that I plan on trading in once my bristlenose gets a few...
  11. wfex4

    Geophagus pellegrini finally!

    Finally got some Geophagus pellegrini from Rapps! I've wanted these for several years and money/availability have never lined up quite right until now. These are the ones from the Rio Atrato. I'll take some more photos once they settle in a little bit. They're currently in holding in a 40...
  12. J

    Need new tankmates for 55 gallon

    I have a 55 gallon tank with: . 1 geo altifrons . handful of tetras . handful of danios . for cory cats I need to get some new fish, but I'm not sure what to go with. The 55 is planted and has a black background. I would like some colorful fish. Thanks for any help!
  13. Naos1984

    Geophagus argyrostictus temperament

    Hi Guys! Who here has taken care of this species? Are they really that aggressive? Will a single male work with say a group of proximus, tapajos and surinamensis? In a 360 gallon with a footprint of 8'x3'.
  14. Naos1984

    Satanoperca lucosticta and jurupari in geo community

    Hi guys! Would keeping individual leucosticta and jurupari work with other geophagus? So far, I already have orange heads and proximus in groups over 5 each. Do you think this will work? Will they not be lonely?
  15. xDestro

    Geo and bush be okay with bichir?

    I have a leopard bush fish and a geophagus braziliasus that are prob close to 2 inches in a 20 long to grow out. I would like to put then in a 75 so I can start to redo the 20. My main concern is my 7-8 inch delhezi, iv never seen him be aggressive but that doesn't mean he wont. I also have a 6...
  16. NHKG

    Geophagus ID

    I bought this fish 1 year ago. Now they are 3-4 inch long. I was pretty sure of species I have, until they spawned.
  17. Fishnthehood

    Adding new fish to my 330 gallon

    So it's been a minute since I've added any new fish to my tank with consists of mostly wild caught Geo's and Severums. I'm currently thinking adding a group of 6 Geo Brasilenis, 4 Red Head Geo's, 3 Aequiden Diadema, 4 Biotodoma Cupido and finally 4 Pterophlyyum Scalare. I do plan to select the...
  18. NotablySardonic

    Types of Royals (post yours here)

    I recently set up a heavily wooded 135 gallon tall for some Geophagus Winemilleri i had aquired and ended up with 2 different Royal Plecos. So i started doing some digging on all the types and really, there isn't a good amount of intel reguarding them on the net. So i need some experts. One of...
  19. Kelsi

    Geophagus options for my tank

    I'm revamping my 75g tank and am interested in adding geophagus to it. What I plan on currently keeping are my Gold Severum, my featherfin catfish, and my Senegal Bichirs (1 large and two small adolescents [pictured]). I am rehoming my standard pleco and remaining 2 silver dollars (the rest of...
  20. A

    Cool new update in my 125gallon.

    So I was just checking in on my fish before I went to bed, and lo and behold I find quite the surprise. Apparently the two most colorful of my Geophagus Sp. Redhead Tapajos have paired up and laid eggs. I've only had them for maybe 3 months if even that long. The biggest one (the female) can't...