
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. stiker

    New 180G Build

    Hello, I am going to be rescaping and changing the fish around in my 180G tank (6x2x2ft with a 4ft sump). I am new to a planted tank so don't have a lot of knowledge when it comes to it but I have extensive knowledge in regards to fish keeping. The big part of it which I guess will affect other...
  2. freshwatertanks

    Update 120 Gallon Geophagus Tapajos Red Head Tank

    Hi guys Made an update video of my geophagus tapajos red head tank. Have a look if you're interested! Happy weekend!
  3. mattybecks

    Saum with Geos in 180gal.

    I am wondering if it is possible to keep a single saum cichlid with my group of 7 geo. Tapajos? I imagine to each other they would look similar, and I don't want my geos being harassed or anything. Tank dimensions are 6ft x 2ft x 2ft, there would most likely also be a school of silver...
  4. H

    Help ID this Geophagus please!

    Hello everyone, I got 4[1jumped out and passed away :(] geophagus labeled as geophagus tapajos red head. It was like 8months ago and they were probably 3/4months old. The thing is I already had a couple 4years ago and they were a lot light color and with more red and orange than this ones, and...
  5. J

    S. American Cichlid Community Tank Ideas

    Hello Fellow Fish Lovers, A little background to explain my situation. For the last year I have been testing a "no water change" 220 liter aquarium for a company. The goal of this test is to determine if their filteration system works as they advertise - basically, beautiful tank with little to...
  6. freshwatertanks

    Set up of my Geophagus Tapajos Red Head Tank

    Hi guys! Made some videos of my new geophagus tapajos red head tank. Have a look if you like! Appreciate any comments! Thanks!
  7. Willyy

    Small motoro, wild angels, G. Dicro

    Looking to thin out my stock before school starts, interested in trades for neotropical (Uruguay) gymnogeophagus and crenicichla. Send me offers on whatever.
  8. J

    geophagus tank mates

    can we keep geophagus thread fin and pearl geophagus together?
  9. F

    Rare Plecos and other fish for sale

    I have a lot of fish for sale. I’ll start with the plecos: L273 Titanicus 7-8” super red(rare) $300 L014 Sunshine 6” $100 L155 Adonis 4” $50 L066 King Tiger 5” $40 L128 Blue Phantom 5” $40 L240 Galaxy Vampire 5” $40 L200 Green Phantom 3” $25 L002 Tiger 3” $25 L27 Gold Line Thunder 7” $225 L27...
  10. Kingster

    the tank that actually kinda maybe works

    Hi GUYS! So 90lbs of sand, a bunch of hose and hose clamps, tubes of silicone, and 3 new bulkheads later... supposedly my tank can work, and SUPPOSEDLY with cycled media..... hmmm so what do i do??? I GO SPEND $83 ON THE FIRST BATCH OF FISH! yep.. I have finally started the stocking of my 120...
  11. B

    Kelberi,Malaniae and some geo winemilleri

  12. AquaScape

    NEW STOCK! Africa & More

    15"-18" Fire Eel SHOW SIZE $225 6"-8" Silver Arowana - $85 6"-8" Ropefish - $20 6" Elephant Nose - $35 6" Indo-Pacific Tarpon - $85 5"-6"...
  13. mattybecks

    Am I over stocked?

    I have a 6ft, 130 gal Aquarium. 2 x canister filters (rated 2000L per hour each) a powerhead filter, and quite a lot of pothos with roots dangling in the tank. Stock: 7 x geophagus tapajos 6 x angelfish 2 x African leaf fish 7 x Siamese algae eater. I have some poor quality photos to give...
  14. B

    Geophagus in a 125 gallon

    I am going to be setting up a 125 gallon tank in the summer and plan on stocking it with some Geophagus, however which species, how many and what tank mates are problems that I have. For tank mates, I like the idea of some silver dollars or perhaps some other species of cichlid- such as green...
  15. Audaxcity

    I thought Geophagus are typically not aggressive?

    75g tank. I have x4 3inch Geophagus Red-Head Tapajos. One of my Geos has dug a nest hole smack dab in the middle of the tank. He hasn't paired off yet, but he's chasing everything around the tank relentlessly. He faced off against a big 7inch pleco today. He's not even the largest Geo in the...
  16. Audaxcity

    Oscar with BGK and eartheaters?

    I have a small group of 4 inch Geophagus 'Tapajos' and a 6 inch Black Ghost Knifefish. If I get a baby Oscar, will my current fish grow fast enough to avoid eventually being eaten? I know Oscars grow quite fast in comparison. BTW, I'm not worried about aggression, I have that covered.
  17. Audaxcity

    Eartheater Sexual Maturity

    How old were your eartheaters when they started breeding? I heard for A. heckelii it takes 2-3 years. What about Geophagus? I know it depends on the species.
  18. RocketGarStar

    Show off your Geophagus Cichlids!

    I want to see how many different kinds there are - I'll post mine, too!
  19. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Silver dollars

    Video of my silver dollars and geophagus tapajos', rescaped the decor to give them more open swimming area
  20. mattybecks

    “New” 100gal stocking

    Hi guys Been back and forth a few times now trying to find the right kind of stock for my tank. 5ft 100gal tank. I now have 2 Heros notatus (about 2inches) 6 x geophagus orange head Tapajós (about 2 inches), and poly. Seneglaus. I know the hero’s can be a hit of a hit or miss in terms of...