
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    catfish for a 15 x 5'ft' pond

    I'm in the progress of building a 15 by 5 ft pond and growing out the stock. So i was wandering what catfish would do well
  2. Jacob._.merc

    Nocturnal catfish help

    I recently bought a false jaguar catfish and he is absolutely wicked looking. The only problem is he never shows himself at all. It is frustrating. I know he doesn't eat much because the other fish beat him to it because he is always hiding! I started helping him a little by putting worms into...
  3. B

    Burmeese border loach help! please

    Can someone help me figure out whats wrong with my burmese border loach, i got him along with 2 others a few weeks ago, did 5 days in a quarantine tank, and was just added to my community tank with 1 betta and 2 yoyo loaches and 7 rummynose tetras. he is the only one displaying any illness...
  4. Zak03

    Bichir tankmate ideas.

    Hey guys, I'm trying to help my brother come up with ideas for tankmates for his Dinosaur bichir. He's setting up a 90-gallon fish tank and has a 3" juvenile dinosaur bichir. i was thinking of maybe one Vieja synspila, but he doesn't like how they look. Does anybody have any ideas on who we can...
  5. Zak03

    Confused about Oscar death?

    So, I've had this red oscar for a few months. Since around the beginning of December. This dude was a beast of a fish. He was a juvenile. He has lived through an ich infestation, lived in a tank while it was being cycled, and has outlived two other juvenile tiger Oscars. He's never shown any...
  6. B

    Sponge filter for jardini arowana and oscar tank

    Hello MFK members, ive been fishkeeping for a while now so i think im ready to get a bigger tank, I was planning on starting a 6 foot long 125 gal with a jardini arowana and maybe adding an oscar or two down the road.. my question is would a 2 sponge filters rated for 125 gallons work for the...
  7. Jacob._.merc


    Is this fungus? I have dealt with fungus before but have never had it this severe. I've had this fish for about 5 days and I've been treating him with meds for about 4 with melafix, putting in salt and turning the heat up. Any ideas what to do? Does it go away
  8. Dieboldly

    Hair algae

    I have no idea why I got such a huge spike of hair algae but it’s crazy! My tank has been up for over a year I’d say now. I had hair algae and then it went away. Now it’s back! Along with that pink stuff that went away too. What is going on? How do I kill that hair algae? I purchased a slug...
  9. Jacob._.merc

    African cichlid floating

    I have a dragon blood African cichlid in a 20g for now. I had to move him from a large terror blood parrot. They used to be housed in a 40 gallon but the blood parrot got mean and chased him around. I didn't see what the problem was, the blood parrot clearly has no way of inflicting damage to...
  10. S

    Please help me sex baby jaguar cichlid

    Old pics. I’ll provide more if needed tho
  11. jack jahnke

    24k gold kelberi

    he acts like he wants to eat and he will hit the live gold fish but he doesnt swallow it he has been doing this for about a month he just holds them in his mouth he occasionally swallows one but its like he is having trouble swallowing them. he is also 13 inches long and the gold fish he eats...
  12. Jacob._.merc

    Red (blood?) on bichir

    I noticed recently on my delhezi bichir that he has red marks on his underside. The almost look like cuts. He is housed with 3 other bichirs and 2 catfish. Is this something to stress over or will it heal over time?
  13. Zak03

    Stocking Help

    Alright, so i have a 40 gal tank and i need some stocking ideas. im thinking of doing a cichlid community tank, but im not very versed in different types of cichlids. Basically, what im looking for is a community tank with color, personallity, and movement. (plus, having cleaner fish so that...
  14. Zak03

    I need pleco ideas and advice

    So, I want to get a pleco that will go into a tank with my Oscar Cichlid and sun cats. The fish (Oscar and cats) are small at this point: 2”. But Imma still need a fish that’s going to grow big enough to not be hassled by the other fish. And I would also like the pleco to not be a...
  15. PatrickMW36

    Help with white poop/potential parasite

    I’ve never had this issue in all the years I’ve kept fish and would love some help. Yesterday I noticed white poop I cleaned it out and waited to see if more would come. Today I noticed more. I’ve read other post on this issue but was still unsure of what course of action I need to take. My fish...
  16. KelberiFishLover19

    Accident While Feeding... Should I Treat Him?

    I have a small peacock bass and arowana in a tank who are very aggressive feeders. While feeding, I dropped a piece of tilapia with a pellet inside right in front of the bass. The arowana, on the other side of the tank at the time, shot over and went for the food the same time the bass did. The...
  17. B

    Can someone PLEASE help me figure out whats up with my Silver Arowana?

    so my silver arowana is about 8in long i got him about a week ago and i understand that they are surface dwellers but he has literally been sitting at the surface not even a millimeter under the surface and swimming kinda slowly since yesterday.. is this normal or if not whats wrong with him?
  18. Hybridfish7

    guppies scratching? also plecos in tank, will medications harm them?

    Just wondering why they're doing it. I have a breeding trio of guppies in a 29 gallon and a 20 long. the ones in the 20 long are acting kinda off, but I can't see and parasites or anything on them. Sometimes the females scratch or swim with their fins kinda closed, but that's only occasional...
  19. CassowaryHunter

    Tandanus Catfish Sick!!!

    So this is my Tandanus Catfish, he currently resides in a 4ft Cichlid tank featuring 1 Venustus, 1 Firemouth, 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Tiger Oscar, and 2 marbled peacocks, sun sun canister filter (403b maybe, came second hand), he is getting worse, I know he shouldnts be in this tank with these fish so...
  20. r3dbullxxx

    Diagnose My Tank --- Forced to Foster Fish

    Evening! Long story short...I have become the anxiety-driven foster owner of what I believe is an entire community of Jade Sleeper Gobies. Also know that my family and I have kept & bred the most common freshwater and saltwater fish in tanks up to 200 gallons. We've also kept crayfish, crabs...